Reports and working papers

Shephard D, Buckner E, Smiley A, and Hatch R. Mapping the ecosystem of education data for internally displaced persons in the Middle East and beyond: Issues, challenges, and recommendations. Washington, DC: USAID. January 2021. [Available at]

Hatch R and Dombrowski E. Disability screening instruments from low- and middle-income countries [policy brief]. Washington, DC: Education Equity Research Initiative. May 2019. [Available at]

Hatch R and Dombrowski E. Disability screening instruments mapping. Washington, DC: Education Equity Research Initiative. May 2019. [Available at]

Anderson K, Kim H, Hegarty S, Henry M, Care E, Hatch R, Kinyanjui J, and Cabrera-Hernández F. Breadth of Learning Opportunities: Technical report. Center for Universal Education, Brookings Institution. June 2018. [Available at]

Omoeva C, Moussa W, and Hatch R. Proposed operationalization of equity measurement. In: Handbook on measuring equity in education. UNESCO Institute for Statistics, FHI 360, Oxford Policy Management, and REAL. March 2018. [Available at]

Hatch R, Omoeva C, Dowd AJ, and Pava C. Measuring equity in education: Review of the global and programmatic data landscape. Washington, DC: Education Equity Research Initiative. 2016. [Available at:]

Omoeva C, Moussa W, and Hatch R. The effects of armed conflict on educational attainment and inequality. New York, New York: UNICEF Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme. 2016. [Available at:]

Omoeva C, Hatch R, Moussa W. Violent conflict and educational inequality literature review. New York, New York: UNICEF Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme. 2016. [Available at:]

Omoeva C, Chaluda A, Moussa W, and Hatch R. Financing education equity: A study of three country cases. New York, New York: The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity. 2016. [Available at:]

Hatch R. Making waves: The rising demand for secondary education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Washington, DC: FHI 360. 2015. [Available at:]

Omoeva C, Hatch R, and Buckner E. Investment in equity and peacebuilding: South Africa case study. New York, New York: UNICEF Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme. 2015. [Available at:]

Omoeva C and Hatch R. Horizontal inequality in education and violent conflict: Literature review. New York, New York: UNICEF Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme. 2015. [Available at:]

Omoeva C, Hatch R, and Sylla B. Teenage, married, and out of school: Effects of early marriage and childbirth on school dropout. Washington, DC: FHI 360. 2014. [Available at:]

Omoeva C, Sylla B, Hatch R, and Gale C. Out of school children: Data challenges in measuring access to education. Washington, DC: FHI 360. 2013. [Available at:]