Wk 1: intro

Post date: Aug 11, 2016 1:51:56 AM

Introduction to the quietly blog

Welcome to me, as I suspect I will be the only one here for most of the time.

Here I start a study blog, I may revert to my old one. Here I will take notes and expand on thoughts, explorations, studies and anything I care to link to regarding the course I am doing online.

It will start messy but become tidied as I go.

Today's blog

Today I have realised that despite being completely inspired by actually engaging in study, and also being inspired by the content so far, plus being ensconced in my work during study times, I have found that after a bit of a break (years) from being at my, or working at my desk, being online can have a myriad of distractions. We all know this. I thought I had a technique to help me work efficiently and to focus 100% - though I have found that the social media component of my studies has at times led me into a haze of internet exploration and dithery browsing.

Maybe this is just a place for catharsis.

Actually, for assessment I am to keep note of my learning and engagement in the course content and I can't stand recording things onto my new website, started for the course and assignment. Twitter is working nicely - though I often can't expand on all of the things going on in my mind as I go. Just quietly (had to do it), there have actually been quite a few epiphanies - funnily enough. Must catch them, and put them down.


Who I am

I have worked in animation, illustration, taught at various Uni's and have also worked in some remote communities in NT and FNQ. I love to draw, and have previously been a musician and artist. Those things are still around, just not at the forefront. That's it. That's who I am. In a nutshell.

My website inkwinks showcases some of my creative work.

Here is my other blog that focusses/ed largely on animation and was set up initially as my research blog in 2004.

What I am currently doing

Information Management at RMIT

Currently studying The Digital Information Environment course online.