We are looking to expand the managing committee.

We are looking to expand the network and find two (or more) people willing to help with a promotions and a communications role. The job descriptions for both are available below. If you are interested drop us an email at qpapinfo@gmail.com

To apply, simply email us indicating which role you are interested in and a short cover letter of why you would like the role and any relevant expertise you can bring to the development of QPaP. As we grow the network we will be expanding opportunities to help us develop our membership and activity.

Job Title: QPaP Promotions Officer

Job Description:

The QPAP Promotions Officer are responsible for developing and implementing effective promotional strategies to increase the visibility and impact of QPaP’s monthly seminar series and promote engagement and membership with the network.

The primary objective of this role is to help raise the profile of QPaP across the social sciences and economics, primarily targeting academic audiences as well as key policy makers and appropriate organisations.


Job Title: QPaP Communications Officer

Job Description:

The QPaP Communications Officer is responsible for managing and implementing the internal and external communications strategies of a research group. The primary objective of this role is to ensure that QPaP communicates effectively with its members, research community and wider stakeholders (including industry partners, funding bodies, and the wider public).
