About Quantitative Marketing...

Quantitative marketing is the study of analyzing the behavior of complex and diversified consumers through a scientific approach. The core competence of quantitative marketing is its adaptability. Scholars adopt technological developments and incorporate theories from various fields. Recently, with the advent of the 4th industrial revolution accompanied by AI technology, a new market such as metaverse has been created. This raises the need to analyze new technologies and diversified consumers' needs. Therefore, quantitative marketing is evolving from traditional marketing theories to market and consumer analysis regarding new technologies including AI.

Also, quantitative marketing enjoy technological advances in developing their analytical methods. We are moving away from the era when datasets are collected from scanners and surveys. The data exists everywhere in all kinds of format. Image, sound, text are all available datasets containing marketing aspects. New technology enables scholars to reveal new dimensions in the datasets. Quantitative marketing has moved beyond traditional analytical technique like regression and Bayesian analysis, and introduced state-of-the-art analytical techniques such as AI and machine learning to handle more diverse forms and vast amounts of data.

We seek...

Q-Marketing Lab emphasizes the empirical analysis of applied problems relevant to marketing and business. The primary research interest is in the application of rigorous quantitative methods to research managerially significant marketing questions.

  • Using econometrics, statistical methods, and big-data analytics to explain consumer choices / behavior and provide firms with tools to understand customers and the market. We embrace a wide variety of industries, including social media, entertainment (movies, TV, music, games), and food.

  • Investigating the potential impact of new technology and ICT trends in the marketplace, such as artificial intelligence and metaverse.