Use "net use" to identify network drives

Note: a better option is to use the Stata command "wfenv" (see here)

Why? Because shell commands won't run from Stata if the current working directory is a network drive!

* at the top of the
cd c:\ // make sure on a local drive before running shell commands
!net use o: /delete
!net use o: "\\Research-srv01\Research-Shared\rscommon\ABCdata\Work"
global datafolder       "o:\MADRC\POSTED\DATA\SOURCE"
global derivedfolder    "o:\MADRC\POSTED\DATA\DERIVED"
global workfolder       "o:\MADRC\WORK"
global wf               "o:\MADRC\POSTED\ANALYSIS\outcomes"
* at the end of the master release the link to o:
!net use o: /delete