extra one

Extra 1: Liquid Lunch

content warning:

attempted sexual assault, ableist remarks

Yugeon boredly looked around the deserted living room. It was the house he was currently living in, but it had always felt too big for him. There were barely two people living in this house, including himself, he didn't understand why it needed to be too spacious and luxurious. 

They had a person who did the housework visit regularly, so the whole house was clean without a grain of dust to be seen. Curtains, bedding, and laundry always smelled good, and the kitchen and bathroom were spotless. No matter how much he looked, there was no chore he could work on. The house looked as if he tried to do housework needlessly, it would only lead to spoiling this perfect space. 

In the end, unable to find anything to do, he slumped down on the sofa. On the coffee table, several books that seemed to have nothing to do with Yugeon were piled up neatly. Instead of a book whose title looked difficult to read, he picked up the rubik cube lying next to them. He had picked up a new hobby of late. 

Yugeon had always carried a pistol when going out on raids. He had always been more familiar with guns than cell phones or wallets. Only when he was touching the safety device with his thumb while holding the heavy barrel, he would feel at ease. It was a sense of security that came from knowing that no matter what danger came, there was at least one means to resist. 

Now that Almuten was dead, the attack on Mazzaroth was over. In an era, where gates were no longer created, and mutants were gradually disappearing, guns were no more than unnecessary weapons. However, Yugeon still couldn't let go of the habit of handling guns. He oftentimes felt uneasy when walking on streets without any equipment on his body. The feeling that something big might happen if he didn't regularly disassemble the gun, fix and clean the parts one by one, and check the number of bullets left in the magazine was still present in the back of his mind. 

Thus, the new job he got was also assembling machine parts in a factory. At least when he was focused on assembling them, he was able to forget the feeling of the weapon in his hand. However, he quit the job in less than half a year. For now, the cube was his substitute for a gun. Time went by so fast as he turned and spinned the corners of the cube lightly with his fingertips. It was quite fun to collect colorful blocks together on one surface, and most of all, he liked the fact that even those who couldn't roll their head quickly like him could get it right just by memorizing the formula. 

By the time he got one side of the cube all in blue, his head was spinning. For a split second, his eyes blurred and he couldn't even see what was in front of him. Yugeon swallowed a groan and pressed his fingers between his eyebrows. 


The cube dropped from his hands, and rolled on the sofa. When was the last time he ate? A day ago, no, it was already two days. It was natural that the body was letting him know something was wrong. But for some reason, he didn't feel like putting something in his mouth. 

When he lived with his brother, Yugeon tried to eat three full meals a day. Even when they returned from a harsh battle, he properly set the table and chewed and swallowed food when all he could feel was nausea, not to mention an appetite. He had to eat to live. It was also his daily routine to get Heeseong, who would be grumbling that he didn't want to eat, to somehow pick up his spoon. 

The same was true even after entering Erewhon. It was the first time that he couldn't eat any food or drink due to stress. He had an obligation to maintain his condition so that he could guide at any time. He was even threatened that they would drill his neck and insert a hose through his throat to inject nutrients if he kept refusing to eat. There was even one time when a syringe was involved. 

But not now. He no longer had a goal. All the driving force that kept him living like a tenacious man had disappeared. Remaining in the world that had been swept away by disaster, he still had no idea what to live for. Above all, there was no one by his side right now..... who would sit him on his lap, hug him tightly, and put a snack in his mouth. Wasn't there a saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder? When one person left the spacious house where there were only two of them in the first place, it felt terribly lonely left all alone.  

"Lonely, what..." 

It was ridiculous. Lazing around in a luxurious house without any worries, perhaps he had become too used to the extravagant life, already dwelling on such feelings. He had been living his life well on his own up until now, it was laughable to think he was crumbling just at being left alone only for a few days. 

Shinje went up to Seoul, saying he had something to deal with. Less than 15 days had passed since Yugeon had been left behind in a city in the southern provinces, but it strangely felt like it had been a long time since he had last seen him. 

After coming down to a small town in the south with Bari's Deputy Chief, Yugeon was still living here. Even after his reunion with Shinje. He had thought the man would ask him to go back with him to the capital where Erewhon's headquarters was located, but surprisingly, Shinje didn't recommend anything of that sort. Instead, he got a house for them in the city. A luxurious house that was too extravagant that anyone would be overwhelmed just at the sight of it. It was something he was always aware of, but Shinje’s sense of money far exceeded Yugeon's common sense. 

He could understand his decision in his head. The gate leading to Mazzaroth was opened at the international airport in the metropolitan area. The abyss spread centering it, and the whole country fell into chaos. The metropolitan area was the starting point of the disaster and the most severely damaged area. Unlike this city, which had almost regained peace on the surface, it was said that quite a lot of places there were still inhabitable. There was no reason for Shinje to take Yugeon to such a dangerous place. 

But knowing with your head and feeling with your heart were two different things. Yugeon understood Shinje's decision, but at the same time, resented him. Never had he been so dependent on someone else, he didn't even know that the name of this emotion was sadness. It was also confusing. 

Shinje hadn't contacted him so far ever since he left for Seoul. It was nothing unusual. Their relationship hadn't been one where one would call the other just to ask about their day or have a lovey-dovey talk on the phone. Even so, every once in a while, Shinje would contact him if there was something he needed him to do. Most of the time, Shinje would call first, and if he sent a message, Yugeon would only read it and rarely reply. He knew very well that it was shameless to admit that he was looking forward to hearing from him first. But still......  

"Since you gave me a life, I intend to dedicate the rest of my life to you, Yugeon-ah. What do you think? Is this enough to pay off my debt?"

If you gave me a burdensome gift, that is, the rest of your life, and not let me do anything except think of you in a house full of your traces, then you shouldn't have come to find me at all. You shouldn't have let me know that even a defective puzzle piece can also have a pair..... Negative thoughts came uninvited one after another, spiraling out of control. It was pathetic. Like a pet clinging to its owner and begging not to go to work. 

If he stayed idle like this, he thought he would just keep thinking about useless things. It was awfully not like him to shut himself up and fret over such unfamiliar emotions like loneliness and all. He should move his body around, or just sleep if it didn't work. 

Yugeon roughly tousled his slightly grown black hair and jumped up from the sofa. He walked across the living room barefoot and went straight to the bedroom. He had a slight limp on one leg. When he came out of Mazzaroth, his body was in tatters from accumulated injuries and fatigue. A lot of time had passed since then, but he still hadn't fully recovered from it. Yugeon's lack of interest in taking care of his own health also played a part. 

As soon as he threw himself onto bed, he immediately regretted it. There were too many traces of Shinje in the bedroom. Starting with the bed and beddings, they were all decorated according to Shinje's tastes. When he turned his head and buried his face in the pillows, he could immediately smell the faint scent of the perfume he always wore. A scent as if an armful of roses were placed on cool silk and finely dried throughout the winter night. 


It was like being embraced in Shinje's arms, rather than lying on a bed. Every part of his skin that was touching the blankets and pillows felt tickled.

"Damn it." 

Irritated, he raised his arm and covered his eyes. To tell the truth, there was something more unbearable than loneliness or resentment after Shinje went away. 


Yugeon's breaths, still lying on the bed with his eyes closed, slowly became rough. He tossed and turned uncomfortably, and then relaxed his limbs when he realized that it would only stimulate the senses even more. 


He felt as if he heard a whisper of his name right next to his ear. Yugeon swallowed a gasp and tilted his head slightly. Shapeless hands caressed his nape and chest, and went down further. The familiar touch of lightly brushing the sensitive skin on his side came to his mind. Even his eyelashes flickering lazily right in front of his face, his big hands gripping his waist tightly and spreading his legs apart, and between his open thighs......


Yugeon reflexively pulled his thighs together. The blankets were all wrinkled. As expected, Shinje must have done something to him. He must have already completely ruined his mind, pouring intangible poison into his lips, eyelids and ears. He had always wanted to ruin Yugeon, he said so many times before. Otherwise, how would he have ended up like this just at getting a whiff of his scent, as if he had become Pavlov's dog. 

The touch of the blanket and the faint scent from the pillows paralyzed his reason. Yugeon reached out his hand to his lower body. Terrible shame burned his whole body. But desires quickly outweighed that shame. 

His genitals brushing against his clothes were already hard. It had only been a few days of abstinence, but he was a lot more frustrated than necessary. He was all alone in the house, but the embarrassment was still too much to bear. Yugeon covered his eyes with one arm and cupped his erection with the other. Slight precum was already wetting the taut front of his underwear. 

He clumsily palmed the outline of his cock protruding from the bulge on his pants a few times. But that alone was no longer enough. Yugeon bit his lower lip and pulled the waistline of his shorts. He thought about putting his hand inside his pants and just doing it properly. At that moment, a strong vibration rang from his thigh.  


Yugeon flinched in surprise. It was only one beat later that he remembered the cell phone he had put in his pants pocket. He hastily pulled out his phone, panicking like a child caught doing something bad. 


The three letters of his name appeared clearly on the screen. It certainly looked stiff, even though it was the result of him seriously racking his brain, gripping the phone in his hands tight for hours, not knowing what name he should save him on his phone. 

He felt as if he had been caught trying to do something lewd while thinking about Shinje. Did Shinje also have the ability to read his thoughts? Even though he knew it wasn't the case, he felt guilty for no reason. Yugeon hurriedly cleared his throat and raised his upper body to answer the phone. 


- Yes. This is your husband. [1] 

A voice without a hint of shame came from the speakers unhurriedly. A quiet laugh at the end of his words tickled Yugeon's ears. Yugeon rubbed his face dry with his hand that was not holding the phone.  

"That again." 

- Why? I thought you asked for me, honey? 


- By the way. Yugeon-ah. 

Shinje tapped the speaker instead of answering. A tingling sensation ran down the back of his neck. 

- Why won't you take your phone off from your ears and look at the screen? 


Yugeon followed Shinje's words with a puzzled look. On the phone screen, warmed up by his own body temperature, was Shinje. When his eyes met with Yugeon, he smiled and waved his hand gently. He could see a glimpse of the interior of the car behind him. The tinting was thick on the windows, so he couldn't see the outside at all. 


Yugeon let out a short exclamation. He actually studied hard on how to use his phone, but it was the first time he knew that a cell phone had this function. 

- I made a video call because I wanted to see your face, but you just put it to your ear from the get go. I've been staring at the black screen for a while. 

"This. You can see me from there too?" 

- Of course, I can see you on the bed. Were you taking a nap? 

"I was not." 

- No? Then why does your hair look like a magpie's house? 


Of course Yugeon's hair was a mess. Since he just buried the side of his face in the pillow, nuzzling into the soft fabric. Just to breathe in Shinje's scent. 

- You know? Whenever I touch you when you're half asleep, you always feel warmer and softer than usual. And smells good too. 

Yugeon just blinked his eyes naively. Thinking that Shinje saw everything, including him being flustered and all, through the camera, he felt a bit embarrassed. He stiffened his face for no reason, lifted his phone vertically and stared at it. It was a grave expression, as if he was dealing with a mutant. However, due to his poor handling of his phone, the tip of his fingers accidentally pressed one of the buttons on the screen. 

- ......cough.

Shinje suddenly bowed his head and burst into laughter. It wasn't a fake laugh. His shoulders, neatly dressed in a button down shirt, was genuinely trembling with it. Yugeon asked suspiciously. 

"Why is that?" 

- No, that's..... Yugeon-ah. Ah..... really. What should I do with you? 

Shinje's smile grew even bigger. On the other hand, Yugeon's expression gradually became fierce. He wondered if he was laughing at him for not knowing this yet since it'd been a while he bought him a new phone. 

Shinje looked at the phone screen again with his eyes finally relaxed from laughter. On the screen, he could see Yugeon, dressed in comfortable clothes, sitting on the bed and staring at him with a frown. It was fine until then. If it weren't for the puppy ears sticking out over his head. 

"Just say what you want instead of laughing at me." 

Yugeon said, gritting his teeth. His low pitched voice, without an accent, showed his discomfort. In the meantime, the puppy ears on top of his head were moving cutely. 

- I'm going crazy.....  Should I open a portal and fly back home right away? 

Shinje murmured under his breath, sweeping up his gray bangs. His cheeks had also turned red since he was just laughing for quite a good few minutes. 


Yugeon tilted his head with a frown. The soft-looking brown puppy's ears also tilted together, following his head movement. The contrast between Yugeon's sharp-edged expression and the cute puppy ears was enormous. Cute things should be done in moderation. This is too severe for his heart. Shinje barely held himself back from bursting into laughter. If he did it again, his guide, whom he hadn't seen in a while, might end up sulking and hang up the phone.  

- Sorry. I just laughed a little because you are just so cute. I think you pressed something wrong earlier, do you want to check? 

After seriously examining the phone screen, Yugeon finally noticed the filter function was turned on. And the fact that he had some kind of dog ears on his head, which he found on a live camera in one corner of the screen as small as a fingernail. 


He kept silent and turned off the filter. The face was expressionless, showing little agitation except for a slight frown between the eyebrows, but his auricles and earlobes were burning red. 

- How have you been? Aren't you scared of being alone?

Shinje asked softly with a light smile. Yugeon deliberately answered more bluntly so that he wouldn't be caught being embarrassed.

"Why should I? There's no more mutants to suddenly pop out of nowhere." 

After Mazzaroth was destroyed, no more new gates were created in the world. The existing gates were also being eliminated one after another by the Awakened working together. At the same time, the abilities of all Awakened and Guides were gradually weakening. Little by little, but definitely. An F-class Awakened who had completely lost their ability and became an ordinary person had appeared on recent news. With time, Shinje and Yugeon would too, one day. 

- I don't know. Mutants aren't the only thing that's scary. 


Yugeon asked back, curious. If there was one thing that Shinje was afraid of, it would only be Almuten, but Almuten was already dead. Then what was he scared of? There was nothing in this world he couldn't have and nothing he couldn't do if he was determined after all. 

- My guide is so cute I'm scared someone might steal him away when I have to leave him alone. Ah... I'm really worried. It's too bad I can't just tuck you away in my coat and carry you around.


Again, he got caught in his snarky babbles. He felt like an idiot for being genuinely curious, even for a moment. 

- Don't go outside recklessly. No, just don't go out when I'm not around. I'll buy you anything you want. 

Shinje deliberately changed his exaggeratedly disgusting attitude. Before he knew it, the joking tone had disappeared from his voice. However, Yugeon was still in a bad mood. He wasn't even a small child, it sounded way too overprotective to say to an adult man who had gone through all sorts of things, dealing guns like his own body. 

"If you're just going to say stuff like that, I'll hang up." 

- You're so mean. You really don't appreciate my love.  

Shinje was laughing softly once again. Yugeon just let out a small sigh. 

"So, do you have more to say to me?" 

- Are you eating well? What about sleep? You're not taking care of yourself because I'm not there, right? 

"Eating well and sleeping well." 

- How's your sore ankle? 

"I'm perfectly fine, so don't worry." 

It would hurt his pride if he just told him the truth. As if confessing that he had become a person who couldn't do anything without him. 

- Good boy. You're also mature. Then aren't you lonely? 

Shinje looked serious this time around, and seemed to want a genuine answer from him. But he couldn't bring himself to answer him right away. It was only then that Yugeon realized that he was sitting alone on a wide bed, staring at his phone. The sound of the phone call ringing through the empty house had just worsened the silence. 


A hand that was not holding the phone fiddled with the hem of the T-shirt like a habit. Shinje smiled. 

- I'm lonely. 


- It's been so long since I got to hold you. Can't you see it? My condition is a mess. I can't even get guiding. 

Shinje sighed exaggeratedly, and tapped his cheek with his finger. He wasn't really sure since he was looking at him through a phone screen that was smaller than his hand, but his complexion did look a little bad. But his words were still nothing, but a bland joke. Shinje's beauty was not at the level that could be easily smeared just because he was in poor condition. When they first met, even after seeing all the burst blood vessels in the whites of his eyes and his skin stained with blood bruises, Yugeon still felt an unreal beauty in him. 

- What if my honey doesn't like me anymore ‘cause I'm no longer pretty? 

"When did I say I like you because you are pretty....." 

- You said it before. That I'm pretty. 


- Then I'm not pretty? Am I ugly? 

He couldn't bring himself to say that he was ugly even as empty words, so Yugeon just shut his mouth sourly. He felt like he was being dragged into Shinje's pace again, but there was nothing he could do. 

- As I said, you are too cute. 

Shinje laughed, leaning his upper body against the backrest of the driver's seat. Yugeon's expression hardened even more. Still, Yugeon was confused whenever Shinje said he was cute. Where the hell did he look cute? If he were asked to rate the degree of cuteness in numbers, he would probably put himself on the same level as an inanimate object like a rock or a tree, or a mutant corpse. 

- By the way..... Yugeon-ah. 

Shinje scanned Yugeon up and down through the screen with a smile in his eyes. 

- Why's yours hard?

Amid a trivial conversation that had been going on quietly, a vulgar question suddenly cut in. Yugeon's head went blank. He quickly looked down. His erection from earlier still hadn't gone down completely, and the outline was visible over the thin shorts. 

- Is it because you just woke up? Or, before you picked up my phone..... were you in bed touching yourself? 

"No. It's, I mean." 

Yugeon hastily pulled down his T-shirt and tried to cover his front. The blush stained his ears and cheeks, and slowly spread to the back of his neck. It was rare to see Yugeon flustered, since he usually didn't express much emotion. 

- Are you frustrated? ‘Cause there's no one who would touch it? 


- What do you mean leader, honey? I'll be upset if you keep pushing me away. 


The hem of his T-shirt looked already stretched out to the limit, but his erection did not go down, and rather, he felt it getting even bigger. All he could do was to blame his body that was getting aroused even in this situation. Shinje slightly frowned as if he felt sorry for him.  

- It must be hard to have no one next to you when your body is so needy. How did you put up with it all by yourself until now? 

Yugeon averted his gaze with a red face. If he didn't want Shinje to see him, he could just turn the camera angle easily, but it looked like it didn't even cross his mind. 

- Your pretty nipples also look stiff. If I can see it all over your clothes, it must be really bad. Eung? Do you always do it alone every time I'm away from home?

"Never before." 

- Be honest. You'll get in trouble if you lie.

"I've never, I've never done it before, so..." 

- .....

"And whose fault is it?"  

Bitter complaint slipped out of his tongue. Yugeon quickly shut his mouth, biting his lower lip. He should have bitten off his loose tongue way earlier. What kind of ugly whining was that. 

- Can you show me touching yourself? 

"In front of the camera? Are you crazy?" 

- I told you to use pretty words.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." 

- You don't have to be shy. This is the same with me, too. 

The camera, which had only been showing Shinje's face and chest, went down. The outline of his upper body stood out over his well-ironed shirt. Underneath, long legs in suit pants stretched out. His strong thighs were naturally spread out, sitting in the driver's seat. He felt the sight strangely suggestive, when he just skimmed the man's body fitted in a calm and sophisticated outfit from top to bottom. And in the middle of it. 

The front of his pants, the area where the zipper was, had filled up. Not only that. The bulging outline stretched obliquely over one thigh. The pants fabric was pulled tight with it. 


Yugeon sucked in a breath. It was hard to take in the size of it, even though he had actually seen it several times already, put it in his mouth, and even in his ass. Was he.... carrying a hand mic in his pants pocket? 

- Do you want to suck my dick so bad? You can't even take your eyes off me. 

As if sensing Yugeon's gaze across the screen, Shinje's genitals wriggled once. Yugeon swallowed his dry saliva without realizing it. Shinje placed his phone on a stand in the driver's seat. Everything from his face to his lower body appeared on the screen. Skillfully undoing his belt buckle with one hand without even looking down, he ordered. 

- Take off your clothes and spread your legs. 

Yugeon shook his head no, while staring blankly at Shinje. The blush on his face had gone down quite a bit. Rather than saying no because he really disliked it, he looked as if he was stunned at the shocking experience he had run into for the first time. Despite having been through all sorts of things while in Erewhon, he was being naive again at a time like this. He looked so cute, it was hard to endure. 

- What would have happened if I hadn't called? You are just going to hump your bed like a puppy in heat and try to play dumb, right? So I'm gonna help you out a little..... You don't want it? 

Shinje still had a thin smile on his face, but his brows had furrowed slightly. Despite the small change in expression, Yugeon was startled as if he had been burned. 

- If you don't listen to me, when I come back, you'll be in an awful lot of trouble. 

Yugeon's gaze hesitantly turned to his lower body. Quite a bit of precum had been trickling out from his dick, wetting his pants, as well as his underwear. There was a round stain slowly appearing on top of his pants, and his arousal also swollen to the point where it might pierce the fabric of his pants. 

He couldn't make sense of how things came to this situation. This wasn't the original plan. He was thinking of snapping at him asking why he hadn't contacted him so far, and if he could tell him when he would be back. Then, he would hang up the phone without getting caught up in Shinje's nonsense. But why. 

He was starting to hate the feeling of wet clothes on his skin. Yugeon pulled down his pants and underwear together. He didn't have the courage to face the man who kept staring at him from the other side of the screen like he was eating with eyes, so he squeezed his eyes shut. Due to several unintended days of abstinence, his body had become terribly sensitive. It was dizzying when he just grabbed his erection and palmed it. Clear liquid pooled and dripped from the rounded tip. He started stroking his cock somewhat clumsily. 

- Spread your legs more. I can't really see you. 

"Ah...... heueu! Oh."

- It won't feel good if you do it impatiently. Rub the top too. My guide still has a lot to teach. I really shouldn't spoil you too much just because you are too cute in my arms......

His hand holding up the phone gradually went slack. After masturbating a few minutes with his head down and his upper body curled up, Yugeon eventually collapsed on the bed with a weak moan. The phone slipped out of his hand and landed slantly against a pile of crumpled blankets. The camera caught him curled up with one cheek pressed on the bed. 

In his tilted view, he could see Shinje on the phone screen. He had taken out his thick, veiny cock, and was rubbing it gently. The moment he saw it, something suddenly burned in the back of his mind. Yugeon moved his hand a little faster, his eyelids trembling. 

- Our Yugeon-ie, you..... What were you thinking when you were touching yourself? 

"Nothing. I....." 

- You must want to be fucked so badly, but since I'm not there, is your ass feeling empty?  

A heavy breath weaved between Shinje's words. It sounded like he was whispering right next to his ears. Yugeon held his breath, and desperately focused only on his hand movements. Dipping his thumb in precum, rubbing his swollen tip, stroking and squeezing, twisting his hand along his length, making obscene noises. 

But it was strange. The back of his neck was burning, and sweat was forming on his forehead, but he couldn't see the end of it. Just a little more, a little more, and he could finish it. Even now, the pleasure that had risen sharp was trapped in his lower abdomen, rippling around.....

"Heog! Heueu, heog, haa." 

Yugeon burst out heavy breaths, while his heavily flushed length kept spilling over himself uncontrollably. His hand was all soaking slick and wet, but he couldn't feel the climax coming. All his nerves felt like they were in flames, trying desperately to reach the peak that seemed so closed yet still too far.  

- Your whines are too cute, but Yugeon-ah. You won't finish it today if you only touch your front. You gotta fill your needy hole, or else your body won't be satisfied.

The vulgar words just further fanned the burning shame. Yugeon turned his head and buried his face in the blankets, still stroking his cock. Shinje could now only see his sweat soaked hair tucked under his scarlet ears. 

- Ha... 

Shinje laughed softly. He wasn't all that relaxed either. A faint moan mixed with laughter burst out under his breath. 

Yugeon closed his eyes tightly, his burning face buried in the blankets. Now that his vision was blocked, his other senses had become even more sensitive. A short moan, the noises coming from the speaker, fabric rustling, the sound of wet flesh rubbing against each other..... were all jumbled up and reconstructed in his mind. 

Shinje would be sitting in the driver's seat, touching his own cock, with his eyes slightly red. His thick, engorged dick would be already standing erect. Slightly warmer than his original body temperature, a little darker in color, and the prominent veins throbbing along the length. 

Yugeon could easily imagine it breaching him. Shinje would at first push it in a little hastily. Ah, he gasped at the burning pain that crawled up from the rim, then it was pulled out of him. He'd rub the slick precum around the puckering entrance, wetting it, and try to enter again. Only after his hole was all slippery and soft, did the heavy glans barely slid inside. Shinje fucked in, bucking his waist with strength. His hole would be split open, adjusting to his size, and his insides filled to the brim. Now that rounded tip had entirely sank in, he could fuck him however he wished. He just needed to move a little more, and.....

"Heueung....... ah, ah, eug!!" 

He must have gone insane. Couldn't stop the trail of thoughts, Yugeon's fingers reached out to his hole, his other hand still frantically pumping his cock. Not bothering to slowly search for the spot he would feel good, he just blindly pressed his fingers around his entrance, wet with precum he spilled on his own, rubbing the sensitive rim.   

- Are you, imagining having sex, ah, with me? 

Shinje's obscene whispers became a shudder, then ran down his spine. Flames sparkled inside his tightly closed eyelids. It was a flame resembling a falling meteor with its tail dragging behind. His blind fingers fumbling around near the entrance of his heated inner walls finally pricked a sensitive spot that had blood rushing to his aching arousal. Yugeon curled up, his upper body tightened. 


- Why won't you, ha, answer. 

"Uh, heueug." 

- You're imagining, my dick, fucking your aching hole..... right? 

When Yugeon just whimpered and didn't answer, Shinje urged him again. Even that voice was a stimulus to Yugeon's ears. Feeling tickled, his thighs kept tightening against his will, out of control. He couldn't even make sense of Shinje's question. He thought he should just answer him anything he wanted to hear to stop it. Yugeon frantically nodded, his sweat-drenched black hair swaying gently at the movement. 

His hole twitched and clenched down tight on the joints of his index and middle fingers. As if begging for something thicker, longer and more ferocious. He tried pressing here and there with his fingers, but it was not enough. It was still shallow. Tears welled up in Yugeon's eyes, frustrated.  

- Heueug......  

Staring persistently at the phone screen, Shinje spurred his hand pumping his dick. The scene unfolding in front of his eyes was overly provocative. Baek Yugeon, crying clumsily, fucking himself with his fingers, not knowing how to relieve himself even when his body was terribly aroused. His vision reddened with desire. 

It should have been his own cock, not Baek Yugeon's fingers, fucking that pathetic little hole. He would grab his firm hips, and shove his dick in, until his pelvis was pressed against his ass, forcibly splitting open his cramped walls, and fuck him hard..... until that expressionless face completely collapsed, with his eyes rolled back and drooling, arching his slim back beautifully.  

- Guide Baek Yugeon. 

"Heog, ah-eug, eu, ah!" 

- Yugeon-ah, do you like it? 

"Eu, eueung...... eung." 

Still couldn't get rid of his old habits, Yugeon hadn’t stopped using honorifics with Shinje. Even now, from time to time, he would slip and call him leader. A person usually stiff and frank, only when having sex, Yugeon would be soft in his hands and behave cutely. How could he endure leaving him alone?

- But it's not as good as when I fuck you, right?

Yugeon, drowning in pleasure with his reason blown away, hastily nodded. His shoulders and arms trembling so much that they could be seen through the screen. 


Between gasps, a half-sunken voice leaked out. Shinje paused touching his dick for a moment. 

"Doing it with you, I kept thinking about it, over and over again..... ah!" 

After hearing that confession, how could he endure it any longer? Shinje gritted his teeth. Yugeon did not recognize any of that. Moaning and rubbing his sweat soaked forehead against the blankets, he sped up his hand stroking his dick, and rutted his fingers against his fluttering insides. His palms and soles of his feet felt as if they were on fire. 


Yugeon threw his head back, and came with his teeth clenched. His climax splattered on the fragrant, soft beddings. His blue veins stood on his slender nape, his tightly closed eyes, and the back of his hands with thin bones sticking out, his whole body spasming finely in ecstasy. 

Yugeon was curled up on bed, barefoot in a loose-fitting T-shirt hanging off his shoulder. The T-shirt was dragged down to his stomach, and the pants and underwear were hanging on one calf. He looked out of place in a bedroom with a sophisticated and elegant interior. It felt oddly indecent and abandoned drowning in lust in the middle of a spacious bed dressed like that. 

Shinje also reached his climax, while capturing all of Yugeon's figure in detail. Perverted pleasure toppled over, and climbed up the swollen tip. 

- Ah.

Shinje let out a quick breath, and tilted his chin. He pursed his parted lips and tensed up, his fine brows furrowed slightly. Before he knew it, his bangs were all rumpled and had naturally slipped down to his forehead. He spurted his release onto the palms of his own hands. His climax was captured by the camera from start to finish. It was too vulgar to be a pictorial, and somewhat aesthetically pleasing to be considered pornography. 

Yugeon was left sprawled out in a daze even after it'd been a while since his peak. As if it hadn't sunken in that he had masturbated in front of Shinje's eyes, writhing in lust, or that he had soiled the blankets. 

- Our Yugeon-ie, what should I do...... I shouldn't leave you alone even for a moment again, what if he goes into heat without me. 

A voice soaked in the afterglow of pleasure came to his ears. Yugeon couldn't answer anything, stifling his heavy breaths. 

- I'll fuck you as many times as you want when I come back home, so be a good boy and wait for me. Okay? 

Why won't you tell me when you're coming back..... Yugeon, who was staring blankly at the camera, bit his lip and closed his eyes tightly. Or else, a whine might spatter out of his mouth. 

The next day, Yugeon finally left the house. The longer he spent alone in that house, too spacious and too quiet for him that he could even hear the sound of a pin drop, the more he felt suffocated. 

He put on whatever he could get his hands on and got out, but there came the next problem. He knew no one in the area and had no particular hobby, so he had no idea where to go. He hesitated for a while in the alley in front of his house, and eventually decided to go wherever his feet took him. 

The scenery of the city, which was once devastated and now in the process of recovering, caught his eye. Signs and safety light sticks were installed all over the place, indicating that construction was underway. When he looked up, he saw a large crane stacking the frames of a high-rise building towering above the surrounding buildings. 

Yugeon walked through the residential area and went out to the main street. In the middle of the wide eight-lane boulevard, a fluorescent color line was marked, while workers busily moved here and there repairing the road with a huge sinkhole. He noticed a traffic jam as he walked past a construction site. The drivers looked annoyed behind the wheels. 

In contrast, the faces of the pedestrians walking down the street were much brighter. Few people were seen wearing masks. When the abyss was in progress, ordinary people could not even go outside due to toxins spread in the air, and even if they came out, they had to wear thick gas masks. 

The gates that still remain were currently being handled by cooperation between the Awakening Management Headquarters and the Hunting Orders that were still active. After all, it had now become meaningless to divide the camps and fight for power. The Inspection Stations, that were for testing and ranking the abilities of newly awakened people, were closed shortly after the annihilation of Mazzaroth. Recently, there were news that the National Assembly had proposed to either scale down or dismantle the Awakening Management Headquarters. 

Now, there was no need to be anxious that your neighborhood might be designated as a closed area overnight. When you opened the news in the morning, you no longer had to worry about where else new gates were discovered this time, or how many people were attacked by mutant species the day before. They were now living in a world that was so unfamiliar to mankind today, but it was also once taken for granted. 

Yugeon was also unfamiliar with the present. He didn't know what life was like without having to fight for survival day by day. If he no longer had to work as a guide, what should he do for a living? It was still hard to accept that the things that made him take root in this world were all gone, and that he had participated in the battle that determined the world's survival. 

"Catch me!" 


Children came running behind Yugeon. They were also without any protective gear. The children jumped over the broken and overturned sidewalk blocks, giggling. Even the broken road seemed to look like a playground for children. 

"I'll go first!" 

A child burst into laughter and rushed into Yugeon. Yugeon turned to avoid the child, but he didn't see the cracks under his feet. His body, which had been confined to the house for a few weeks while skipping meals, stumbled with just that. 


His vision darkened, and lost his balance, his head spinning. He thought he might fall at this rate. Unsightly in the middle of the main street in the broad daylight. 


However, the expected shock did not come. A child's thin hands had grabbed Yugeon's with all their strength. Yugeon swallowed his groan and barely stood upright. A boy who was only half as tall as Yugeon looked up at him. 

"Are you okay?" 

The child asked, blinking his round eyes. Yugeon felt a strange sense of deja vu. He had once saved a child who was trapped in an old supermarket store when his old neighborhood was overrun by insect-type mutants. The child was exactly this age. 

The memory of the residential area, burning down in chaos, was crystal clear. While saving the child, the house where Yugeon and Heeseong lived was also engulfed in flames and disappeared without him able to save a single memory. But he had never regretted that decision. He could never resent a child. 

"He looks hurt." 

The child cried. Another child following him from behind stuck out her tongue. 

"It's because you pushed him. Stupid." 

"I'm not stupid." 

"Stupid, stupid, stupid! Idiot, poop dog!" 

"I hate nuna! I'll tell mom." 

After he shouted at his sister, the boy got a little sullen and bowed his head to Yugeon. 

"I'm sorry." 

Yugeon had a slight frown on his pale, expressionless face. It wasn't that he didn't like children. It was always awkward dealing with small, weak, and friendly things. Most of the beings he encountered in his life were bigger and stronger than him, and only those who tried to crush him somehow. A thought that he shouldn't do this or that was always in the back of his mind, worried that a child would get hurt if he reached out recklessly. 


The child who made eye contact with him was startled. The older brother in front of him was tall and handsome. If he dressed up in nice clothes and decorated well, he thought he would look like the idols or models on TV. But he looked impassive and reserved. His eyes looking down at him with his mouth pursed were indifferent. It was by no means an impression that a child could easily feel friendly with. 

His mom had repeatedly reminded him to look around carefully if he was walking down the street. Was he going to be scolded by this big brother for not listening to his parents? He seemed like a very scary hyung. The child's chubby cheeks began to twitch sadly. 

"It's fine. Hyung is okay." 

It was then a low-pitched voice came from above. His voice was as blunt as his appearance, but he seemed to be trying his best to speak kindly. The child forgot how scared he got earlier, and looked up at him. Yugeon leaned down to meet him at the same eye level. 

"You have to look ahead carefully. Or else you will fall. There are many construction sites here, so be careful." 


The child nodded quietly. Yugeon gently brushed the child's hair, disheveled from running around playing happily. Only with fingertips, in case he touched him wrong and might get hurt. 

"It must be nice to have a nuna." 

"What about hyung? Do you have a nuna or hyung?" 

"Me? I..... I had an older brother." 

There was a time when just thinking about Heeseong's last moments was uncontrollably painful. Swept away by the guilt of not being able to protect him, he wanted to end himself miserably too. But now, the story about his brother had come out of Yugeon's mouth, calm and composed. As if retracing what had already passed and overcame a long time ago. 

He didn't expect the child to understand what he meant. It was fine though. He just said it because he wanted to, and he thought that was it. If it wasn't for what the child said next. 

"Then that hyung must have gone to heaven. Just like my dad." 

The small hands that were still holding Yugeon's hand tightened. 

"Eung. Thanks." 

Yugeon smiled. The scar on one eyelid curved gently. The cold impression changed with  that one smile. He patted the child on the shoulder and pulled himself up. Just in time, the child's older sister came up from behind. The two children walked away, holding hands. 

Yugeon started walking again. The sunlight shining down spitting through the dreary winds was dazzling. The sunny days were finally back after the world was nearly pushed to the brink of the end. 

He took his cell phone out of his pocket and checked the lock screen. There were no new notifications. He had been checking it so often that he no longer blinked at the sight of it. He opened the Message app even though he knew he had received no new messages. At the end of the chat window, the message he sent to Shinje before he left the house was floating alone. 

[When are you coming back?] 

The message might sound stiff and dry for strangers, but it was the best sounding message Yugeon could come up with. He mustered up the courage after agonizing for hours and pressed send, but there was still no read mark beside it let alone a reply. Are you really busy? Erewhon had suffered devastating damage during the raid on Mazzaroth, so of course he must be very busy taking care of the aftermath, but still...... Is there no time to check even a single message? 

Even now, Shinje must be terribly busy doing important things that even ten of his bodies wouldn't be enough. He knew how ugly it would look to expect such a person to check a lame message. Nevertheless, his mind wasn't working the way it should. Reason and emotion were moving in opposite directions. 

When it came to Shinje, Yugeon had always been like this. He hated Shinje, and at the same time felt pity for him. Even though he was hurt every time with him, he also expected it every time. He saved Shinje because he wanted to kill him more than anyone else. He promised to get away from him forever, but eventually returned to his side. 

Along the boulevard, he entered an alley that was once lined with restaurants and shops. Even among the collapsed and empty shops, there were few stores that were still open. Yugeon stopped his steps in front of one of them. It was a dessert shop. Through the window, he could see the desserts lined up on the store shelves. Beautifully wrapped meringue cookies were also among them. 

Should he go in, or not? Should he buy it, or not? Yugeon pondered, awkwardly snooping around the store from a distance. The cute pastel-style interior of the store was making him hesitate even more. He didn't think anyone crass and rough looking person like himself should enter such a pretty place. 

Even if he mustered up the courage to go in, he was worried about what to buy. Should he just buy meringue cookies since he at least knew what it tastes like? He kept mulling over it, since it was something that was hard to find in supermarkets or marts. But.....


Yugeon fiddled with the hem of the sleeve of the hoodie covering the back of his hand like a habit. His expression became even more serious. He looked resolutely determined, unlike someone trying to pick a dessert. 

Meringue cookies were his favorite, not Shinje's. No, in fact, he wasn't even sure of it. Shinje had asked Yugeon what he liked and ate well, but Yugeon had never asked him. 

What did Shinje like? He did not seem to enjoy loud decorations and patterns, but seemed to prefer things made with luxurious materials that would make anyone gasp. He could tell just by looking at the interior of Erewhon's headquarters and the uniform design. However, that was the limit for Yugeon who lacked the keen eye to grasp the other people's tastes. He didn't know much more details than that. 

At first glance, Shinje looked like someone who had a picky mouth and ate only the highest quality, but surprisingly, he did not seem to have clear likes and dislikes when it came to food. He ate the luxuriously prepared course meals without any complaints, but also ate simple toast and bacon in the mornings. There were times when he refused to touch anything at all if he was in bad shape, but rarely fussed about this or that. 

They had been together for quite a while, not short, not long, had seen each other's ugly faces, and had disclosed the lowest moments of their lives, so how come he just realized he didn't even know Shinje's taste in desserts. It was a strange feeling. No matter what Yugeon bought, the man would either tease him, saying, ‘you finally know how to pick things like this now’ or smile beautifully and say ‘I'm happy you bought something for me’, but..... he felt like this was not enough. 

Yugeon finally made up his mind and moved on. It was then. A man staggering down the bumpy street, which was still far from the restoration being complete, bumped into him hard. Not even a cry of pain could come out of the sudden shock. 


His injured ankle was sprained too quickly. Yugeon limped back a few steps and eventually flopped down to the ground as if collapsed. A sharp pain shot up from the ankle. 

"Ha, fuck this. Look straight ahead when you walk!" 

The man in shabby clothes yelled out loud. His eyes were unfocused and his whites were bloodshot. Besides, his body was trembling so violently, that no one would miss that something was off. 

"Why is a fucking cripple crawling out on the street? Ptew, what kind of luck is that?"

Yugeon knew what those symptoms meant. The man in front of him was not a regular drunk. He was an Awakened who must have become dependent on the drugs, unable to endure the side effects, eventually destroying both his body and mind. 


The eyes of the man who had been wheezing in anger suddenly changed. He didn't notice it right away since he was breathing out curses, but when he bumped into the young man earlier, something changed in his body. It was only the briefest moment, yet he couldn't help but notice it. The young man in front of him must have been a guide. An Awakened like him, who had no money but a low rank, could not even dare to hold a guide's hand, let alone seek out an exclusive guide. 

"What? Are you a guide?" 

The man suddenly leaned down, rubbing his rough beard on his chin. His shadow fell over Yugeon. The stench of cheap drugs wafted towards him. 

"Fuck off." 

A blood clot stood on the back of Yugeon's hand on the ground. He had to get up quickly, but his legs wouldn't listen. After a big sprain during Wild Hunt, his ankle would act up the most random times, and eventually ended up like this. 

"The world has really changed. Guides are even walking around without a shred of fear. What if someone drags you away and does something terrible to you?" 

"You're worried about me? You don't look like you can even keep yourself steady on your feet." 

"Ah, did your partner abandon you? Did they say they no longer want to fuck a cripple?" 

Yugeon unconsciously felt around his waist and thighs, then realized that the pistol was missing and gritted his teeth. The cause of the trouble was that he didn't bring his own weapon, thinking he wouldn't be attacked by mutants anymore. 

"None of your business. And cripple or not." 

He clenched his teeth and hardened his ankle. His legs, loosening in strength, barely stood up. As soon as he jumped up on his feet, he grabbed the man's arm over his clothes and twisted it. 

"It's not to the point where I can't beat up a bastard like you." 

At most, the man appeared to be a low-rank Awakened at Heeseong's level. It would be impossible to completely overpower them in a physical fight, but he could take advantage of the opponent's carelessness and surprise them. Since he wasn't expecting a guide, where most of them were normally kept out of battles, to suddenly attack him, the man fell over with a strangled groan. 

"Fuck. You bastard. Let go." 

The man yelled in a hoarse voice. His limbs thrashed around like mad. Only then did Yugeon notice. The sleeve on the other arm, not the one he was holding, was empty. 

It was not difficult to deduce the reason why the man had come to roam the streets in this manner. Originally, he would have been a low-rank Hunter, treated with contempt wherever he went, and with his arm cut off, he must have lost even the slightest usefulness he possessed. His curses at Yugeon, calling him a cripple, might have been a desperate attempt to escape from his own reality. But that didn't mean his sins would go away. 

There were not a few people who believed that everything would only get better once all the mutant species disappeared. But Yugeon wasn't one of them. He had already seen too much of the world's filth to harbor such naive expectations. 

In order to completely return to the pre-Outbreak situation, there were not one or two obstacles mankind had to overcome. Since long ago, many fields had been reliant on mutants and Awakened. Companies that processed mutant by-products were already screaming death. Hunters who had lost their jobs overnight were also in a panic. The repercussions were too realistic to be comforted by just patting themselves on their backs, saying it was fine since they had avoided death, surviving the apocalypse. 

"You just dug your own grave. You know?" 

The man pushed Yugeon back with only one arm and knocked him down. The pain that shot up from his ankle blackened his vision for a split second. If this was a main road, he could have asked passers-by for help, but they were in an alley a few blocks away from the main road. There were more empty stores than open stores in the vicinity. 


"A guide like you, should know your fucking place." 

The man pressed Yugeon down with his entire body and stretched out his hand. Yugeon couldn't move even though he knew the man's hand was approaching. If only he had a pistol, no, a knife. 

"Mutants aren't the only thing that's scary."

"Don't go outside recklessly. No, just don't go out when I'm not around."

Telling a bunch of pointless sly jokes, then adding a touch of sincerity towards the end. Shinje had always talked like that. It was hard to tell if it was a joke or if he was being serious. Yugeon closed his eyes tightly. And the instant he opened his closed eyes again, he lifted his fine leg and kicked him with all his might. 


The man groaned and crouched down. If he had kicked his thighs or calves, it wouldn't have hurt him this much. However, it happened to be between the man's crotch. 

"This, bit...." 

He crawled up towards him with a flushed face, drenched in cold sweat. Before he could come near him, Yugeon threw a fist. He deliberately aimed at the side with the severed arm so that the man couldn't easily counterattack. The man instinctively tried to defend himself, lifting his shoulder to stop his fist. It seemed that it hadn't been long since he lost his arm. The fist that cut through the air landed right on his flank. The man gritted his teeth, swallowing a groan. 

The two fought back and forth in the dirty alley. Yugeon barely avoided the man's fist. The deflected fist slammed into the wall behind him, creating a small crack in the concrete. It was the most common, but also the most versatile muscle strengthening ability. If the man hadn't been plagued by drugs and side effects, or if his powers were as strong as they used to be, no, if only both his arms were in good shape, Yugeon would have been in the shape of that wall by now. 

Before the man could pull out his fist from the wall, Yugeon threw another fist. Peog! His jaw went slightly askewed.  

"Keog! Eueug." 

The man at first tried to keep his balance, but eventually fell flat to the ground. Yugeon did not let down his guard and stepped back, wiping his mouth clean with his wrist. Only the sound of the two taking heavy breaths could be heard in the deserted alley. The sensation of desperate and chaotic fight. He felt more grounded now than when he had run into children playing under the sunlight. 

"Is it the first time you have been hit by a guide?" 

Yugeon asked him, twisting his lips. He tried to look like he was relaxed, but he was bluffing. The pain in his ankle felt as if it was getting worse with every passing minute. In addition, there was dust and fresh scratches all over his body. If he just went into the dessert shop looking like this, Yugeon might be reported to the police by the startled store owner. 


The man propped himself up on the ground with his remaining arm, trying to get himself up. However, since even that arm was twitching uncontrollably, he shortly collapsed once again. He spat out curses, scratching the ground. 

"You know, it's not fucking fair, damn it....."


"Even if you lose your guiding ability, you will make a living somehow. But I will be just a one-armed drug addict if my abilities are gone. Shit. A guy like me is now useless anywhere in the world." 

Perhaps, for this man, it might be hell even more so now than before, when mutant species were prevalent and people were dying like flies. After defeating the monsters, the world became peaceful and everyone lived happily ever after. It would have been nice if the story ended that simply. 

"I fought hard to survive, but now I know nothing but how to kill mutants....." 



"So what, you can go find a new way to live right now instead of whining to me. Or if you want, you can just go die."

Yugeon closed his eyes tightly, and then slowly opened them. Perhaps it was because he overworked his still-recovering body, his vision went swirling for a moment. 

"Because you are not the only person who fought hard to survive." 

Yugeon turned around, leaving the man behind. The man gritted his teeth, and raised himself up, holding onto whatever that was next to him. However, what he had put on his weight was a pile of planks and lumber piled up in a precarious manner that looked as if they were about to collapse at any moment. 


Heavy materials tumbled down on top of him. Yugeon stumbled forward with a limp, but he never looked back. It was only after he completely left the alley that he exhaled a long breath that he had been holding back.  

"Heog, haa......"

The pain that he had forgotten about hit his entire body. It felt like he would collapse in place the moment he relaxed. Yugeon forcibly moved his exhausted body, and narrowly managed to lean against the nearby wall. He leaned the back of his head against the cold, hard concrete wall. He could see the sky through his dwindling eyesight. It was still sunny. 

"Damn it." 

He must look like a mess. He was just trying to take a short walk, but had to run into trouble. It was the worst. 

After being there for a while, he felt a slight vibration from his pants pocket. The phone was ringing. Yugeon fumbled around in his pockets, and took out the heated up cell phone. How long had it been ringing? Missed call notifications had piled up on his lock screen. After leaving the terminal he used before at Erewhon headquarters, Yugeon had been living without a cell phone. Only after reuniting with Shinje, he finally got one again. There was only one contact saved on this device. An expensive item just to keep in touch with one person. Truly a luxurious shackle. 

He pressed the call button and put the phone to his ear. Even that simple movement made his arm terribly sore. He didn't even have the energy to speak, so he just breathed out heavily.  

- Yugeon-ah. 

It was a friendly tone as usual. However, he could tell that Shinje was not in a very good mood. Far from making lame jokes, calling him honey, his voice was completely devoid of laughter. 

- Are you outside? 

Shinje asked. He thought he heard the sound of the wind and cars from the other side of the speaker. 

- Where are you? 


- Baek Yugeon. 

When Yugeon said nothing, Shinje's voice became a little deeper. 


- Eung. 

If it was usual, he would have already asked him why he was calling him leader, when he was no longer one, but Shinje didn't say any of that sort. 

"I'm a little..." 

Yugeon took a deep breath. Even that sounded terribly hoarse. And exhaled again to squeeze out the words. 

"Please come find me." 

He suddenly felt awfully frustrated at the end of his words. He wondered if he shouldn't have asked Shinje for help, even if he had to crawl back home alone. 

After a moment of silence, Shinje asked his location in a calm voice. Yugeon looked around and described whatever large buildings he saw that he thought could be landmarks. I got it, the phone was soon disconnected with only a short response. Yugeon couldn't guess what Shinje might be thinking of this. He gritted his teeth and clenched his hand holding the now silent phone. He straightened his body, and moved his arms and legs, which felt as heavy as a thousand pounds. 

The scenery along the boulevard was still peaceful. No one would have guessed what just happened in the back alley. He thought the landscape somehow resembled the whole world. Covering the wounds of long starvation with new flesh, and trying to move forward little by little, even with a messed up body. 

He didn't know how long he waited. A car gracefully glided across the road, and stopped in front of Yugeon. It was a familiar brand new car. The driver's door snapped open. Yugeon finally relaxed. The consciousness that he had been tenaciously clinging onto went blurred. 


He slumped in place like a puppet whose strings had been cut. He caught a glimpse of a blurry figure approaching him. That was all he remembered. 

Warm water ceaselessly poured from the rain shower head. Yugeon lifted his arm to check the bruises he got from the physical fight earlier. His skin was a mess with dirt and blood. As soon as it came into contact with the stream of warm water, the dirt was washed away, exposing the bare bruised skin underneath. A sharp pain shot up.  


Yugeon washed his body vigorously, frowning in pain. He then squeezed some shampoo onto his palm and washed his hair. It still hurt every time he moved his arms, but it was better than before. While rubbing the shampoo between his hair, making foams, his hands soon slowed down. 


He bowed his hair and was hit by the pouring water overhead. His head was cluttered with complex emotions that couldn't be explained simply by anger, irritation, or pain. 

When Yugeon opened his eyes, they were almost home. Shinje, whom he hadn't seen in a few days, didn't look much different from the last time he saw him. He looked pale, and his jawline a little sharper, probably because he had been away from him for a long time. However, compared to Yugeon, he looked so much better. It was Shinje who hadn't been able to receive guiding, but his guide, Yugeon, was in a worse condition. 

He must have picked Yugeon up, who had lost consciousness, put him in the car, and headed home. It was a gentle attitude as always. However, Shinje did not ask him how it happened, or where and what happened to him. He just focused on driving while looking straight ahead with no expression on his face. As if lovers' whispers over the video call was a dream, only a heavy silence lingered between them the entire way back home.  

Shinje seemed to be angry with him. That was the conclusion Yugeon came to on their way home.

No wonder. Not only did he ignore his warning not to go out recklessly, he also lied to him that he was eating well, sleeping well, and doing well by himself. It wouldn't be unfair to be punished for violating the contract or disobedience of orders. It was just that they were on longer in a contractual relationship, and Shinje was no longer either his superior or his owner. However, to him, Shinje still felt like someone whom he should obey and serve rather than someone who was his equal. 

Although there were times when Yugeon would one-sidedly vent his anger and resentment at Shinje, he wouldn't confront him back for it. He had always been obnoxiously soft on Yugeon. Even if he deliberately threw harsh words onto his face to provoke the other person, he just laughed and brushed them off. So it was even more difficult for him now. 

Yugeon had no talent at appeasing an angry or sulking opponent. He didn't even have the sense to sensitively grasp the other person's mood. It would be nice if he could relieve Shinje's anger just letting him beat him up a few times or discipline him or whatever. However, such a method might work for simple ignorant and violent low-rank Hunters that Yugeon used to work with, but it would not work with Shinje. It would instead 100% backfire. 

To tell the truth, Yugeon wasn't even that sorry. He also had a fair share of grudge against that man. Leaving and coming back however he pleased, making him wait for him without a promise, how could he not bear a grudge against him. 


He let out a long sigh and leaned his forehead against the tile wall. Warm water soaked the top of his head and ran down his forehead, ears, and his nape. Some of them pooled at the ends of his eyelashes and then slipped off. Like water drizzling from the eaves on a rainy day. 

Why do we always have to stumble like this? Yugeon thought, pressing his forehead against the cool, damp wall. He did not know how to talk elegantly or have a slick personality, so he had no choice but to think and think again.  

Let's stop hurting each other with sharp words, useless accusations that lead to nothing, repeating the exhausting hatred as if pulling the trigger of an empty gun again and again. He promised to do it every time Shinje was away. What was the use of all that now? He missed him, yes, as much as he hated to admit it, it was also the truth that he had missed Shinje terribly.  

But when he actually faced Shinje, everything went wrong. Where did all the things he promised himself, to be rational and calm, went? Instead, only selfish whines came out of him like a spoiled child fussing about in a crowd. Every time, violent impulses from the tips of his fingers and toes would sprang out of control.  

Perhaps the same was true for Shinje. No matter how obtuse, he could see that much. Sometimes Yugeon could read certain emotions in his glassy eyes. The man, who had always been adept at acting gracefully in front of the others, could rarely able to hide his feelings in front of Yugeon. His raw affections, and his burning desires to kill were all laid bare for him to see. 

Why can't we work things out? Can't we just be like other normal people? Pieces of the puzzle that were made incorrectly from the beginning. Defective items that just happen to fit together quite by chance..... 


The pouring water suddenly stopped with a heavy snap. When he turned off the faucet, his surroundings instantly became quiet. Yugeon blankly looked down at his toes. Even after the shower was turned off, water droplets continued to drip, wetting his feet and tiles. 

He left the bathroom with a towel on his wet hair and a robe on. Yugeon nearly jumped up when he lifted his head without a second thought while drying his hair. Shinje was sitting at the table in the bedroom. Unlike before, he was now dressed comfortably, already taken off his coat and gloves that he had worn on top of his suit, in contrast to Yugeon, who only had a gown on his bare body underneath. 


His hand that was roughly rubbing his hair dry fell, suddenly drained of strength. Shinje asked without even sparing a look at him. 

"Are you here?" 

He picked up a glass from the table. The label of the bottle next to it had its name written in a foreign language that Yugeon did not recognize. He must have drank some while he was alone waiting for him, since there was only a little more than half of the clear liquor left in the bottle. 

"What's that?" 

"My lunch." 

Shinje swayed his glass as if he wanted him to check it himself. Yugeon let out a soft sigh. 

"It's too much for lunch." 

"Do you want a glass?"

Shinje tilted the bottle and filled another empty glass without waiting for Yugeon's answer. Unlike Taein, who liked to collect liquor by type and vintage, Shinje did not enjoy drinking much. Only a few sips as an aperitif at most. 

"Should I have put the necklace back on....." 

Shinje muttered under his breath as he pushed the full glass towards Yugeon. Then, he tilted his head and smiled lightly into his own glass. 

"Since you couldn't keep it down and went into heat." 

A chill ran down his spine at the casually said blunt words. Yugeon's hesitant steps froze in place. 

"Did you really want to go outside?" 

"It's not like that." 

"How did you restrain yourself until now when your body is really this desperate?" 

"I said it's not like that." 

"Are you bored? You used to have four people fucking you in turns, so I guess you are no longer satisfied with just me here, right? You should have told me sooner if your ass is that hungry for a dick."


At the words stabbing his heart in cold blood, a fire ignited from the inside. After rashly raising his voice, Yugeon tried to calm his breaths. 

"Don't say it like that. You know it's not true." 

"You know that. All the Awakened who happened to make eye contact with you, or even just graze past your fingertips all want to fuck you with their eyes turned upside down. You still don't realize it even after all that?"

Yugeon stood in place as if nailed to the floor, and glared at Shinje. His coal-black eyes could be seen through the dripping black hair. 

"Come here. Or leave if you don't want to see me." 

He could have ignored Shinje's words, turned around and left. But if he did, they would go back to square one. 

"What happened today, I didn't mean it. It's not what I wanted." 

After a brief conflict, Yugeon took a step towards him. Wet footprints on the soft bedroom rug closely followed his steps. Shinje lowered his gaze, and smiled only with the corner of his lips raised faintly. 

"Yes, I know that. That's why I brought you home safely. I didn't even deal with that bastard in front of you." 

"Why would you say that when you know it!" 

"My Yugeon-ie..... is mad. At me." 

Shinje's soft voice cut off Yugeon's angry words. He raised his head and stared at Yugeon. As if expressing regret, his eyebrows slightly pressed together into a frown, his light-colored eyes tinged with a mournful glow. Far from feeling sorry, Yugeon thought it was a despicable expression.  

"Then what were you going to do?" 

"Do you want me to kill him? Not only him, but anyone that tried to lay a hand on you even once in the past." 

"Are you serious?" 

"Of course, just name them. Whoever you named, I'll gladly kill anyone and everyone."

Yugeon lowered his gaze. His drenched black hair was disheveled, covering his eyes. He clenched his fists under the sleeves of his bath gown. 

"I hate you to death." 

Shinje immediately replied as if he had been waiting. 

"You love me to death." 



Shinje was smiling again, as if he hadn't been pretending to be hurt. His head tilt and the smile in his eyes on his face was terrifyingly alluring. I want to kill you. Unrefined impulses sprang up to his heart. 


Yugeon didn't affirm Shinje's words in the end. But he didn't deny them. He gnashed his teeth loudly and strode closer to Shinje. A tension filled silence ensued. Even though the other person was approaching with a murderous glare in his eyes, Shinje didn't move at all from his seat and just smiled quietly. 

It was evidently Yugeon's move anyway. He thought of several options during the brief moment when Yugeon was approaching him. Would he grab him by the collar, strangle him, or punch him? 

Unlike his cold-blooded appearance, his guide had a hot temper, so his hands were quite rough. But it didn't matter to him. Yugeon was cute no matter what he did. It would still be cute even if he picked up the sommelier knife that he had put on the table and tried to stab his throat. If it was for Yugeon, he was willing to cut off at least a few arteries. After all, reattaching those severed arteries would be Yugeon's choice, and his guiding. 

He wondered as he traced the rim of the glass with his fingertips. He tried to make sense of his emotions that were raging inside right now. 

He wasn't angry with Yugeon. He would give into his impulses strangely easily when it came to things about Yugeon, but he wasn't so naive as to blame Yugeon for being bitten by some bug. The guy who tried to get his hands on his guide without knowing his place would be paying a terrible price by now. He had already wrapped things up with a single order on a phone call on his way back home with Yugeon covered in wounds next to him. Then why? What was left that he was still feeling so unpleasant? 

It had been a while since they had moved in together, but Yugeon had never asked for anything from him. From choosing the house and the interior to little things like clothes and snacks. He accepted everything silently as it was given and as it was not. It was all fine up until there. Because he knew Yugeon's personality had always been like that. Just like back then. 

"I won." 

"This time again..... I won." 

Shinje vividly remembered the two moments when Yugeon declared his victory. Every time he thought of those times, the exhilarating catharsis still rang at his fingertips. His upright and straightforward personality was one of the many reasons why Shinje loved him. However, there was no need to be stubborn in a situation like this. He didn't take care of his health, and with his body noticeably weakened, it was no wonder he felt distressed when his urges piled up. Just a little while ago, if Shinje hadn't called him at the right time, it might not have ended with just a few bruises and cuts. 

Yugeon had always been like that. Ardently shouting with his entire body that he couldn't be without him, asking him to stay by his side, while his words and actions were indifferent. Repressing everything inside, he rarely expressed anything outwardly. Was he pretending not to be, or was he not aware of it himself? It was probably the latter with a high probability, but Yugeon was more indifferent to himself than he was to not care about others. Even if he died soon, it might be the result of the barren life he had lived so far where he couldn't act childishly or show his weakness to others. 

He knew all these things so well in his head, but it was still a terrible feeling. Enough to provoke Yugeon by deliberately spitting out such perverse and sharp words. What was the name of this emotion? Shinje recalled the human emotions he learned after leaving the laboratory one after the other. 

Ah..... I think I know. It was..... disappointment. It seems that he was a little bit upset with Yugeon. 

Yugeon was finally right in front of him. His shadow fell over Shinje. The warm and moist scent of body products wafted from Yugeon just as the distance between them narrowed. 

He neither attacked nor picked up the weapon. He reached out his hand and grabbed his share of glass placed on the table. It was a very unexpected move. Then he gulped down his entire drink. The entire time he was emptying his glass, he kept his sharp eyes like that of the blade of a knife fixed on Shinje. A trickle of liquid that he couldn't swallow dribbled down his sharp chin, briefly pooled on her collarbones, and then ran down his chest between the loosely fitted hems of his gown. 

The empty glass was put down back on the table with a loud clunk. Shinje's gaze followed the glass for a brief second, then returned to Yugeon. The alcohol he gulped down in one breath set fire to his body. The sweet flavored heat crawled up to the tip of his lips. 

Their eyes met from top to bottom. Since the distance between them had been narrowed to less than one step, Yugeon could also smell the scent of alcohol from Shinje. Shinje looked up at Yugeon from below and smiled. 

"I... I think I'm drunk. I feel dizzy." 

He knew he couldn't get drunk on just a few sips of liquor. Yugeon closed his eyes tightly. The insides of his eyelids burned, he guessed it was either because of the fast-spreading tipsiness, or some other reason. He blinked open his eyes, put his hands on his waist, and untied the knot of his loosely tied bath gown nonchalantly. Before long, the only cloth he was wearing slipped down his bare shoulders. The moment the gown grazed his calves and ankle bones, and fell to the floor......

"Will you give me a hug?"

Shinje wrapped his hands around his waist, and pulled him close. 


Asking for a hug with words, then the movement of grabbing his waist was awfully contrasting. He wondered how could words and actions be so different. After stumbling into his embrace with his waist held by his strong arms, Yugeon barely managed to keep his balance, putting one knee on the corner of the single-seater sofa where Shinje was sitting, and propping himself up on the backrest. It was an awkward position, as if he himself had tried to climb on top of Shinje. Shinje tugged him closer, placing his hand on the back of Yugeon's head. He then ran his hot, dry fingers between his still damp hair. Before he could think it was getting too close, Shinje swiftly shortened the distance and pressed their lips together. The same scent of the liquor lingered as they weaved their lips together, sucking the other's tongue, and scouring the wet heat. Was this the touch Yugeon had imagined all along, when he was lying alone on the wide bed?

Never breaking off the kiss, Shinje's fingers gently carding through Yugeon's hair slowly slid down and fondled his soft nape, leaving a long, thin water trail on the back of his neck. Even though it was from his own hair, it somehow felt strange on his skin. Shinje's fingertips followed the protruding bones at the back of his neck, skimming along his nicely shaped shoulder blades, and then swept down the small of his back. 

These same hands had killed countless monsters although it appeared elegant and gentle on the surface. The same hands that could control multiple people with one gesture. The same hands were now carefully groping down Yugeon's body. A chill crawled up his spine. 

Their lips barely parted only at the end of the sweltering kiss that took away his every breath. Shinje murmured, caressing Yugeon's pelvis and thighs. 

"I don't want to be angry with you." 

"I don't want to either." 

"Where did you learn to strip like that? You lost weight, your health got worse, the only thing you gained is new scars. Am I not supposed to get angry at something like this?"


"Then, what you did was wrong, right?" 

If that's the case, you are also at fault..... Yugeon thought that far and then quit. Anyhow, it was true that he went out on his own and got caught up in a useless fight, so it was understandable that Shinje was bothered. He just nodded his head with a sullen face. 

"Then, Yugeon-ah." 

The smile hanging on Shinje's lips deepened. 

"Today... let's cry a little. Then I'll let you off the hook." 

Yugeon startled at his smile. He shouldn't have readily admitted his mistake. For some reason, he had an ominous feeling.

Yugeon knelt on the floor with nothing on. Between Shinje's legs, who was sitting on the sofa at an angle.  

Shinje also looked disheveled. His shirt was unbuttoned, and his pants completely taken off. Since his long, muscular legs were stretched forward, he looked as if he was leaning back on the sofa lazily. He was just sitting on his bedroom sofa, but he looked like a model taking an underwear pictorial.   

It was less noticeable when he was wearing a full suit, but his body was beautiful and at the same time intimidating. His chest muscles were visible through the hem of his open shirt. There were well-trained abs underneath, and his lower body, only wearing his underwear, were bulging thickly. 

And there was a shirt garter tightened on his muscular thighs. Yugeon was not well versed in sexual code, but he could see how this piece could evoke indecent thoughts. He bit his lower lip and tugged at the garter. The black leather was pulled tight, further stirring up a strange desire from within. After a bit of wandering, he loosened the hook and peeled it off, leaving a pale red mark on his white skin. A man who was taller and older than him suited so well with props like chiffon, silk, leather straps, and flowers in full bloom that could create a subtle atmosphere. As if they were made just for him. That was why he thought it was all the more annoying. 

Because he was sitting on his knees, his lower body was directly in Yugeon's view. Even though it was still not fully erect, the thickness was staggering. He quickly blinked his eyes, which kept getting out of focus, wondering if he had seen it wrong because of the alcohol. But that didn't mean the object in front of him went nowhere. Rather, as if it got excited by Yugeon's gaze, it even grew a little bigger. 

Shinje, who was watching Yugeon with his temple crookedly resting on the back of his hand, while holding a wine glass in one hand, smiled. 

"What's wrong? Are you scared again?" 

"I think it's going to hurt." 


Slowly blinking his clouded eyes, Yugeon pointed his finger between his mouth and neck instead of answering. He wondered if he wanted to tell him that swallowing the dick would hurt his throat, but was it necessary to use such a cute yet tantalizing gesture? Shinje stretched his toes between Yugeon's thighs and flicked his cock that was already half erect. 


Yugeon moaned with his head down. His hair fluttered down. Normally, he would have stiffened his body and endured it, trying not to make a noise, but perhaps because he was drunk, his reaction was strangely honest. If he had known this was the case, he would have given him drinks long before.  

"You said you wanted to do this first. You have to keep your word. Eung? Right? No?" 

He gently nudged Yugeon's cock with the top of his foot and toes. The blood rushed to his erection and quickly filled up. Yugeon bit his lip and shook his head. 

"You promised to eat well without me. You also said you wouldn't go outside recklessly and take good care of yourself. And then you didn't keep any of it. You're also not going to keep your word for this?" 

Yugeon mechanically started shaking his head no, then staggered forward when he became dizzy. He pressed his burning forehead to Shinje's thigh and managed to keep his balance. 

"You're at fault, too." 

Borrowing the strength from alcohol, complaints spattered out of his mouth. He thought he should quit it, but his mouth began to move on its own. 

"Can't you...... at least tell me when you're coming back. You never tell me anything important. You aren't even training a dog, why do you have to make me wait endlessly for you every time. The message too....." 

Shinje quietly listened to his story while stroking Yugeon's head. He didn't say anything back. He was busy stifling the laughter that was about to burst out. Was his guide, who had always kept his mouth shut and never revealed his true feelings, whining, his sadness and disappointment finally gushing forth after a long time suppressing them. 

"...eung. The message too." 

"I sent you a message earlier." 

"I couldn't check it right away because I had to focus only on the road driving fast. Sorry. But I checked it as soon as I arrived..." 

"I sent the message, heueu, after really seriously thinking it over, but you didn't even reply..... It's already been hours since I sent it. I was waiting for your reply....." 

"Ah..... is that so. Then I made a mistake. I'm really sorry..." 

Yugeon's complaints were a jumble of honorifics and informal speech. There were times when the words were cut off in the middle after breathing them out like a ball of fire. Even if Shinje thought of them as drunken babbles, Yugeon felt it was unsightly. It was also no use rubbing his forehead against Shinje's thighs to drive away the alcohol. 

Yugeon concluded. At this rate, his mouth seemed like it would continue to spout nonsense. He gotta have to put something in his mouth. He didn't realize that the conclusion itself was deeply irrational. 

Yugeon hurriedly reached out his hands to Shinje's front. Even though he had yet to touch it, his arousal had swollen upright. The outline of the engorged tip was obvious under the thin, sticky fabric. He thought it might even wriggle itself out of the underwear without him taking it off. 

He hooked his fingers on the waistband and pulled it down. Even though it was a very simple movement that he needed not to be lost, he ended up pawing the air a few times. His heart had begun beating faster with tension or anticipation for the actions to follow. The heavy cock was then placed on the stretched fabric. His head was filled with just the thought of putting it in his mouth. Yugeon staggered forward to narrow the distance with kneeling steps, and buried his head between Shinje's thighs. 


He grabbed the base of the cock and opened his mouth. The blunt tip pressed heavy on his tongue. That alone filled the underneath of his tongue with saliva. He bowed his head, and sucked it in little by little. As his head went down, his hips slightly lifted up from the floor, and his toes gradually became tense. When he felt like the heavy cock couldn't go deeper, he tried licking the entire length wet, with his lips slick and swollen, and swallowed again. The feeling of voluntarily letting a foreign object penetrate the vital spot leading to the windpipe. The terribly sensitive roof of his mouth was tingling.  

"Heub! Hu." 

The heavy glans, which had been pushed in tight, pricked the roof of his mouth. Yugeon grimaced, and impulsively pulled his head back. A long transparent thread ran from the top of the swollen head to his lips. 

Shinje, who was just watching with his upper body relaxed against the sofa, lifted Yugeon's chin. He had only nipped the tip of his cock, and mumbled around it a few times, but his lips were already red. A stream of saliva that he couldn't swallow trickled down his chin. Tears had also welled up in his eyes. 

Who would have known. The fact that a clean face like his that seemed to know nothing but mission, discipline, and survival could be ruined this way. 

"My guide is so sincere and works hard at everything. Sucking mine very enthusiastically like you want to melt it down..... Want a ‘good job’ stamp this time too?" 

He pushed his thumb between his wet, softened lips, and pressed down. The mouth opened without resistance. Yugeon looked up at him with wide eyes. 

"That makes you even cuter." 

At the end of his words, Shinje crammed his length in. Past the lips and the flat of the tongue, to the inside covered with slippery mucous membrane. The long and heavy cock, which was too much just to wrap and hold with both his hands, filled his mouth at once. He felt like his chin was going to fall out. Yugeon's shoulders and back shook slightly. His breath was choked, he could barely breathe. 

"Just a little, more." 

Shinje gently pressed the back of his head, stroking Yugeon's swollen cheeks with his fingers. His cock, which had disappeared between his parted lips, was blocked near the jaw halfway. The inside of Yugeon's mouth was as wet and narrow as his hole in his back. There was still a long way to go, but he stopped pressing it in any further, afraid that it might have already reached the end of his throat. If he rammed it in with force, he should be able to stuff the entire length in, but if he did, Yugeon's airway would be torn.  

Yugeon stretched out his fingertips and scratched Shinje's thighs. Since the nails were trimmed short, only red lines were engraved, but no cuts. 

"Can you swallow more?" 


"Okay, okay. I won't put any more in there..... good boy." 

Shinje gave up forcing it in, and moved Yugeon's head gently. Top half of his wet cock slipped out a little from between Yugeon's lips, then pressed in again, making his soft cheeks bulge out. The engorged tip kept bumping against the back of his throat every now and then. He felt nauseous. But strangely, at the same time, a strange pleasure bloomed. Whenever the sensitive part on the roof of his mouth was grazed, the root of his tongue pounded, it brought a lump to his throat, reducing him to tears. His thighs on his knees began to tremble. 

The inside of his eyelids became tinged with colors, and it was getting harder and harder to think of anything. He didn't know if it was because of overstimulation, or because of suffocation and lack of oxygen. Yugeon closed his eyes tightly. When his vision was finally blocked, his other senses became sharper. All his nerves were now focused on the hard bumps he felt on his tongue. 

Yugeon clumsily used his tongue to try to suck on what was stuffed in his mouth. Precum was slowly pooling on his tongue. When he tried to swallow it all, it went down the wrong pipe and he began to choke. 

"Cough, cough!" 

Shinje slightly furrowed his brows when he felt his mouth tightening down on his dick. Yugeon continued to cough violently, his shoulders shaking, and tears streaming down his cheeks. In that split second when the closed throat opened..... the heavy glans slipped further down the throat. 

"Ah, Yugeon-ah..." 

He heard Shinje's moan from above. The sound of him sucking in a breath, mixed with a low-pitched moan of his name sounded strange in his ears. Yugeon also felt dizzy, as a warm, heavy organ was stuffed in his narrow, wet throat, seeming as if it could be swallowed whole. 

His cock was lodged in places where it was not supposed to enter. It felt as if he was trying to swallow a hot stone whole. If he touched the soft skin under his chin now, it might even be stiffly bulging. Yugeon grunted with his jaw wide open, but didn't thought of taking out the cock that was fucking his throat. 

This wasn't it. Yugeon startled at his own abnormal behavior. It was then. 

"My Yugeon-ie is..." 

Shinje stretched out his white toes and tickled Yugeon's erection. Thick, sticky liquid dripped down on top of Shinje's feet. Yugeon flinched as if he had been struck by lightning. His moans blocked by the cock stuffed full in his mouth died down with a dull noise. 

"Getting more and more naughty. Now you look like you can finish with just a cock in your throat. Really, my guide is, eug. Very hardworking." 

To have his throat fucked open to a ridiculously deep place, and his painfully hard cock rubbed with other's cold feet wasn't too comfortable. Yugeon raised his hand drooping on the floor. He was thinking of getting rid of Shinje's feet. But the next moment, for some reason, he was panting like a dog in heat, pulling Shinje's ankle closer and rubbing it against his cock. 

"Heueub, cough! Heog, heueu....." 

A long, well-groomed hand stroked the back of Yugeon's head. He didn't forcefully press his head down, but he also didn't dissuade him. 

"It's getting harder because you keep crying without taking a breath, honey." 

Shinje looked down at the round head tucked between his thighs, and at his shaking shoulders, which had curled up and swaying. Even the occasional scratch he felt on his length with his front teeth was sweet. His breaths had quickened slightly. It was too much just trying to resist the urge to shove Yugeon's head down, bucking his hips, and tear it all up. 

Shinje's cock kept sliding in and out of his intermittently fluttering throat. Yugeon's whole body had tensed up, and his fingers patting and scratching Shinje's thighs as if in panic. It felt getting harder and harder to breathe. Even in the midst of that, like he had gone insane, he had also been non stop humping his cock against Shinje's ankle, his body overly excited and aroused.  


Shinje finally peaked, his breath hitching, bucking his hips into Yugeon's mouth. Thick release spurted out from the heavily swollen glans fucking the back of his throat. His whole throat was tingling as if the heart had moved to his neck, and from the odd sensation of warm, slippery liquid being shot directly into the esophagus. 

"Kkeu, heueub!" 

Yugeon's eyes widened with shock. Tears welled up in his slightly bloodshot eyes. Bitter release filled his mouth, pooled under his tongue, and trickled down the pit of his stomach. 

With Shinje's cock stuffed in his mouth, Yugeon fluttered between his thighs like a prey caught in a harpoon, and also came like he lost control of his bladder. There was no way he climaxed doing such a perverted thing, how could this..... Not just his own belly, but also Shinje's feet were covered with Yugeon's finish.  

Yugeon mumbled with his cheeks stuffed full in a stupor. His lips and chin were a mess with sticky semen and saliva that had trickled out of his mouth. Shinje gently pulled out his dick. Yugeon parted his lips as if he had something to say. 


But no words came out. Only a hiss, like air leaking out of a pipeline. There was no way his throat would be fine, after doing something like this. Was his throat torn to shreds? No, the esophagus and airway might have been completely crushed. The moment he was about to be seized by irrational fear, the inside of his throat suddenly contracted like a squeeze. 

"Keog! Kulleog, kulleog..... keoheog." 

Yugeon crouched down and coughed violently. The semen he couldn't swallow dripped out his mouth. 


He startled at his own voice. He was breathing heavily and his voice sounded terribly cracked, but his voice was back. It was a relief. 


Shinje lowered his body and spread his arms. Only Shinje was visible in his narrowed field of vision. Yugeon went up to him with kneeling steps, put his arms around his neck and hugged him tight. He was immediately hoisted up in the air. Shinje slowly walked towards their bed with Yugeon in his arms. Eventually, Yugeon's back touched the soft blanket. Small kisses poured down on his swollen lips, his tingling chin, and wet cheeks. 

He had to check if there were any injuries. Yugeon rarely said anything first no matter where he got hurt. Shinje pushed his index and middle fingers between Yugeon's droopy lips and gently felt around. When he pulled his fingers out, only a small amount of thinned semen mixed with saliva came out. 

"Does it hurt? Do you want to stop now?" 

Yugeon only shook his head no instead of answering. The effects of strong liquor, lingering fear of being on the verge of suffocation, and the afterglow of the climax had jumbled up together, stirring his whole body. He was left dazed and exhausted.  

"Then, were you scared?" 

This time he nodded. As he said, it was scary. Either it was his body or mind, he was scared that something might have broken and he wouldn't ever get better. Scared that he wouldn't be able to go back to his daily life, high strung and overstimulated. 

"I thought, something, got broken..." 

"Why would I break you? It's broken enough, I'll have to cherish it even more. I'm keeping you for the rest of my life." 

Shinje butted their foreheads together and laughed under his breath. Yugeon was convinced once again. This man was really poison. A poison that should never be tasted, or even smelled. However, if Shinje was poison, then he must also be poison, knowingly walking into his arms instead of escaping from him. 

"It's strange. I've already received enough guiding, but it still doesn't feel enough. The more I receive, all the more I crave for you." 

The days of enduring the pain without guiding before Yugeon appeared in front of him felt far away now. Then did it mean present Shinje was content and without any wants and needs? It wasn't true either. He was now suffering from a greater thirst day after day, and the branches of desire were stretching out thin without knowing the end with every passing second.  

"I was wondering if chewing you down to the bones and swallowing you might quench my thirst, but I'm not so sure. Do you think that's the case?" 


"Yugeon-ah. What do you think?" 

"Maybe, like you said." 

Yugeon paused and thought it over. He dropped his gaze briefly, and when he opened his eyes again, the thin double eyelids that were usually barely visible were revealed. 

"Maybe, it's because it's sex, not guiding?" 

A smile spread across Shinje's lips. 


"Am I wrong?" 

"No. I think that's the answer. My guide told me so, then it must be the right answer." 

He concluded without the slightest of doubt. Because Yugeon had always been his answer to everything. He raised his upper body and reached for the drawer next to the bed. 

"I wanted to take it slow, but it looks like I can't." 

What he took out from the drawer was a small translucent gel container. Yugeon stared blankly at it. He slept and woke up in this bed every day, and yet he had no idea there was something like that right next to him. 

"I've been starving you for a while..... Is it correct?" 

Shinje pushed open the gel cap with his thumb and spread Yugeon's legs apart. The tip of the gel container was then pressed inside the hole revealed between his buttocks. Something cold and slushy squirted inside. 


Yugeon shuddered on impulse when the cold gel came in touch with his feverish inner walls. Yugeon wriggled his legs and tried to close his thighs. Shinje continued to squeeze out the gel regardless. He looked like he was in a mood to use the entire can. His narrow walls quickly got drenched. Yugeon clutched his lower belly and gasped. 

"I don't like this. Stop putting this in..... eug, my belly, ah, hurts." 

"Let this slide once for me? It's been a while. Then why was your cock hard when I called you? Didn't you cry fucking your needy hole with your fingers?" 

"That mouth..... ah!" 

"I'm pretty." 


"You're going to let it slide, right?" 

"You, fuck. Shut up....." 

Yugeon gritted his teeth and growled under his breath. Shinje burst into laughter. As soon as the funnel-like tip was pulled out of the hole, the gel filled inside poured out. He tossed away the more than half-empty canister, and shoved his fingers into the hole that was now filled to the brim with gel. They slid in without any resistance.  

"It feels..... ah, weird, heueug!" 

Shinje stirred his fingers around, gently prodded and scraped the narrow walls clamping down on them, and then pulled them out abruptly. Another handful of gel dribbled out. Before long, a heavily flushed swollen glans took their place. Haa.....Yugeon gasped out a breath. His hole puckered and flinched once, anticipating the shock that would follow.  

Puck! Shinje pushed his throbbing dick in one quick violent thrust, as if he wanted to shove in the whole length if he could. The gel crammed inside spilled out. Clear gel pooled around the hole along the thick length. The entire sensations were all Yugeon had been craving for. The sensitive spots that he couldn't reach when he was sloppily fucking himself on his fingers were all pressed and grinded against at once. His fluttering insides desperately clung to Shinje's cock. And as if even that wasn't enough, he tightly wrapped his legs around Shinje's waist, convulsing, and pulled him close.  

"Heuag..... ah!" 

The back of his eyes burned. Yugeon flung his head back on the bed. Bright red blush ran down from his earlobes and cheeks, and to the back of his neck. His head that was pushed up the bed with the thrust came to a precarious stop near the headboard. Shinje cupped one hand on his neck, wrapped the other hand around his waist, and then pulled him back down on his dick.  


His gel-covered dick plunged in from the entrance, scratching the entire walls along the way. Yugeon tried to take a deep breath, tightening his lower belly, but he couldn't slow down the thrusts. The moment the engorged tip slammed onto the sensitive cluster of nerves...... everything he had been holding back came undone. 

His vision went black as if there was a power outage. His body, unable to withstand excessive stimulations, perhaps blocked his vision. His waist jerked up.

"Eug, heug, ah, ahah, ah!" 

Yugeon's hips, stuttering, arched up the bed about an inch. The tip of his toes began to tremble, his aching length spasming upright in an awkward position. The spasms quickly spread throughout his body. Immediately after that, clear release spurted out from the tip of his painfully erect cock. 

Not missing a beat, Shinje pounded his hole deep from below. Bucking his waist, and rutting his dick inside at an unrelenting pace, he reached out and pumped Yugeon's twitching cock that was swaying in front of his eyes. Yugeon shook his head frantically with a wail, but he never stopped moving. The climax lasted for quite a while, spilling himself all over, as if it would never end, and then slowly died down. 

"It was the hole I'm fucking that ate the gel, not this one. But why's there so much coming out from here....."

"Ug, ahah, ha-eug!" 

"What to do. I made you come early. I still have plans to do a lot more." 

Shinje started to move again, even before the spasms could fade away, pressing Yugeon firmly down on the bed so that he couldn't be pushed up with his thrusts. The sticky release pooling on Yugeon's belly slowly dripped down to where they were connected, and sputtered. 

"Yugeon-ah. You missed me, right? But why..... Haa,  why won't you say you missed me?" 

There were wounds all over Yugeon's body, so he couldn't touch him carelessly. That bastard earlier, he should have just taken care of it himself instead of letting someone else do it. Shinje swallowed a sigh and lowered his head, gently biting and sucking on the unscathed nipples.  

"You're not answering again." 

The pace Shinje had taken on fucking Yugeon had sped up, vigorously slamming his hips against his buttocks with every thrust. The sound of smacking flesh was deafening, and the pleasure continued to pile up recklessly. Yugeon's insides Shinje had been rutting against erratically burned, and he tried to clench down on it tight. Yugeon gasped out a heavy breath when he failed.   

"I'm really upset." 

Yugeon moaned frantically, clinging onto Shinje's shoulders. It wasn't that he didn't want to answer. There was no time for that. All he could think was he was about to die, unable to process what Shinje was saying. 

"Can't you tell me?" 

"That, stop, stop." 

Yugeon hurriedly reached down and grabbed the lower part of the cock that was sliding in and out of him. When the slippery length slipped out of his grasp, he grabbed it again with a little more force. It was an instinctive act with no reason involved. He thought he would really go crazy if this continued further, all he could think about was that he had to stop this. 

Shinje's lips hardened. Where did he learn this cute thing again? He wasn't joking when he said Yugeon was getting more and more lewd. And the fact that he wasn't aware of it himself was what driving people even more crazy. Still, he looked too cute being so desperate, so Shinje stopped moving for now. 

"Stop, if you don't.... eug." 

"What if I do more?" 

"I, I'll die, heueug, I don't know. Please stop." 

Shinje swept up his slightly darkened hair drenched in sweat and responded coyly. 

"Do I have to? But my Yugeon-ie also doesn't listen to me at all." 

He ignored Yugeon's desperately blocking hand and gently bucked his waist. Yugeon looked visibly startled, while his rim clamped down tight on his cock. 


"Tell me you missed me. You can't live without me." 

Shinje had never once listened to what he wanted. Never saying what he wanted straight away. Only after playing, weighing, teasing, deceiving and dropping Yugeon to the bottom of the floor, he would smile and reach out his hand as if he wasn't the one who did it. An infinitely twisted way of love. And that was the only way Shinje knew for he had lived in a cage with shackles and leash all his life. 

Yugeon, on the other hand, was also terribly clumsy with emotions. Even though he was all distressed during Shinje's absence, he couldn't bring himself to outwardly say a word that he had really missed him or that he was upset. Perhaps this was why they had hated each other and yet at the same time, drawn to one another. 

Shinje gently rolled his hips again below, as if urging. Yugeon turned his head and buried his face in the crumpled blankets. Shinje could now only see his tousled black hair and the furiously blushing nape. After a while, a slightly locked voice leaked out from under the folds of the blankets. 

"I missed you." 


"Woo Shinje, without you... heueug, I don't think I can. So, fuck, stop it now..." 

Shinje swiftly pulled off the blanket. Yugeon kept his eyes tightly closed as if he had done something he wasn't supposed to. It wasn't just because he was stifling under the blanket that his whole face had turned red. Yugeon tried to push him away in panic. Puck! The remaining half of the engorged dick plunged in without a notice, splitting his narrowing walls at once, numbing all his sensations all the way up to the belly button. What he stopped for a while to wheedle out Yugeon's confession resumed. 

"I just said, what you want, aug! Then, why..... ah, ah, ah!"

Instead of stopping, Shinje spurred his movements even more. Yugeon cried profusely, feeling wronged, between broken moans. After swearing, begging, and only when his voice became terribly hoarse after extensively crying, Shinje looked down with only his eyes moving. His eyes had already gone out of focus for quite some time, a smile was hanging on his lips. 

"Huh? Why, darling?" 


It was clear this man wasn't even listening to his desperate pleas. Resentment poured out from Yugeon's glare. If only his whole body hadn't gone limp, drained out of strength, or if he wasn't shaking like a newborn foal trapped in Shinje's arms. How he wished he could smack that smug off his handsome face. Receiving that gaze, Shinje became even more excited. It was unbearably cute watching Yugeon glare at him as if he wanted to kill him if he could, although in reality, his body couldn't resist him at all, and all he could do was just sobbing under him. 

"You, eugh, really, I'm gonna kill you." 

"You already said that to me countless times. More here?" 

"Eueung, wa, wait, heug, ah, ahah! Haag.....!" 

Yugeon threw his head back, clenching down on his molars hard. Blue veins stood on his whitened neck. Tinnitus rang in his ears and all his senses went far away. At some point, Yugeon had let go of the blanket he had been holding onto tightly. The tip of his toes, which he had been mindlessly pushing the sheets, stopped with a spasm. Only Shinje was reflected in his eyes blurred with tears. 

"Ah, ah....." 

Moaning like a sigh, Yugeon instinctively pushed his buttocks down on the cock fucking him deep and erratic. Something pounding his feverish insides might have even reached his belly button. The winding narrow walls spasmed and clenched down tight on the cock sliding in and out of him, and Shinje ceased his movements, stuck. Immediately, Yugeon peaked, whitish liquid spurting out of his twitching length.  


Yugeon came with a shiver, and blindly flailed around his hands. The hem of Shinje's shirt, which he hadn't taken off completely, was caught in his fingers. Yugeon continued to shoot out his climax, his waist jerking up as if he had been electrocuted. Tears trickled down his bloodshot eyes profusely, while illegible words spattered out of his mouth that he couldn't close. 

Yes, yes, good boy. Shinje hugged him tightly, soothing him with a whispery voice. His voice was buttery soft, but his movement of him bucking his waist, slamming his engorged dick inside was ruthless. Yugeon squeezed out his remaining strength and swung his hands. However, his desperate resistance came to nothing, as Shinje so naturally grasped his hands together and poured down kisses on his fingertips. Shinje's dick was being stuffed full into his insides so deeply that he couldn't even think of adjusting to his size or tightening down according to his pace, swaying his hips. Heog, Yugeon gasped and turned his head to the side.    

"Ha, heueug....." 

Shinje slightly pulled his lower body back, then fucked in his entire length, bottoming out. He climaxed, spilling inside Yugeon's wet heat. Yugeon's legs quivered, gasping out loud as if out of breath, probably feeling the burning release flooding his inner walls. With no speck of seriousness on his face, he looked terribly cute.   

Shinje slowly pulled out his dick before he could spill everything inside. The twitching length dragged past the sensitive flesh agonizingly. About half of it was splattered around Yugeon's swollen rim and buttocks. Disheveled and blissed out, covered in both of their release, Yugeon's exhausted figure sprawled under him was utterly ravishing. 

Even after the thrumming nerves calmed down, and the orgasm subsided, Yugeon couldn't move for a long time. A mix of gel and semen had been dripping out of his hole where Shinje's dick had stuffed him full and left. He didn't even have the strength to blink, let alone lift a hand.  

With a smile, Shinje gently swept down Yugeon's cheeks with his fingertips. He then grabbed the glass he had placed on the drawer next to the bed and quenched his thirst with the remaining liquor. Yugeon stared up at him absently with unfocused eyes. Then awakened by the heavy pressure he felt below. Shinje, feeling Yugeon's gaze as he adjusted his still erect dick at Yugeon's entrance that was dripping a mix of red gel and white liquid, smiled and tilted his head. 


"I just went, I already told you what you wanted me to tell, but why, why again...." 

"Why? You are making me sad. Of course, because I love you so much." 

"Are you really..... out of your mind?" 

"It's not like it's day one or two that I've been crazy. I thought you already knew." 

"Then, what if, my stomach." 

Yugeon looked up at Shinje with teary eyes and hugged his belly. He looked very desperate and serious in his own way. The problem was that in Shinje's eyes, it was only a sexy and cute complaint. 

"You already came a bunch inside, what if it explodes?" 

"Um.... This is really difficult." 


"You know, it only makes it worse when you say things like that." 


It was his mistake to try to solve it through conversation with that person. Only the thought that he had to get away from Shinje somehow filled his mind. Yugeon struggled to turn around on the wet and wrinkled bedding, and began to crawl up hastily towards the head of the bed with his back to Shinje. 

Seeing him trying to run away even though he couldn't even move his body properly, while his fingers and toes were trembling all over, it would be normal to feel sorry for him..... On the contrary, however, Shinje looked even more aroused. His grayish brown eyes obsessively followed Yugeon's movements with their pupils narrowed to the fullest extent where the color had become even paler.  

"Do you think your belly might burst because you're full? Because I came inside you? That's really bad. My Yugeon-ie can't explode. What should I do?" 

Whispering like the sweetest lover in the world, Shinje wrapped his arms under Yugeon's belly as he was crawling under him and lifted his upper body up. Yugeon was hoisted up in the air like a puppy caught in trouble. Yugeon flailed about with his arms dangling like he was out of breath.  

"Heu, ah!" 

"Then we just need to loosen up your hole." 

Shinje said calmly and thrusted his fingers into the slippery hole. Since his lower abdomen was pressed against Shinje's arm, and his buttocks turned downward, things that had pooled inside naturally slowly leaked out. It seemed as if Shinje wasn't satisfied wetting his groin and thighs, now it was trickling down his knees, making a small puddle on the bed.  

"How about now?" 

Shinje asked softly, resting his cheek on Yugeon's nape from behind. Meanwhile, his fingers were aimlessly scooping out his insides, occasionally pumping them in and out. Red gel continued to dribble down, and sometimes a little lumpy stuff too fell on the bed. Shame coursed through his entire body. 

"Still not enough? Do you want more?" 

His long, straight fingers thrusted up inside. Started, Yugeon could only shake his head like mad. Shinje took his fingers out obediently. Before long, a heavily flushed cock took their place. Even though he just climaxed, it was still somehow ferocious. 

"Didn't both of us have a hard time holding back for the past few days? I also missed my Yugeon-ie, and you just said you missed me too. Shouldn't we enjoy ourselves?"

"One, eug, one time is enough!" 

"You are so heartless." 

Shinje finally pulled back his dick that was pressed against his tailbone and near his entrance. Yugeon swallowed a small sigh, relieved that he was really quitting now. 

"Then do you want to put it in yourself?" 

Yugeon, now lying on his stomach, flinched at his suggestion. Shinje smiled as if asking why. Even when his body was soaked in exhaustion, a thousand flames were rekindling in his gut again. 

"Really, do you know how embarrassing it is?" 

"Why? You said you don't want me to fuck you anymore, so do whatever you want with me. You did well last time." 

"When was the last time?" 

"Why are you pretending you don't remember? When you came to me with flowers at dawn." 

"No, I think I remember. Stop reminding me....." 

"Are you shy? So cute." 

There were now two of them on the bed, which had felt too wide when lying alone. The blankets, which were just as cold and dirty as they were, were being slowly warmed up by their body temperature. As soon as he thought of it, the heat returned to his spent cock, which he had thought nothing would be able to rouse it up again. 

Yugeon gritted his teeth and pulled himself up on the bed, steadying himself on his trembling limbs. Shinje, who had a hobby of overworking people to get to his point and shameless enough to demand sex again, was abnormal, but he himself, who was willingly going along with it, must also be abnormal.  

He straddled Shinje with one hand on the headboard of the bed, and reached back with his other hand to grasp Shinje's dick. Precum trickling down the throbbing length pooled in his hand. Keeping it aligned, he slightly pushed his hips back. A stinging pressure shot up from his rim. And again, this time with a little more force behind. 


Between the well-shaped buttocks, a peach-colored hole gaped with difficulty and nipped on the rounded tip. After getting in the thickest end, the next steps were relatively easy. He inhaled a long breath, closed his eyes, and sank down his hips little by little. 

He tried to take his time extremely slow. Yugeon gasped every time the bumpy veins sprouted along the length rutted against his sensitive walls, like someone who had been impaled from the throat down to the bottom. He looked as if he was in pain, struggling, and couldn't do this or that, but he only took out a few centimeters of it back. 

If only Shinje helped him, the whole ordeal might become a little easier. If only he pushed him down on his dick, or thrusted up from below, the remaining length might have been crammed up inside, already fucking his aching spots. But he didn't do any of it. He was busy calming down his wild breaths, which had become rough like a beast with its eyes turned with desires, never taking his eyes off from Yugeon fucking himself on his dick. Eventually, Yugeon was stuffed full, his feverish narrow insides clamping down on the intruding length, sparing no gap. The feeling of being swallowed up by someone else. It was dizzying.   


Holding onto his waist, Shinje whispered, gently rubbing the protruding pelvis bone with his thumb, his soft voice tinged with arousal. 

"Now that you are doing it yourself..... You like it?"

At those words, as if a switch had been pressed, the pit of his stomach burned. His inner walls suddenly became too sensitive to bear, Shinje's dick, plunged inside more than half, felt extremely heavy. Yugeon moaned, hurriedly gripping the headboard for support. 

"Eueung..... ha, eug!" 

"Ah... Look at that squeeze. Do you like it that much?" 

The hand gripping the head of the bed like a lifeline instantly lost its strength. Yugeon flinched, and hastily grabbed it again, but he couldn't stop his grip from slipping a little. With the weight put on his back, puck..... his cock slipped in even deeper. The soft flesh of his buttocks pressed against the hard pubic bone of the man underneath. 


Yugeon's shoulders, back, and waist trembled, barely holding himself back from collapsing while kneeling awkwardly. He gasped heavily, as if it was too much just to catch his breath, his gut tightening down on his dick inside. 

"I, heueu, I like it.... ah." 

"Really? Then try to be gentle so you can do it as much as you want." 

"Then, what about, eug." 



Yugeon looked up. His black eyes, heavily distorted by unbearable pleasure and pain, were staring straight at Shinje without any wavering. 

"Do you like it?" 

For a moment, Shinje forgot to breathe. Without even blinking his eyes, he stared at Yugeon, who was struggling to balance himself, stuck on his dick. When his silence dragged on, Yugeon panicked and lowered his head. There was a look of dismay on his face, for having said useless things. 

"You've never told me, what you like and dislike..... it's like, I know nothing....." 

Shinje listened to all his clumsy words that kept spilling out like making excuses. After a while, a bright smile spread across his expressionless face as if spring was in full bloom. He pulled Yugeon's hands holding onto the headboard to the front, and interlocked their fingers. 

"Yes, darling. I like it..... I love you too." 

When he bucked his hips from below, Yugeon moaned and tightened down his ass. Even that look was unbearably cute, so he kissed his red earlobe and gently nibbled on it. Whether it was intentional or not, Yugeon gripped his fingers hard and pushed himself down with all his strength.  

The impurities-laden affection mixed with something dark and dreary rose up sharp. They were those used to deprivation and loss, and could only confirm each other's existence in this way. Love and hate, my..... Shinje closed his eyes tightly and embraced the warmth in his arms. The dark aroma of liquor, which was unfitting with the bright daylight, and breathy moans on top of it filled the bedroom once again. 

Liquid Lunch Ends. 

[1] "Hello."  "여보세요." 

- Yes. It's your husband.  - 네. 여보예요. 

Yugeon's ‘hello’ when he answered the phone. "여보세요." "Yeoboseyo."

And Shinje's reply, "Yes. This is your husband." "네. 여보예요."  "Yeoboeyo."

"여보세요." usually used when asking or answering the phone, or trying to get the attention of someone who doesn't appear to be listening. 

"여보" is what couples call each other, husband, wife, darling, honey, sweetheart, etc. 

Shinje is making a word play here when he replied ‘this is your husband’. 

translator note: welcome back! hope you all enjoy extra 1!