Is Manwë the Lord of chickens?

Manwë Sulimo - Highking of the Ainur and all Arda. Above all compassionate to all of the first children of Ilúvatar and beloved by all. He is said to be dearest to Ilúvatar and understands most clearly his purposes, but does he truly comprehend the meaning of the chicken?

"All swift birds, strong of wing, he loves, and they come and go at his bidding." - Valaquenta

Melkor the great Lord of the Dark, the greatest of the Valar, brother of Manwë and our favorite evil overlord. Also had a hand in creation of the mighty chicken. For it is known that the great chicken is a noble descendant of the red or grey Jungle Fowl (and Glauron himself!).

"Chickens may occasionally gang up on a weak or inexperienced predator. A group of hens have been recorded in attacking a hawk that had entered their coop." - Wikipedia (the great library of knowledge in Rivendell)

From this quote we may deduct that the mighty chicken still has some traits of its predecessors the dragons. Yet it seems that until recently they have been flying under the radar. They may not seem terribly beautiful yet they seem to have the skills and the wrath of Thorondor. Here is a quote by the Highking himself of the subject:

"The Eagles are a dangerous 'machine'. I have used them sparingly, and that is the absolute limit of their credibility or usefulness." - Manwë

So then we would like to start an open conversation with all those who dwell in Valinar whether or not are these chickens nasty spies of Morgoth or are they faithful servants of Manwë? It is our belief that he is the Lord of chickens for he takes pity on all creatures who are willing to repent and turn to light. Besides he is the Lord of all good creatures that fly including the famous airline the AirEagles.