But what do they think?

Our reporter recently visited a popular tourist destination of Cirith Ungol and stumbled on two orcs. Our first victim of interrogation is Gorbag, an orc leader from Minas Morgul and the other one is Shagrat the commander of the garrison of Cirith Ungol. We were curious to see what they thought of their nasty little bossesses. Here's what they had to say:

Ay, even the Biggest, can make mistakes. Something nearly slipped. I say, something has slipped. And we’ve got to look out. Always the poor Uruks to put slips right, and small thanks.' - said Shagrat

We've heard that there is an AirEagles equivalent in Mordor, the Nazgûl, what do you think of their services?

‘The messages go through quicker than anything could fly, as a rule. But I don’t enquire how it’s done. Safest not to. Grr! Those Nazgûl give me the creeps. And they skin the body off you as soon as look at you, and leave you all cold in the dark on the other side. But He likes ’em; they’re His favourites nowadays, so it’s no use grumbling. I tell you, it’s no game serving down in the city.’ - said Gorbag

How do you feel about working with Her Ladyship - Shelob and her little sneak?

‘We don’t want Shelob on us.’ I don’t interfere when she’s playing. Nothing gets by Shelob when she’s on the hunt.’ ‘Her Sneak? What’s that?’ - said Gorbag

'Little thin black fellow; like a spider himself, or perhaps more like a starved frog. He’s been here before. Came out of Lugbúrz the first time, years ago, and we had word from High Up to let him pass. He’s been up the Stairs once or twice since then, but we’ve left him alone: seems to have some understanding with Her Ladyship.' - said Shagrat

So, if you were given a few days off from your bossesses, what would you do?

‘I’d like to try somewhere where there’s none of ’em. But the war’s on now, and when that’s over things may be easier.’ ‘It’s going well, they say.’ - said Shagrat

‘We’ll see. But anyway, if it does go well, there should be a lot more room. What d’you say? – if we get a chance, you and me’ll slip off and set up somewhere on our own with a few trusty lads, somewhere where there’s good loot nice and handy, and no big bosses.’ - said Gorbag

‘Come on now! We’ve talked enough. Let’s go and have a look at the prisoner!’ - yelled Shagrat

If Shagrat and Gorbag run off "someplace nice", keep an eye out! There will be job interviews in Minas Morgul, prepare for the dreadful eye of Nazgûl!