Before your Teacher Candidate Arrives


Thank you for agreeing to host a pre-service teacher! We couldn't do this important work without your expertise and support. You are shaping the teachers of tomorrow. The following list of suggestions can help you prepare for the arrival of your teacher candidate.

1- Make sure your teacher candidate has an adult desk/workspace2- Post your teacher candidate's name on his or her desk, and include supplies3- Prepare your students for the arrival of the teacher candidate4- Gather the following information about your school:
  • map of school
  • school discipline policies
  • school emergency plans
  • Administrator/Counselor/School Nurse roster
  • handbooks concerning faculty or students
  • school calendar
  • social media policy
5- Gather the following information about your class:
        • roster
        • class rules
        • curriculum
        • daily schedule
        • assessment/grading policies
        • dress guidelines