Organizers & Sponsors

Cordial thanks to the sponsors and funding agencies!

Permanent organizing committee

Slawomir Wacewicz (Copernicus University, Poland), Przemyslaw Zywiczynski (Copernicus University, Poland), Francesco Ferretti (Roma 3 University, Italy), Nathalie Gontier (University of Lisbon, Portugal), Luke McCrohon (University of Tokyo, Japan), Natalie Uomini (Max Planck Institute Jena, Germany), Sverker Johansson (Dalarna University, Sweden), Sylwester Orzechowski (Wroclaw University, Poland), Ines Adornetti (Roma 3 University, Italy), Olga Vasileva (Simon Fraser University, Canada)

Local Organizers

Ana Vilar Bravo, Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon

Ana Margarida da Silva Martins, FCiências.ID - Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências

Ana Tavares, FCiências.ID - Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências

António Alexandre, PCRG - Primate Cognition Research Group, Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon

António J. Santos, WJCR - William James Centre for Research, ISPA - University Institute of Psychological, Social and Life Sciences

Augusta Gaspar, CRC-W - Católica Research Centre for Psychological, Family and Social Wellbeing (CRC-W), Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Evelina Daniela Rodrigues, WJCR - William James Centre for Research, ISPA - University Institute of Psychological, Social and Life Sciences; PCRG - Primate Cognition Research Group, Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon

Luís Tirapicos, Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia; Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Arqueológica

Margarida Lima, FCiências.ID - Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências

Nathalie Gontier, Applied Evolutionary Epistemology Lab, Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon

Nuno Ribeiro, Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Arqueológica

Sponsors & Funding Agencies

Protolang 6 is made possible through the institutional, financial, and extended support given by the following research centers, universities and funding bodies.

Language Origin Society


We are greatly indebted to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation for hosting our event, and we want to give special thanks to Isabel Mota, Cristina Monteiro, Cristina Patrício, Luísa Palha, Maria Eugénia Martinez, Paulo Madruga, and Rui Esgaio as well as the many members of the technical staff, catering, and cleaning. We warmly thank the FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and in particular its members of the FACC program for Conference Support.

We cordially thank Roslyn Frank and Fabio Silva from the European Society for Astronomy in Culture (SEAC) as well as Isabel Carvalho from the Fundação Oriente, Museu, and the Official Center for Tourism of the City of Lisbon. From the Faculty of Science from the University of Lisbon, we kindly acknowledge the support given by the Center for Philosophy of Science and we in particular want to thank João Luís Cordovil, António Zilhão, and Ana Vilar Bravo, as well as Ana Tavares, Ana Margarida da Silva Martins and Margarida Lima, from FCiências.ID: The Association for the Investigation and Development of the Sciences. And we are indebted to Springer Nature and the Book Series Interdisciplinary Evolution Research for enabling us the awarding of participant prizes.

We warmly thank all members of the permanent and local organizing committee of Protolang 6 and we want to highlight the support given by António Santos and Daniela Rodrigues from ISPA and its William James Center for Research, as well as Luís Tirapicos from the Interuniversity Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Augusta Gaspar from the Católica Research Centre for Psychological, Family and Social Wellbeing, António Alexandre from the Primate Cognition Research Group, and Nuno Ribeiro from the Portuguese Association for Archaeology. Most of all we want to thank the keynote speakers and the numerous scholars who accepted the invitation to organize and to participate in the symposia, in addition to the many scholars who answered our calls for participation in the themes.

And we are most certainly grateful for the assistance provided by the many volunteers. We are grateful to all for their help and special thanks are given to Ana Sofia Souto and José Pedro Correia for their availability also at the AppEEL satellite event; Felipe Martins for his organizational skills displayed in the main auditorium at Protolang and the CRC-W satellite event; Inês Domingos, Marta Facoetti, and Sydelle de Souza for their time at the desk and Sydelle also for her availability before the start of the conference; Inês Mendes for her photographic skills; Sinoël Dohlen for not only volunteering but recruting volunteers; and Ekanem Ebinne, Hendrik Pigola, Johanna Fürstenau, Paula Baer, Tiago Ferreira, for their help offered in the various conference rooms.

We kindly acknowledge EasyChair for hosting our abstract submission process. And last but not least, cordial thanks also go out to the following associations, societies, communities, websites and mailing lists for helping to advertise our event: AEPS, ANIMAL-BSA-GROUP, Animal Studies, Archaeology, BioAnthropology News, Biosemiotics, CCF - WJCR, CES, CFCUL, Cisc Nova, CRC-W, EAS Social Network, EHBEA, ESAP, Evolutionary Anthropology, EVOLANG, Evolution and Cogniton Research Group, Evolutionary Psychology, Evolutionary Psychology Group, Formatlabor Berlin, Georeasoning, H-Announce, HESP, HOPOS, HSS, IACS, IAPT, ICLA, ICS, ISHE, ISHPSSB, LINGANTH, LINGUIST LIST, MERSENNE, PHILOS-L, Replicated Typo, Science-Community, Secção Portuguesa de Neurologia do Comportamento, The Origins of Language, The Prehistoric Society, ULisboa, ZOOARCH, and many more.