Welcome to the Headquarters (HQ) website for RAAM and RAW 2023!  This site contains links to route changes, updates, cautions, and other information that you will need on the route.  It is continuously updated to include all route information as the route evolves. All route changes and announcements will be easily accessible here throughout the race.  

This site should alse be read over so you understand some of the basic route issues you will be facing as you cross the United States or ride to Durango. It is important that you know this information before entering the route. 

This site also tells you how to do your TimeStation Check Ins and gives you information on the tracking devices. 

Finally, be sure you are signed into Discord and our WhatsApp Community as these will push out notifications. Always be connected. Assign people to watch for changes and to keep up with notifications often.  It is the crew's responsibility to watch for notifications and to check for changes. The only time HQ will call you directly with an update is if you are going to be impacted by a situation immediately or we find you off route and cannot reach you on Discord.  Other than that, it is expected that teams check for updates regularly. 

Things you need to do before the race starts - 

On the navigation bar, which you can locate by clicking on the three lines in the upper top left corner of this site, you will find links to the following: