Research and Projects

Student Research Affiliates 

Rachael Lanning

Rachael is an anthropology and history student, with an interest in public and historical archaeology. She conducted research with fellow USC student, Eva Leasure, on artifacts from the African American sharecropping settlement at Sesquicentennial State Park. Their work was presented at the Archeological Society of South Carolina’s Fall Field Day in 2023. Rachael is particularly interested in Civil War era medicine and hopes to go into museum work after school. 

Eva Leasure 

Eva is a double major in history and anthropology with a minor in Southern studies at USC. She has been participating in researching artifacts from the former African American sharecropping settlement in Sesquicentennial Park with fellow student Rachael Lanning. Their research was displayed at the Sesqui exhibit at the Fall Field Day of the Archaeological Society of South Carolina. 

Lesson Plans

Archaeologists, Dr. Kelly Goldberg and Stacey Young, advised eight K-12 educators from around South Carolina in creating lesson plans centered on African American history. This project was made possible through an African American Instructional Materials Grant from the SC Department of Education. Several archaeological sites of significant African American history, such as Boone Hall and Rose Hill Plantation, inspired the lesson plans. The educators participated in USC's field school at Sesquicentennial State Park in the summer of 2023, led by Dr. Goldberg, to learn archaeological methods in preparation for the lesson plans. 

More lessons to be announced. 

Economy and the Environment Thematic Lesson Plan.pdf

Lesson Plan created by Amy Kortheucer

This plan focuses on the Environmental Impact of the Economy in Antebellum South Carolina. This lesson incorporates the history of Dave Drake, an enslaved individual from Edgefield, SC, famous for making and inscribing pots with his name and lines of poetry and proverbs. 

Lesson Plan created by Jermaine Rogers

This plan focuses on the history of brickmaking, specifically in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. It incorporates the history of Horlbeck Brickyard Plantation, a section of Boone Hall Plantation. Through this lesson, students will also be introduced to several archaeological methods.

Middle School AAHIMG lessons #6.pdf