Our History

We were founded in the Spring of 2023 through the joining of two main concerns regarding the theatre community at Queen's. The first was that, following the Covid-19 pandemic, Queen's lost a majority of its theatre companies and therefore lacked an outlet for students to engage with published non-musical texts outside of one non-musical Major production every year. The second was that, while plays are meant to be seen and performed, the DAN school's drama program did not have much opportunity to engage directly with the studied texts. Reading scripts and watching filmed performances does not compare with the magic of live performance.

With the merging of these ideas, we created Queen's Theatre Troupe to fill a void that the pandemic had left in our community.
As a student organization, our members are still learning, and as time goes on we hope that our history can grow and change alongside our members as we discover and engage with new theatre. We hope you will come along with us on this journey.

Who We Are

The five people you see pictured below are our founders, and the first board. The group shared a common passion for theatre, and fuelled by that passion they worked tirelessly to make their dream a reality and in just one year they produced two productions through the club.
They could not have done it without the unbelievable support of the almost 50 people who joined the Troupe that year to help create those two shows, and from the numerous community organizations, professors, and committees who fostered the club's growth.

Aiden Robert Bruce

Troupe Manager

Noah Solomon

Artistic Director

Elsa McKnight

Board Manager

Victoria J Marmulak

Human Resources Director

Katelyn Luoma

Public Relations Coordinator

Our Logo

This logo was made in the combined efforts of an early board meeting. While trying to decide how to represent the club, a carriage was suggested in the spirit of old travelling theatre troupes who would draw along a carriage in their caravans spreading their art from town to town for if they were to remain in one place, the laws deemed them vagabonds and in violation of the law. This is an interesting part of theatre's history, and we looked to embrace it. Shortly after that idea was suggested, there were some lacklustre doodles and from one of those doodles, Noah Solomon made the logo pictured all over this website.Â