Welcome to 

Quantum Auxilia Leo Club

On the joyous afternoon of October 7th, 2018, we, the Quantum Auxilia Leo Club, were able to have our New Members' Induction Ceremony, with a stunning turnout of nearly 120 people! It's a precious memory that we will cherish for life and a privilege that we wouldn't have received if not for everyone’s support.

Thank you, Lion District 1st Vice President Lion Helen, 2nd Vice President Lion Fanny, and Leo District President Leo Dina; we are really empowered by your inspirational speech and words of encouragement! Thank you past district governors, district officers, and other Lions and Leos, for showing us support! We truly feel as if we are now part of a really huge but incredibly loving international family! We will look up to all of you as great examples of what a true Lion should be.

Thank you, special guests Mr. Ken Lo and Principal Xiaodong Feng for driving 2 hours to come to talk to us about the Entrepreneur Competition, and educate us about Medical School. You have broadened our vision and opened up new opportunities for us!

Thank you, our sponsor Lion Cindy, president of the San Mateo Metro Lions for helping us in numerous ways and giving us tremendous support from day one! Thank you, our Leo Advisor Nina Tang for teaching us, guiding us, and also working tirelessly for several weeks planning the event and attending to every detail. We want to also thank our families and other volunteers for all of your help today. You are the heroes behind the scenes! Our ceremony would not have been able to run so smoothly without all of you! 

Last but not least, we want to thank all the guests for having taken precious time out of your day to attend our ceremony. The other leo members and I are extremely grateful to all of you for being here with us today, and hope that you have enjoyed yourselves as much as we did. 

As some may know, our club name, Quantum Auxilia, means “helping hands” in Latin, and already, countless members have been such. In just a few short weeks after the club was formed, they have displayed a wonderful will and eagerness to help, making numerous people’s lives easier. I have no doubt that in the future, Quantum Auxilia will continue to live up to its name, assisting those who require aid through our devoted and good hearted members. With the guidance and support from all of you, we will be able to go very far and touch many people’s lives! 


Thank you again for coming!

Angela Li

Charter President

Quantum Auxilia Leo Club