2nd Day in Project

——video production & interview

Trend or Didactic Potential.mp4

Ivy's Video (with Ken and Shahad)

Selfproduced video (1).mp4

Rachel and Annie (with Jessica and Karen)

pictures we used in the video



As for the video making learning, I feel so inspired about the lesson, which largely expand my knowledge of the films/videos making. Make the formats of the films as the example, Kyra mentions the screencast, stop motion and so on are very interesting and funny, which literally arise my interest and they are something I didn’t know before. Also, the most interesting part of the lesson is group making. Jessica, Karen, Rachel and I were working an video which is about presenting the pedagogical potential of the video teaching. Even though the beginning of the discussion didn’t go well, we reached the consensus at the end. I like this kind of discussions, which improve our teamwork skills and bring us together mentally.


Today is a very meaningful day for me because it’s my first time to produce an educational video. At the beginning, we are taught some concepts of educational films, for example, I learned the different kinds of educational videos and their terms, which was interesting because this lesson expanded my knowledge. Also, this workshop provided us a chance to produce our own videos. I worked with Jessica, Karen and Annie to produce a video to discuss the benefits of video used in the language learning. After the group discussion, we had an idea to make a cutout animation to present the pedagogical potentials of videos. During the discussion, we all expressed our ideas and drew pictures that we needed to use in the video. After the preparation, because we were out of time, we just had one chance to shoot the video but it went well and we all satisfied. This morning really inspired a lot and also make me aware that there is still a lot of work to do before becoming a good teacher.


There is an old saying in China. Anything is difficult at the beginning. For example, I would like to learn how to edit videos, but I give up every time because I don’t know how to start. In this project, finally, I began to learn how to edit video. Also, I learnt how to produce a video before editing. Moreover, I learnt many theoretical background knowledges about video production. It not only helps me from the didactic perspective but also helps me in daily life. The interview in the afternoon is the first time I interview someone who is not my project’s participant. I also learnt a lot from the interviewee. Education is not only for students but also for teachers.

happy birthday to Karen

the day of Annie.mp4

discuss about how to produce this video

interview reflection recording (everyone)

5月 7日, 2019年.mp4