Our Regular Events

There's so much going on

Rainbow Connections is fortunate to have a number of amazing, dedicated people who give up their time on a regular basis to run events for us If you think you'd like to do this, just send us an email with your phone number and we'll have a chat with you about it, or use the form on the website.
Have a look at what we offer below. Every event is listed on Meetup and you can also contact us via the website to find out more.

A photograph of people attending the coffee and cake event at Coffee Number 1

Coffee and Cake

Monthly - First Saturday @ 2:30pm

Come along and join this hugely popular event in the heart of Birmingham. Boston Tea Party (BTP) on Corporation Street. Join us from 2:30m or join the walk beforehand to end up at the coffee shop

We will be at the back of BTP, so on arrival just head past the till and into the lower seating area (You'll see our brand new banners!) 

A photograph of people attending the drinks event at the loft in the gay village

Mini Meetup: Drinks at Equator

Monthly - First Saturday @ 5pm

Come and join us for a drink! Whether or not you've been at Coffee and Cake it's a great way to spend an evening.

The Drink and Draw Event

Monthly -  First Wednesday @7pm

A new regular event for the group. Time to get creative and enjoy an evening of drawing, chat and a hot/soft/alcoholic beverage. No experience required... this is a fun, relaxed environment! Check Meetup for times and dates

Craft afternoon

Monthly - Second Saturday @ 11am

An event where we can relax and share our skills, knowledge and passion together. Bring any craft you are working on and share a drink etc. in a warm, safe and encouraging environment.

Brum Bi Babs

Monthly - Third Weekend, Friday or Sataurday @8pm

For everyone on the bi and pan spectrum (but you're welcome to bring allies). We usually meet on the 3rd weekend of the month, either on Friday or Saturday nights (check Meetup for details) at the Fox's beer garden for drinks and conversation, then often head somewhere else in the Gay Village for dancing, depending on where people prefer.

Pool and Karaoke Night

Monthly - Fourth Friday @ 7:30pm

Another of our hugely successful, regular events, which has been running for five years. Come on down to The Fox and enjoy an evening of fun, laughter and singing!

LGBT Book Club

Monthly - Mondays (varies) @7pm

Held at The Loft and covers a wide range of books to discuss in the company of other like minded people. If you haven’t read the book, you are still welcome to attend and take part in the discussion of themes etc. Check Meetup for which Monday it is each month