Evaluating Formal instruction

what to expect for formal instruction

When it comes time for your Teacher Candidate (TC) to instruct formal lessons, they should be completing the Wittenberg lesson plan for each lesson taught. This helps your Teacher Candidate learn all of the components of a lesson plan that experienced teachers know automatically. In addition, this practice helps your Teacher Candidate prepare for formal observations and other pre-service evaluations.

While the Wittenberg lesson plan may seem extensive, remember that these lesson components are critical for ensuring that your Teacher Candidate does not leave anything out. Following are a few steps to help your Teacher Candidate prepare for their formal lessons:

1) Plan together and decide when your Teacher Candidate will begin teaching formally-planned instruction.

2) Request a written (typed) lesson plan using the Wittenberg lesson plan template at least 24 hours in advance of instruction.

3) Provide feedback to the lesson plan as deemed necessary prior to the lesson being taught.

4) Observe your Teacher Candidate as they teach. It might be tempting to take care of paperwork or answer emails during this time, but your Teacher Candidate really needs your feedback.

5) Following the instruction, discuss the lesson with the TC. Following are some questions to help prompt your discussion:

a) What went well, and why?

b) What didn't go well, and why?

c) How do you know the students met your learning targets?

d) What could you do next time to improve your teaching?

Note: Only offer your own ideas and suggestions after the Teacher Candidate has exhausted their own reflective process.

6) Refer to the Feedback Module for ways to provide positive constructive criticism.

7) Discuss ways to improve instruction the next time.

8) Begin the cycle again with planning.

Guidelines for Conducting Formal Observations

Consistent with the extreme importance of constant communication between the Cooperating Teacher (CT) and Teacher Candidate (TC) and constructive feedback given to the Teacher Candidate from the Cooperating Teacher, formal observations of the Teacher Candidate’s instruction are required.

  • As stated in the guidelines for the fall Practicum (not including the intervention specialist apprenticeship), one formal observation is to be conducted near its conclusion.

  • During the student teaching experience (all licensure areas), two formal observations are required between the beginning of the experience and the midterm, and two more formal observations are to be conducted between the midterm and the end of the experience. Following are suggestions for meeting this requirement during student teaching:

1) Schedule an observation of the Teacher Candidate’s instruction for a content area that has been taught more than once and agreed upon by the CT and TC. If this is not the first formal observation, revisit the goals from the previous formal observation(s).

2) Request a written (typed) lesson plan using the Wittenberg lesson plan template at least 24 hours in advance of instruction.

3) Provide feedback to the lesson plan as deemed necessary prior to the observation.

4) Conduct the formal observation using either the C-PAST: Abbreviated Notes or C-PAST Student Teaching Mid-Term/Final Form. These are available from your university supervisor.

5) Following the instruction, discuss the lesson with the TC. Following are some questions to help prompt your discussion:

a) What went well, and why?

b) What didn't go well, and why?

c) How do you know the students met your learning targets?

d) What could you do next time to improve your teaching?

Note: Only offer your own ideas and suggestions after the Teacher Candidate has exhausted their own reflective process.

6) Refer to the Feedback Module for ways to provide positive constructive criticism.

7) Work together to generate 2-3 goals for improvement.

8) Provide the TC with a copy of the formal observation.