Time Station Check-In Info

You must check into each timestation this year by logging into the Check-In system. When you log in, the system will capture the time you logged in and it will record that time as your official TS arrival time. There is a video on the Home page that shows the process.

Here are the rules:

  • You cannot use the Time Station (TS) check-in system until after Headquarters officially enters your start time in Oceanside. Until that time, you can see the system, but you cannot access it.
  • Checking in requires you to have internet access. You can check in using any device with internet access such as a smartphone, iPad, tablet, or computer. You will need a data plan, and you can take advantage of the free hotspots across the country.
  • Identify who will be doing TS Check-Ins. Only one person should be doing this to eliminate accidental repeat check-ins which HQ will need to adjust. There is a form you will need to fill out to request a change. It would be best if you had few to no double check-ins. Riders or Teams that have an excessive number of duplicate check-ins will receive a penalty.
  • To check into the system, you need to go to https://www.raceacrossamerica.org/raamors/entry/tsdatax.php and log in using your rider account Login and Password.
  • Always check to be sure that you are logging in for the right TS. If you skipped a TS, then check in for the one you missed and then again for the one you are at by hitting the ADD button twice. While your average rate of speed will be off between the two time stations, your overall average will be fine. You can call HQ, but chances are we will notice and adjust your check-in accordingly based on your tracking device.
  • If you absolutely cannot get logged in, then you may text/call HQ, and we will take care of the check-in, but again, we do not expect you to do this on a regular basis. I will issue a penalty if your texts for check-ins become excessive.
  • If a check-in is done late (2 hours or more), and you need to get it fixed, then you can fill out the form below. However, again, your overall average speed will be corrected on the next check-in, so unless it is critical, you are fine letting it go and then just checking in as usual at the next station.
  • There are no confirmation codes or calls necessary if you identify who does the checking in and do so near every TS.

Use this form to do Timestation Entry/Change Requests - these requests will be batch processed and may take up to 24 hours.