Paul H. Warner is a doctoral student at the University of Illinois in the College of Applied Health Sciences. He graduated with his B.S. in Exercise and Sports Science from the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse with a major in physical education teaching and a minor in adapted physical education in 2013. He received his M.S. in Exercise and Sports Science from the University of Utah in 2016, with an emphasis on Special Physical Education. Paul taught adapted physical education for seven years before returning to school to pursue his Ph.D. He wants to continue to examine physical education opportunities for individuals with disabilities. In his free time, Paul enjoys spending time with his family, being outside, hiking, grilling, and camping.

Paul H. Warner, M.S., Doctoral Student

Curriculum Vitae


2025 S. 1800 E.

Salt Lake City, UT 84108 | (920) 562-0750



Ph.D. Student, University of Utah, Special Education, in progress, expected 2025

         Major Area: Adapted Physical Education

         Committee Chair: Dr. Wesley J. Wilson, Kinesiology and Community Health

         GPA: 4.00


Master of Science, University of Utah, Exercise and Sport Science, 2016

         Major Area: Special Physical Education

         Committee:             Dr. Hester Henderson, Ph.D., Kinesiology (Chair)

                                             Dr. Tim Brusseau, Ph.D., Kinesiology

                                             Dr. Arwen Fuller, Ph.D., Kinesiology

         GPA: 3.824


Bachelor of Science, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Exercise and Sport Science, 2013

         Major Area: Physical Education

         Minor Area: Adapted Physical Education

         GPA: 3.75    Major GPA: 3.763   Minor GPA: 3.905


Professional Experience:

Adapted Physical Education Scholar, Project CAPER (Preparing Leadership in Adapted Physical Education Through an Interuniversity Collaboratory), Graduate Fellowship, U.S. Department of Education [H325D220005], Fall 2022 – Present


Adjunct Instructor, Adapted Physical Education Internship Course, University of Utah. January 2023 — Present


Grant Project Coordinator, The experiences of disabled people in physical education: reimagining pedagogy through first-person accounts. Dr. Wesley J. Wilson (PI) & Dr. Justin Haegele (Co-PI). Funded by the Sorenson Legacy Foundation. Summer 2022 – Present


Adapted Physical Education Teacher, August 2015- May 2022, Alpine School District, Lehi, UT.

-        Collaboration Team Leader- August 2018- May 2022

-        Utah Assistive Technology Team- August 2018- May 2019

-        Average Caseload: ~80-110

-        Assessed and made qualification decisions using norm-referenced and criterion-referenced standardized tests

-        Utilized assessment data to develop and monitor progress on IEP goals

-        Teaching Placements: High School, Middle School, Elementary School, Pre-School, Special School, Integrated, reverse mainstream, self-contained class, 1:1 instruction


Adapted Physical Education Teacher Master’s Intern, August 2013- May 2015, University of Utah

-        Coordinated adapted physical education programming and curriculum

-        Assessed and evaluated students using criterion-referenced, standardized tests.

-        Teaching Placements: Carmen B. Pingree Center for Children with Autism, Hartvigsen School (Special School), Guadalupe Elementary School (Title I), and Kauri Sue Hamilton School (Special School)


Physical Education Student Teaching, Spring 2013, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse

-        Developed and taught lesson plans based on Wisconsin Physical Education Standards

-        Student taught in 50% APE and 50% general PE in elementary, middle, and high school.

-        Developed and implemented PE and APE lessons in inclusive, self-contained, and 1:1 settings.

-        Evaluated students to determine APE service eligibility

-        Presented performance levels, current APE goals, and progress reports to IEP teams during IEP meetings




-        Service-Learning in Adapted Physical Education: A Proposed Conceptual Model for Community-Based Research, AERA 2023- Dr. Wes Wilson, PhD; Dr. Kevin Richards, PhD; Alyssa Trad, Paul Warner

-        Collaboration of Utah Adapted Physical Education Teachers in Utah, SHAPE UT 2022- Paul Warner, & Bryan Boothe, M.S.

-        Best Practices for Integrating Students with Disabilities into Physical Education, SHAPE UT 2022- Paul Warner & Bryan Boothe, M.S.


Grants and Funding

Wilson, W.J., & Warner, P.H., (Co-PI). Enhancing University Volunteers’ Civic Learning Through Service-Learning. (2022). UServeUtah Community Engagement Grant, Utah Commission on Service and Volunteering, $16,000 awarded.


Warner, P.H. (PI), & Wilson, W.J. (Co-PI). Enhancing Civic Engagement through Physical Activity: Opportunities for Student Mentors and Youth with Disabilities. (2023). Investing in the Common Good for a Better Tomorrow, Miller Family Foundation, will request $50,000. (in progress).


Manuscripts in Progress

-        Doctoral student socialization in adapted physical education- In Progress; Dr. Wesley J. Wilson, Dr. Kevin Richards, Paul H. Warner, Paul Malinowski, Peter Rifenberg- In Progress

-        APE doctoral student socialization in an inter-institutional consortium- Dr. Wesley J. Wilson, Dr. Kevin Richards, Paul H. Warner, Paul Malinowski, Peter Rifenberg- In Progress

-        The perspectives of students experiencing disability in physical education: A review of literature since 2004- In Progress; Paul H. Warner, Dr. Wesley J. Wilson, Dr. Matt Jameson- In Progress



Collegiate Teaching Experiences:

-        SPED 6910- Master’s Internship in Adapted Physical Education, University of Utah, Spring 2023—Instructor of record (semesters taught-1)


-        Guest Lecture, Behavior Management in Physical Activity Settings, Assessment and Curriculum Development in Adapted Physical Education, University of Utah, October 4, 2022 [WW1] 


-        Program Trainings, U-FIT Orientation, U-FIT Physical Activity Program, University of Utah, September 16, 2022; February 1, 2023

Collegiate Mentoring:

-        Joao Gonsalves, master’s student, University of Utah, Graduating Spring 2023

-        Ashlin Stephens, master’s student, University of Utah, Graduating Spring 2023

-        Paul Malinowski, M.S., University of Utah

-        Peter Rifenberg, master’s student, University of Utah, Anticipated Spring 2024

-        Kaleb Ciani, master’s student, University of Utah, Anticipated Spring 2024

-        Kambri Smith, master’s student, University of Utah, Anticipated Fall 2024



U-FIT Physical Activity Program Coordinator, August 2023-Present, University of Utah

-        Designed an 8-week physical activity program for participants with disabilities and university student volunteers

-        Recruited ~75 participants and student volunteers each semester

-        Managed communications for all participant families and volunteers

-        Created marketing and webpage materials for U-FIT Program

-        Evaluated lesson plans and provided feedback to U-FIT subprogram instructors

-        Planned and adjusted university student and participant pairings

-        Designed and implemented behavior management strategies for participants that needed them.


Special Olympics Unified Coach, Westlake High School, 2018-2022

-        Coached two integrated Special Olympics teams

-        Coordinated transportation and family communications for all teams

-        Managed registration and medical documents for all participants

-        Coached Volleyball, Basketball, and Soccer Teams

-        Utah Unified State Champions, Soccer 2021, 2022, Basketball 2021


Unified Sports Day Coordinator, Alpine School District, May 2022

-        Designed a Unified Sports Day for students with and without disabilities ages 5-22

-        Implemented 8 physical activity stations for over 140 students

-        Coordinated mentor and mentee experiences for unified pairs at Westlake High School, Vista Heights Middle School, Lake Mountain Middle School, Silver Lake Elementary School, Snow Springs Elementary School, and Hidden Hollow Elementary School


U-FIT Group Leader, University of Utah, Fall 2013- Spring 2015

-        Paired participants with student volunteers

-        Facilitated positive interactions between student volunteers and participants

-        Taught lessons to develop motor, cognitive, social, aquatics, and behavioral skills

-        Worked with student volunteers to develop aquatics goals


Adaptive Recreation Program: Adaptive volleyball team, Hartvigsen School, Fall 2014, Fall 2015

-        Taught volleyball skills to individuals with severe disabilities

-        Designed and participated in the end of season tournament

-        Utilized positive behavior management techniques to reinforce on-task behaviors

-        Evaluated student performance and created weekly objectives for individual students


National Ability Center Ski and Snowboard Program, Park City, UT, Winter 2013, 2014

-        Volunteered for 6-8 hours weekly

-        Taught students with disabilities to ski and snowboard

-        Engaged and motivated students to try new skills and get out of their comfort zone

-        Utilized adaptive technology to assist students


Assistant Cross Country Coach, Holmen Middle School, La Crosse, WI, Fall 2011

-        Helped a student with autism spectrum disorder successfully run with peers on his team

-        Organized and ran developmentally appropriate practices for entire team

-        Supervised and guided student with autism spectrum disorder at each meet

-        Helped motivate student to overcome fears of loud noises, large crowds, and pictures

-        Supervised student’s transition to independent participation on cross country team.


Motor Development Program for Children with Disabilities, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Spring 2011

-        Used Smart Board technology to teach physical education lessons to students with disabilities

-        Planned and taught sports, fundamental movement, weight-lifting, and aquatics skills to participants aged 3-18

-        Assessed skill development, created age-appropriate IEP goals, and monitored behavior intervention plans

-        Paired students with volunteers and monitored interactions to ensure positive experiences for all parties


Adapted Aquatics Instructional Program, UW- La Crosse, Fall 2010

-        Planned, implemented, and evaluated aquatics skill instruction for children with disabilities

-        Developed and monitored individualized program goals and objectives

-        Taught small group activities to develop competencies and make progress towards goals

-        Utilized adaptive aquatics equipment to ensure positive outcomes for students with disabilities.


Physical Activity Mentoring Program for Students with Disabilities, UW- La Crosse, Spring 2010 – Spring 2013

-        Mentored child with autism spectrum disorder to develop motor skills related to basketball, baseball, swimming and track and field.

-        Provided individualized instruction related to the child and family’s interests

-        Implemented weekly 1-hour physical activity sessions


Hoops for All, La Crosse Boys and Girls Club, La Crosse, WI, Spring 2011

-        Taught basketball skills as a personal coach for various students with disabilities

-        Created educational and fun lesson plans for individual, small-group, and large-group experiences

-        Created and implemented assessment rubrics to monitor skill development

-        Adapted basketball gameplay to enable successful gameplay for all participants


Soccer for All, Onalaska YMCA, La Crosse, WI, Fall 2011

-        Worked as a program coordinator for the undergraduate program

-        Paired volunteers with students and taught behavior management skills to volunteers

-        Taught passing, trapping, shooting, and gameplay skills to students with disabilities

-        Assessed progress throughout the 8-week program


Buddy Baseball/Miracle League, Onalaska YMCA, La Crosse, WI, Summer 2012

-        Worked as a group leader to manage interactions between volunteers and participants

-        Taught individual lessons on hitting, catching, throwing, baserunning, and gameplay

-        Implemented behavior management plans to increase on-task behaviors

-        Created inclusive environments to foster success and social development for all participants

-        Organized end-of-program tournament to provide game experiences for students


Summer/Winter Sports Camp, UW- La Crosse, La Crosse, WI, December 2009-2011, July 2011

-        Planned fun and educational activities for camp participants

-        Worked as the group leader for 7-8 year old participants

-        Taught physical fitness activities to students with and without disabilities

-        Created inclusive environment for individuals with disabilities

-        Implemented behavior intervention programs for participants on the autism spectrum


Utah After-School Basketball Coach, September 2013- March 2014

-        Planned elementary basketball practices for youth ages 5-11

-        Simplified and extended lessons to engage diverse learners


Onalaska Parks and Recreation Youth Soccer Coach, Spring 2010, 2011

-        Planned practices and organized scrimmages for youth aged 7-9

-        Coached soccer games against other local soccer teams

-        Developed, implemented and evaluated kindergarten soccer program


Awards and Recognition

-        Recipient of Adapted Physical Education Doctoral Training Grant, Preparing Leadership in Adapted Physical Education Through an Interuniversity Collaboratory- Fall 2022 – Present, Old Dominion University, funded by the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs to prepare highly qualified special education personnel at the doctoral level.

-        Teacher of the Year- Spring 2022, Snow Springs Elementary & Horizon School, Alpine School District

-        Recipient of Adapted Physical Education Master’s Teaching Grant, Project iTAPE: Improve Training in Adapted Physical Education- Fall 2013 - Spring 2015, University of Utah, funded by the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs to prepare highly qualified physical education teachers

-        Recipient of Adapted Physical Education Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship, Preparation of Highly Qualified Adapted Physical Educators, Spring 2011- Spring 2012, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, funded by the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs to prepare highly qualified adapted physical education teachers

-        Dean’s List, University of Utah, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015

-        Dean’s List, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Fall 2008- 2011, Spring 2009- 2012



Professional Memberships and Licenses[WW2] 

-        Society of Health and Physical Education (SHAPE)- 2022-Present, Adapted Physical Education Special Interest Group

-        American Educational Research Association (AERA)- 2022-Present, Physical Education Special Interest Group

-        National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID)- 2022- Present

-        State Council on Adapted Physical Education (SCAPE)- Fall 2019- 2020

-        American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAPHERD), Fall 2010- Spring 2014

-        Utah Physical Education (K-12)- 2018-Present

-        Wisconsin 74/530: Early Childhood- Adulthood, Physical Education Teaching, August 2015- 2018

-        Wisconsin 74/860: Early Childhood- Adulthood, Adapted Physical Education Teaching, August 2015- 2018




-        EDPS 7020- Quantitative Methods II, University of Utah, Spring 2023

-        SPED 7020- Single Subject Research Design, University of Utah, Spring 2023

-        SPED 7810- University Teaching Seminar, University of Utah, Fall 2022

-        SPED 7115- Principals of Extramural Funding, University of Utah, Fall 2022

-        EDPS 7010- Quantitative Methods I, University of Utah, Fall 2022

-        ESS 6430- Assessment in Physical Education, University of Utah, Spring 2015

-        ESS 7103- Design and Analysis I, University of Utah, Spring 2015

-        EDPS 7400- Advanced Research Design, University of Utah, Spring 2015

-        ESS 6450- Survey of Special Physical Education, University of Utah, Fall 2014

-        EDPS 6300- Introduction to Measurement, University of Utah, Spring 2014

-        ESS 6400- Strategies in Special Physical Education, University of Utah, Fall 2013

-        ESS 6010- Teaching Behaviors, University of Utah, Fall 2013

-        EDPS 6010- Introduction to Educational Statistics, University of Utah, Fall 2013

-        EDS 494- Student Teaching in Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Spring 2013

-        ESS 412- Issues and Philosophy in Teaching Physical Education, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Spring 2013

-        ESS 424- Curriculum and Administration in Elementary and Secondary Physical Education, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Fall 2012

-        ESS 310, Teaching Outdoor Activities, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Spring 2012

-        ESS 325, Secondary Methods and Assessment in Physical Education, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Spring 2012

-        ESS 439- Teaching Methods and Instrumentation in Adapted Physical Education, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Spring 2012

-        ESS 302- Physiology of Exercise, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Fall 2011

-        ESS 322- Elementary Methods and Assessment in Physical Education, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Fall 2011

-        ESS 422- Teaching Healthy Active Lifestyles, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Fall 2011

-        ESS 423- Sociocultural Factors in Physical Education and School Health Education, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Fall 2011

-        SPE 424- Classroom Management, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Fall 2011

-        ESS 430- Disability and Physical Activity Implications, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Summer 2011

-        ESS 367- Teaching Activities II, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Spring 2011

-        ESS 401- Teaching Dance, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Spring 2011

-        ESS 436- Assessment and Program Evaluation in Adapted Physical Education, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Spring 2011

-        ESS 206- Human Anatomy and Physiology in Exercise Science II, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Fall 2010

-        ESS 233- Teaching Methods in Adapted Aquatics, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Fall 2010

-        ESS 437- Teaching Models in Adapted Physical Education, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Fall 2010

-        PSY 370- Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Fall 2010

-        NUT 200- Human Nutrition, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Summer 2010

-        ESS 121- Adventure Theory in Physical Education, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Summer 2010

-        ESS 231- Introduction to Adapted Physical Education, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Spring 2010

-        ESS 258- Teaching Activities I, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Spring 2010

-        ESS 261- Educational Gymnastics, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Spring 2010

-        ESS 225- Introduction to Physical Education Teaching Methods, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Fall 2009

-        ESS 207- Human Motor Behavior, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Fall 2009




Dr. Wesley J. Wilson, Ph.D                                     Dr. Justin Haegele, Ph.D.

Adapted Physical Education                                   Adapted Physical Education

Dept. of Kinesiology and Community Health        Dept. of Human Movement Sciences

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign           Old Dominion University                                  


Dr. Nicole Kirk, Ph.D                                               Dr. Hester Henderson, Ph.D., prof. emeritus

Adapted Physical Activity                                   Special Physical Education

Dept. of Kinesiology                                               Department of Kinesiology- ESS

University of Georgia                                             University of Utah                                   


Dr. Garth Tymeson, Ph.D, prof. emeritus              Bryan Boothe, M.S.

Adapted Physical Education                                   Adapted Physical Education Teacher

Department of Exercise and Sport Science            Alpine School District

University of Wisconsin- La Crosse                        American Fork, UT

(608) 792- 9132                                                      (316) 208-9283                                  

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