Magdaly Saint-Juste - Principal
Laura Alicea - Assistant Principal
Bridget O'Dea - Instructional Coach
Tatiana Arboleda - School Secretary
Andrea Kelly - Parent Coordinator
Email: akelly8@schools.nyc.gov
Cell: (347) 563-4204
Principal's Message, Spring 2023
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope you had a wonderful spring break, and that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. We look forward to seeing all of you back at school on April 17, 2023!
At PS 51Q, we strongly believe in the school-home partnership. Please reach out with any questions or concerns you may have. Our collaboration is crucial to our learners’ academic, social, and emotional growth.
Best wishes for the remainder of the school year at P. S. 51Q, where “Little Seeds Grow Into Great Trees”!
Magdaly Saint-Juste, Principal
About Us
After the Civil War Richmond Hill was developed on forest and farmland and it is one of the city's first planned communities. It was developed by Albon Platt Mann, a Manhattan lawyer. The Victorian era saw the construction of Queen Anne-style mansions, which were purchased by crowded residents of Manhattan and Brooklyn. The opening of the Brooklyn Bridge in 1883 brought expansion and increased traffic. Soon, newspapers began to highlight the qualities of our many parks, lush lawns, tasteful homes, and proud residents in the area.
As the area further developed, schools were needed for the children. The original P. S. 51Q, which was named the Johnson Avenue Elementary School, was built in 1903. It initially served an an elementary school and later as an annex to Richmond Hill High School. That building was eventually demolished. Our current school building was completed in 1999. It currently serves just under 200 students, predominately from Richmond Hill and Kew Gardens, in grades Pre-K, Kindergarten and One. Students then proceed to P. S. 56Q for grades 2 through 5.
Our school is a microcosm of the community it serves. Our families mainly come from Central and South America, India, the United States, Yemen, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Russia, Ukraine, China and Korea. We value and celebrate all cultures, and learn from each other.
Vision Statement
We are working towards a vision where education at PS 51Q leads our learners to master the Next Generation Learning Standards in foundational skills that will put them on a pathway of college readiness and personal success.
Mission Statement
P.S. 51Q strives to create opportunities for all students to acquire grade-level NGLS-based academic skills and social emotional skills in a nurturing and culturally responsive environment. Our school commits to providing equity and excellence in education by developing a community of diverse lifelong learners and critical thinkers who understand how to use their voices to positively impact society.
Overview, School Quality & Reports
Calendar of Events
September 8, 2023 - School Reopens
Administrative Team
Magdaly Saint-Juste, Principal msaintj@schools.nyc.gov
Laura Alicea lalicea8@schools.nyc.gov
Bridget Odea, Instructional Coach bodea2@schools.nyc.gov
Arboleda Tatiana, School Secretary tarboleda@schools.nyc.gov
Andrea Kelly, Parent Coordinator akelly8@schools.nyc.gov
School Nurse
Happiness Acharaike, School Nurse hacharaike@health.nyc.gov
School Based Support Team
Doreen Germosen, Social Worker dgermosen@schools.nyc.gov
Diana Lamagna, Psychologist dlamagna@schools.nyc.gov
Paula Jackson, Family Worker pjackson7@schools.nyc.gov
Teaching Staff
Sandra Boodoo, Paraprofessional sboodoo2@schools.nyc.gov
James Bucicchia, Physical Education Teacher jbucicchia@schools.nyc.gov
Lauren Cammarato, Teacher lcammarato@schools.nyc.gov
Tania Castillo, Teacher tcastillo5@schools.nyc.gov
Zhanneta Fuzaylova, Teacher zfzaylova2@schools.nyc.gov
Lori Gandelman, Teacher/UFT Representative lgandel@schools.nyc.gov
Hope Komal, Teacher hkomal@schools.nyc.gov
Balbir Kaur, Paraprofessional bkaur2@schools.nyc.gov
Ana Liriano, Paraprofessional aliriano2@schools.nyc.gov
Chari Meisel, Teacher cmeisel@schools.nyc.gov
Margaret Smith, Teacher msmith34@schools.nyc.gov
Toomer Ann-marie, Teacher atoomer@schools.nyc.gov
Danielle Trapasso, Teacher dtrapasso2@schools.nyc.gov
Demetra Tripotseris, Teacher dtripotseris@schools.nyc.gov
Worrell Erica, Teacher eworrell2@schools.nyc.gov
Maggie Yau, Visual Arts Teacher myau3@schools.nyc.gov
Young Lynne, Teacher lyoung15@schools.nyc.gov
Guidance and Therapists
Jan Dee Mcdougal, Guidance Counselor jmdougal@schools.nyc.gov
Laurie Mullodzhanov, Speech Therapist lmullodzhanov@schools.nyc.gov
Dora Alvarez, Speech Therapist (Spanish) dalvarez21@schools.nyc.gov
Glenda Nabua-Bria, Physical Therapist gnabuabria@schools.nyc.gov
Talya Nof, Occupational Therapist tnof@schools.nyc.gov
Alicia Rojas, Socail Worker arojas5@schools.nyc.gov
School Aides
Tammy Adams tadams17@schools.nyc.gov
Rosanne Antz rantz@schools.nyc.gov
Leonora Cerckia lcerkia@schools.nyc.gov
Custodial Department
Amin Quanungo, Custodial Engineer
Russell Como, Custodial Worker
Hulaschand Rampersaud, Custodial Worker
DIstrict 27 office of the superintendent
Congratulations to Mr. David Norment who is the Superintendent of District 27, effective July 1, 2022!
The website for District 27 can be found at: https://www.district27nyc.org/ Be sure to view the calendar for future family empowerment workshops and other events.
Main Office
82-01 Rockaway Boulevard, Suite 201,
Ozone Park, NY 11416
Telephone: (718) 642-5770
Fax: (718) 348-2994
By Appointment Only: District27@schools.nyc.gov or
Rockaway Family Empowerment Center
By Appointment Only: District27@schools.nyc.gov
Telephone: (718) 642-5770
Fax: (718) 348-2994