Welcome to the Quantum Semiconductors Lab!

We study low-dimensional materials, semiconductors, and quantum-related technologies designed to transform modern computing systems.

About Us

We are a multidisciplinary research team addressing the growing demand for low-power, high-performance computing devices and platforms. Our research focuses on quantum low-dimensional materials, heterostructures, and More/Beyond Moore devices, while integrating artificial intelligence and quantum technologies. We aim to present groundbreaking opportunities for creating innovative materials and device functionalities that take advantage of advanced designs for quantum materials at the atomic scale.

The Quantum Semiconductors Lab is located at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) and is affiliated with the Center for 2D Quantum Heterostructure (2DQH) of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), a Korean government-funded research institute specializing in fundamental and pure basic research in science.

Key research topics (including but not limited to):

Vacancies for Postdocs and Graduate Students Available. 

If interested, please contact Prof. Seunguk Song (seunguk@skku.edu).

    The selected candidate will have the opportunity to work in a cutting-edge research environment at the Institute of Basic Sciences (IBS), equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. We offer a competitive salary or annual stipend that aligns with the candidate's experience and accomplishments, along with: (1)  Full tuition coverage through our scholarship program and the living stipend (2) Opportunities for overseas research fellowships at renowned institutions (3) Incentives for publishing high-impact papers (4) Support for attending both domestic and international conferences and other academic events

저차원 반도체 소재/소자, 양자 기술 개발에 관심있는 학부생, 대학원생, 및 박사후연구원을 모집합니다.
관심있으신 분은 송승욱 교수에게 이메일 (seunguk@skku.edu) 보내주세요.

합격자는 기초과학연구원(IBS)의 최첨단 장비가 가득한 연구 환경에서 일할 수 있는 기회를 얻게 됩니다. 또한 경험과 업적에 상응하는 경쟁력 있는 급여/연봉이 제공됩니다.

- 장학제도를 통한 등록금 전액 지원 및 국내 최고 수준 생활비 지원

- 해외공동연구 연수지원: 미국 MIT, 하버드, 유펜, 영국 케임브릿지, 옥스퍼드 등

- 국내 최고 수준의 논문 출판에 따른 인센티브

- 국내 외 학회 참여 지원 등