
Kirrily Schell is quietly studying.

Welcome. This site is set up by student Kirrily Schell to document progress throughout the duration of her studies in Information Management at RMIT, beginning with the Digital Information Environment course.

The aim is to create a digital portfolio to showcase her learning accomplishments, skills development, and specialties.


I have chosen to study information management as I am looking to add to, direct and build upon my professional skills and career. I am interested in Libraries, Museums and any organisations that specialise in film, sound, images, games, art, new media, comics, and illustration.

Interests and experience

I have worked in animation, illustration, taught at various Uni's and have also worked in some remote communities in NT and FNQ. I love to draw, and have previously worked as a musician and artist, and I also create comics every now and again.

See links at the bottom of the page for my online content.


Bachelor Fine Arts, Graphic Investigation with Hons at ANU Canberra School of Art

Post graduate studies (MA) in Animation and Interactive Media at RMIT