How to increase your LaTeX Memory

LaTeX had trouble generating a codebook for the large analytic file in SAGES by giving a memory error: "If you really absolutely need more capacity, you can ask a wizard to enlarge me..."

Here is how:

1. Find the file texmf.cnf on your machine. Mine is here.

C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\doc\generic\pgf\text-en

2. Make a copy of the file before editing it. Open the file. Add zeros to the number following "main_memory." In fact, increase sizes for whatever you want in here.

Like this

main_memory.hugetex = 2140000000%

* Note. Do not add too many 0's, or else LaTeX cannot compile any tex file due to lack of virtual memory.

3. Save texmf.cnf, and compile the .tex document.

Helpful websites

Google: "Ask a wizard to enlarge Latex memory"