
Protect yourself against scams and entities with a shady reputation.

Blacklist statistics. Review the number of blacklisted entities.

Blacklist search. Tap a button to search for nearby entities (businesses, locations etc.) in the enabled blacklists. Alternatively, browse the blacklists and search an entity by name, before you enter into any dealing, transaction or investment.

Verification wizard. Run through a guided analysis process based on situational observations to see if you are possibly targeted by a known type of scam. Read the advice and learn the appropriate response if you may be affected.

Stay informed and stay safe. Read the latest news about types of scams happening recently in Singapore.



  • ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: To get current geo-location for searching nearby blacklisted entities.
  • ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION: To get current geo-location for searching nearby blacklisted entities.
  • ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: To get network connection information when loading map and recent news updates.