Configure Textpad for Stata12

Directions adapted from:

1. Download version4 of rundo.au3, rundolines.au3 (released 14 August 2011) from

2. Configure them in the same way the old rundo/rundolines are configured (Click here). Remember the global $dofile.

3. Change $statapath, $statawin. I also changed the *.ini's name to *12.ini so I can keep the older rundo/rundolines files.

4. Compile the .au3's into .exe's either by right-clicking and compiling or navigating to AutoIt in Start-Programs.

5. Open Textpad.

6. In Textpad, Configure - Preferences - Document class - Tools. Add rundo12, rundolines12 to your tools with the same parameters as their older analogs (see here).

7. In Textpad, Configure - New document class - and enter Stata12MP as a document class with the same parameters as your old Stata11 or Stata10 (see here).