First Day in your Classroom

Introduce your teacher Candidate to your students

The first day with students is a big event in your Teacher Candidate's training. They are undoubtedly feeling nervous and excited. It is important to present your Teacher Candidate to the class in a positive way, so plan an introduction with your teacher candidate ahead of time. Explain to students that your Teacher Candidate is to be treated with the same respect as all teachers in the building.

Students will be very interested in learning more about your Teacher Candidate, so decide this process in advance. Will your Teacher Candidate hand out a pamphlet? Will your Teacher Candidate open the floor to questions and sit in the "hot seat"? Will you perform a short skit to teach the students your expectations? It's really up to you and your Teacher Candidate to formulate a plan.

Low-risk Interactions

Throughout the day, provide opportunities for your Teacher Candidate to help out in the classroom and interact with students. Following are some easy ideas to get you started:

  • Standing next to you to help greet students at the door

  • Taking attendance

  • Handing out papers or materials

  • Circulating while you teach in order to provide assistance to students

  • Observing you teach lessons

  • Introducing an activity

  • Reading a text aloud to the class

Interactions outside of the classroom are also important. Be sure to take your Teacher Candidate with you to meetings, lunch, and duty assignments. Introduce your Teacher Candidate to everyone, and share an interesting fact or two about your Teacher Candidate (such as the student's college, hometown, or unusual hobby).

The End of the Day

Plan to spend some time after students leave to de-brief with your Teacher Candidate. Reflect upon highlights of the day, answer any questions that your Teacher Candidate has, and discuss tasks that the Teacher Candidate might want to try the following day. If possible, share your teaching plans for the upcoming week to get your Teacher Candidate to start thinking ahead. You are setting the tone for a positive relationship where your Teacher Candidate feels supported.