
Activities for the general public, high-school and undergraduate students

Aspects of Superconductivity

Delivered an introductory course on superconductivity to undergraduate students in the context of the IFT-Perimeter-SAIFR Journeys into Theoretical Physics. Prepared and corrected one question for the exam towards a special fellowship for a Master degree. ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil.

(16 – 22/Jul/2018) [In English]

  • Unfortunately the video of the first lecture is not available.

Physicists in the School

Visited a public technical high school to deliver an informal talk about what is it like to follow a career in Physics and what are my current research topics. In the context of the program Physicists in the School. ETEC Mandaqui, São Paulo, Brazil. (29/Oct/2018)

Science in Dialog: Physics and Art - Matter and Sculpture

Talk to the general public in collaboration with the artist Laerte Ramos in the context of the series Science in Dialog. The event was held at the Moreira Salles Institute, one of the most modern and centrally located cultural centres in São Paulo, Brazil.

(09/Nov/2018) [In portuguese]

Introduction to Solid State Physics

Mini-course for high school students through the ICTP-SAIFR in São Paulo, Brazil.

(5 and 12/Dec/2020) [In portuguese]

Superconductivity: from models to materials

General Lecture on Condensed Matter Theory and Superconductivity delivered for selected undergraduate students in the context of the Paulo Leal Ferreira Congress, hosted at the Instituto de Física Teórica - UNESP in São Paulo, Brazil.

(25/10/2021) [In portuguese]

Activities associated with gender and diversity in science

SBQMI Career Panel: Equity and Diversity

Participated as a panelist. The event was hosted by the Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute at the University of British Columbia, Canada. (6/Apr/2021)

Grete Hermann Network for Female Researchers in Condensed Matter Physics

I am a volunteer in the network. My participation aims at fostering mentoring and increasing the visibility of female scientists. Germany. (Nov 2019 - Present)

Female Perspectives on Challenges in Physics Studies and Professional Life

Informal get together with students, postdocs, and the staff from the Equal Opportunity Office at the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. (19/Nov/2019)

Panel on Gender in Science

Participated as the local representative in the panel discussion associated with the II South American Dark Matter Workshop at the ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil. (22/Nov/2018)

QSIT Women Networking!

Organized, in collaboration with Chiara Decarolli, informal lunch events for women within the Quantum Science and Technology Network at ETH Zürich, Switzerland. (Oct/2016 – Aug/2018)

Scientific Referee

I am an active referee for the following journals:

Europhysics Letters

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Nature Physics

Nature Communications

NPJ Quantum Materials

Physical Review Letters

Physical Review Research

Physical Review B


Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

I am also the referee for scientific proposals for FAPESP, the São Paulo Science Foundation, Brazil.

Thesis Committees

Johann Schmidt, Topological superconductivity in multiorbital materials Uppsala University, Sweden Advisor: Annica Black-Schaffer (20/Nov/2020)

Organization of Scientific Events

  • 3rd PSI Condensed Matter Summer Camp (08 12/Aug/2022)

One week event for leading scientists at PSI to meet and discuss the fundamental aspects and open questions of current scientific interest.

  • 2nd PSI Condensed Matter Summer Camp (16 – 20/Aug/2021)

One week event with the goal to provide a forum for leading scientists at PSI to meet and discuss the fundamental aspects and open questions of current scientific interest. Contributed with the opening talk in the second day of the event. Due to Covid-19 the event was held online. Website.

  • SCES 2020/2021: International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (20 – 25/Sep/2020)

Participated in the local committee for international conference held in Guaruja, Brazil. Due to Covid-19 the event was held online. Website.

  • Gapless Fermions - from Fermi liquids to strange metals (17 – 28/Feb/2020)

Two-week school for graduate students and postdocs hosted at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany. Organized in collaboration with Subhro Bhattacharjee (International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, India) and Roderich Moessner (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Germany). Website.

  • Condensed Matter Theory in the Metropolis (12 – 13/Nov/2018)

Two-day event which brought together the condensed matter theory community in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area, hosted at the ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil. Organized in collaboration with Alexandre Rocha (IFT-UNESP, Brazil). Website.

  • 8th Condensed Matter Gotham-Metro Meeting (16/Nov/2012)

One-day event for graduate students and postdocs in the New York City area and surroundings. Hosted by the New York Academy of Sciences, New York, USA. Participated in the organizing committee selecting speakers and preparing the program. Website.

  • II-III-IVSEFIS: Physics Week at the Federal University of São Carlos (Aug/2006,2007,2008)

One week of events for undergraduate students in Physics hosted at the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil. Participated in the organizing committee. Selected invited speakers, prepared the program, reached for internal and external funding, and worked with the logistics within the university concerning reservation of space and supporting technology. Current Website.