HQ Information and Communications
What We Do
The function of Headquarters is to coordinate and track the race. We send out all the route updates, warnings, and cautions and coordinate with law enforcement and any other issues that might arise. We are available to help if anything unexpected happens along the way. Part of our job has to do with tracking time station check-ins, warnings, and penalties. We track you all the way to the finish of your race. The HQ manager is an official and can issue penalties. During the race, we operate 7/24, but please contact us in the middle of the night mainly for emergencies and route issues (like the route is blocked), and route clarifications or problems. Issues with TS check-ins, if your rider is taking a long break and other housekeeping events can and should be direct messaged to us.
There are several ways to contact us. You can message us in Discord (which is preferable for everyday things), text us or call us using Discord, WhatsApp or regular phone. Texting should be done for non-serious situations and you cannot always expect an immediate reply, especially in the middle of the night. All messages/texts must be accompanied by the official rider number. Be sure that you include any letters ahead of the rider number. R234, T234, and 234 are all different riders/teams. The letter R or T must be included if you are a team or riding RAW.
This year we are using a communication platform called Discord. Please make sure that at least 2 or 3 people on your crew have Discord set up and notifications on. All notifications and links to route changes will go out on Discord.
Important - HQ will push out important notifications, including notice of route changes via Discord. If you do not sign up for this service and do not get the message, there will be zero dispensation for getting off route and losing time. It is your responsibility to have crews signed up for Discord and, if you want a backup, for the WhatsApp Community listed below.
Remember, Discord is the official method of contacting HQ and for information to flow to you from HQ. You can direct message or call any active HQ admin simply by right-clicking our names in the upper right corner of the Discord window.
Please watch this video to get a solid idea about how communications will take place this year. If you have questions please let us know.
Crew Chiefs - Please have everyone that you would like to be on the HQ contact list fill out this brief form. Should we need to reach your crew at any point during the race by phone, this is the list we will use. Please be sure we have more than one number to reach you at.
Please get your Discord account set up and join us using this invite. Discord will be continuously monitored - you can message us, call us or video chat us from Discord. Please set up notifications and adjust to your comfort level.
Getting Discord
To get Discord, go to Discord.com and download it so you can set up your account. Discord is completely free. You do not need the Nitro version. It is available on computers - Mac and Windows - and most mobile devices. Simply check the App Store for your device.
Here are a few web resources to help you set up your Discord:
This is your Discord invite link to the server. If you have not set up your account, you will be prompted to do so when you click this link. Please only Crew, Riders, Officials, and others directly affiliated with the race should add themselves to our Discord RAAM/RAW server.
Click here to join us: Discord Server Invitation: https://discord.gg/u9rtxVcHQT
Once you join the server, you will get a welcome message and you need to register your name which means telling us what race you are a part of and what rider/team you are associated with. Once we know this we will assign you a role which will give you access to things that you need access to. Remember, we need your team/rider number and any letters associated with it. If you are part of RAW you will put an R in front of the number. If you are a RAAM 2, 4, or 8 person team, you will but a T in front of the the number. Only RAAM solo riders have no letter in front of the number.
NOTE: Even if you are a returning crew or rider, you still need to do the Name Registration so we know which rider/team you are associated with.
Discord for Beginners
Discord Mobile App
WhatsApp Community, Phone Numbers, and Email
We have a RAAM/RAW WhatsApp Community. This will supplement notifications in Discord. It does not replace Discord. It is in addition to. We will send out announcements that are timely in nature. However, please always check Discord for full details and for links to route changes. Discord is always monitored, but the WhatsApp community is not. You can download WhatsApp from your phone's App Store.
WhatsApp Invite link is https://chat.whatsapp.com/HRNhKgGbRB14TxkZL29P3k - once you join the community, please join the group that makes sense for you. You will have a choice or RAAM or RAW. If you leave the race or finish the race, you can simply leave the community so you no longer get notifications.
This community is only to receive announcements. You cannot post in it. There are just too many of you for use to moderate it.
WhatsApp texting and calling from international numbers is available at 1 520 222-6806, or +51 910 577 674, or +51-921-299-349 (Spanish available on this line).
NOTE - WhatsApp and Discord use cellular data and wifi to operate. There is no charge to call or message using these services unless you have a data plan that charges. You will not get charged for an international or roaming call if you go through these services.
You can send HQ messages directly on Discord.
The HQ Phone Number is (520) 222-6806, (520) 800-4006, (520) 497-2445 or (520) 333-7603 (these lines will accept text messages but do not expect immediate responses to texts)
HQ Email is RAAMHQ@gmail.com - If you have documentation to submit, this is the email you use.
You must CALL HQ if:
There is an accident - if an accident occurs, please first take care of the situation, the rider, and the crew, and then call HQ. Call emergency services if the situation requires it. In the US, the number to call to reach emergency help such as the police, fire department, or an ambulance is 911.
The route is blocked, impassible, or you are forced to deviate, and you have not received a route update about it. If you come to one of these situations then you should call us immediately. Known issues will go out in route updates and text messages. When you get an update or caution, proceed in those areas as instructed. You only need to report unknown issues.
You have an encounter with law enforcement (examples: police, tribal police, sheriff, highway patrols).
In the US, you must stop if you witness an accident. It is the law. You should call HQ if this happens to you.
You need to change vehicles - as in you are permanently replacing a vehicle or if you are going to request to use an RV temporarily.
Your tracking device is lost or not working
If you are leaving the race completely (DNF).
Any other issue that you deem serious
Rule clarification should come through Discord as a direct message if possible, as we will often need to route those to the lead official.