Dropbox and junction

So you have Dropbox, and a workflow folder that is shared with other users. Let's say that folder is


You'd really like to have that folder located where your other workflow folders are located, something like


Here is how you do it:

1. get and install junction

2. run these commands from the shell

        C:\> cd c:\work
        C:\WORK> junction c:\work\Pomodoro "c:\users\rich\dropbox\work\Pomodoro"

or from the xplorer2 address bar:

> junction c:\work\Pomodoro "c:\users\rich\dropbox\work\Pomodoro"

From now on, any* Windows operation that references "c:\work\pomodoro" will actually direct to "c:\users\rich\dropbox\work\pomodoro"

* Warning:

If you use xplorer2, know that this program does not respect junctions. So if you do a file search in c:\work through all subfolders for a file matching or containing a particular string, it will not actually search the Pomodoro folder. So you have to do your search from "c:\users\rich\dropbox\work" or wherever.