chapter seven

Chapter 7: Dry Fire

content warning:

dub-con, strangulation, self-harm.

"Loyalty! Major Jeong Changhyeok."

Upon entering the office, the major sharply raised the salute like a sword. Lieutenant General Bae Cheolseong, who was sitting in front of his desk looking at the documents, responded by roughly putting his hand on his forehead and taking it off.

"I offer you my sincere congratulations, Director."

"Not at all. It was expected."

The lieutenant general waved his hand as if it were nothing. However, he seemed to be in a good mood, and he was more generous than usual.

The position of Director of Awakening Management Headquarters had been vacant since the former Director retired the year before due to poor health. It took more than half a year just to form and convene a personnel committee as was usual for a government administration. In particular, as the Director of the Awakening Management Headquarters was the head of all the Espers working for the country, they had to be attentive in selecting the right person. At long last, he was officially appointed. In the official title of the Lieutenant General, the ‘Acting’ was finally removed from the former ‘Acting Director of Awakening Management Headquarters’.

"Progress on the instructions?"

"Preliminary work is completed. In particular, in Guide Baek Yugeon's case, it didn't take long as we already have his investigative reports from Seonram-dong Industrial Complex incident."

"Make sure everything is in order. What those lunatics from Erewhon leaked is giving me a headache. Incompetent pests that can do nothing in front of mutants keep talking and squawking about human rights violations. Human rights can only be discussed in the presence of humankind. Those fools."

Lieutenant General Bae tapped his temple with his index finger. It was a small gesture, but the pressure was quite intimidating.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"So, have you thought about the name of this project?"

"I'd like to ask the Director's opinion."

The lieutenant general tilted his head slightly and rubbed his chin with gray beard marks.

"We can't just name it ‘Second SALIGIA’ I'm afraid. It might undermine its worth. Ah, that's right. How about crocodile bird hunting?"

"Crocodile bird...... yes?"

"Yes. Let's catch the crocodile bird and push it into the tiger's den. I'm already thrilled just thinking of that little thing chirping away with his beak as he draws his last breath. If I can catch a tiger with that crocodile bird— I really couldn't ask for more."

"Is Guide Baek Yugeon the crocodile bird?"

"Doesn't the crocodile bird fit him perfectly? He doesn't even know how scary Woo Shinje is, clinging to him and following him around."

It was his mistake to allow Shinje to be discharged. It was one of the few blotches smeared on his hands throughout his nearly 50 years of living as an Esper. That fox-like bastard had learned how to scheme and play politics in the wild, and now he no longer knew how to handle him. Just because he drank some social water, that guy thought he could be sly all he wanted when all he had learned was to carry out commands.

"One handshake is enough. Where should I put my face if I get pushed back by a dirty experiment?"


"He will be the one who kills Almuten? No. He's wrong. We will be the ones who kill Almuten. It won't be Woo Shinje. Don't you think so? Major Jeong."

His eyes, glistening like an old serpent, stared straight at the major. The major lowered his gaze.

The Director is correct."

He saluted without a hitch and added like a habit.

".......I will dedicate myself to the victory of mankind."

Thud. A large lump was suddenly placed on the coffee table. Shinje, who was lazily looking at the tablet with his legs crossed and slouching on the armrest, raised his eyes and looked up at the unannounced visitor.

"I'm here to get approval for an outing."

Standing in front of him was Chan. Shinje turned his gaze back to the tablet and replied with a dry voice.

"If you want to go out, go out on your own. When did you ever need my permission to go out?"

"Not me! I mean him, for this one."

Only then did Shinje finally take a good look at what was placed on the table. A ball of rolled blankets was laid on the marble table top. As he was staring at it, the bundle of blankets began to move up and down haphazardly. Two bare feet poked out from one end of the rolled blanket, followed by a black head from the other end.


Yugeon was still half asleep, blinking his blurry eyes slowly. His hair was messed up from sleep looking like a magpie house. The moment his eyes met with the two men staring at him, his sleep-addled mind woke up as if splashed by cold water.

"This, what......"

Yugeon mumbled in a strangled voice. Shinje and Chan were still not saying a word. He felt like it would have been better if this was a nightmare. He swung his arms and legs around and threw off the blankets that were tightly wrapped around his body.

"What on earth are you doing?"

Chan did not even pretend to have heard Yugeon and urged Shinje again.

"Hurry up and give your approval."

"Did you have to bring the sleeping child all the way here with the blanket? Our Yugeon-ie, poor thing."

"Well, do I have to wake him up and ask him nicely like this? Do you want to go somewhere with me? As if this kid with a terrible temper like that would listen to me!"

"You should have behaved well in the first place if you knew you'd be rejected, right?"

"Will you allow it or not? Just say yes or no. Cut the crap."

Shinje smiled with only the corners of his lips. He then looked back at Yugeon, who was still seated on the table with a puzzled look on his face as if he was not yet fully aware of the situation he was in.

"Guide Baek Yugeon, did you sleep well?"

He gave him a bright smile and tapped the tip of Yugeon's nose with his fingertips. The light touch completely woke him up. He had never forgotten the feeling he had for that man even for a moment, which was stronger than hatred but too lukewarm to be murderous. However, whenever Shinje acted like this, the walls built around him always became weaker without him realizing it. It was pathetic. Yugeon reflexively shook off his touch.


Shinje paused, his hand left in the air awkwardly. If it was usual, it was the right time to add a silly joke, but strangely, the silence in between was drawn out. At the end of the silence, Shinje asked with a smile on his face.

"Why? You don't even want me to touch you now? Are you going to like Yoon Chan more?"


Yugeon asked back, confused. What was wrong with this man? He was the one who had always treated him like a toy. He never cared when Yugeon coldly rejected him numerous times before, and even the more Yugeon sincerely resisted, the more he seemed to enjoy it.

Shinje put his hand away and buried himself back on the sofa. He then smoothly changed the subject as if he never had such a strange reaction.

"It looks like Chan-ie wants to go out with you. Chan-ie doesn't have much in his head, so the method might have been a bit rough, but it probably wasn't with bad intentions. If it was unpleasant, I apologize instead."

"Huh, this bastard."

Chan sounded like he was about to fly into rage. Shinje continued nonchalantly, whether he did or not.

"It's a chance for you to go out after a long time, so even if you don't like Chan, please be patient with him. I have an outside schedule this evening, so I don't think I'll be able to accompany you."

"The way you are talking is really pissing me off. Anyway, you are saying it's fine for him to go out, right? I want him right away."

"Do as you please. Keep the guide safe, don't stray too far and always stick to his side. If anything happens..... you know, right?

"Isn't it enough already with me acting like his bodyguard during the raids? We are just going out right now. No need to be so overprotective."

Shinje tilted his head and rested his cheek on the back of the sofa. Objectively, it was just a figure sitting idle on the sofa, but with his gray hair scattered on the black sheet, he looked strangely erotic. He slouched back down slowly and responded, staring into the air with his drowsy eyes.

"It's just, a little. I have a bad feeling."

"What's the matter?"

"Well..... that's"



"Wanna die?"

Chan gritted his teeth. Even Yugeon could feel his shallow patience running out.

"I'm just kidding, I'll tell you when I get back. You too, come back before midnight."

After finishing his business, Chan prepared to take Yugeon out. He didn't have slippers with him since Chan had rushed into the room and brought out sleeping Yugeon together with his blankets. Chan realized this only then, and clicked his tongue quietly. He rolled up the blankets with one hand, and roughly hoisted Yugeon up with the other.

"Ah, by the way. Guide Baek Yugeon?"

As they were about to leave the room, Shinje called out to Yugeon, stopping them. It was a gentle voice no different from whenever he gave out work instructions. Yugeon turned his head without much thought. Still sitting on the sofa, Shinje stretched out his arm, and grabbed Yugeon's wrist and pulled him close. His upper body naturally tilted towards him.

Ah, their lips touched. At first, he was only lightly pressing their lips together, but Shinje then pulled away, turned his head slightly and kissed him again. The kiss didn't mix tongues, but it was no less intense. Every time their wet lips rubbed against each other, somewhere inside his body heated up. The hot breath that Yugeon unintentionally let out was swallowed up whole by Shinje.

Chan pulled Yugeon back the moment the kiss was about to deepen. Yugeon thought his ribs might be crushed by the strength of the arm holding him tightly. Chan's face was grimly twisted.

"Fuck, do that shit only when I'm not here."

"Who brought the guide in front of me?"

"You're making me laugh. Hey, Woo Shinje. What the hell are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"You have always treated all the guides in the world like bugs on the side of the road. What's wrong with you these days? They say people will do unsual things when it's time to go to hell. What? Are you going to croak the day after tomorrow?"

"What kind of scary story is that? And, Chan-ah. It's none of your business whether I die or not?"


The smile had disappeared from Shinje's eyes, and Chan growled low, revealing his fangs. The atmosphere froze within a minute.


In the next moment, Shinje smiled again with his red wet lips. He neatly ignored Chan and waved at Yugeon.

"Come back safely. Think about me a lot."

Immediately after dropping Yugeon back in his room, Chan left, leaving only the instructions to come down to the lobby after 20 minutes. Yugeon was left alone in the middle of the room in an unkempt appearance. Then came an outburst of anger. If he got permission from Shinje to take Yugeon out with him, shouldn't he at least tell him where they were going and when? Even pets wouldn't be treated like this.

Then again, hadn't he already resigned himself to this kind of treatment? These people didn't even properly inform him of the most important gate attack schedule. When asked a question, Shinje and Heesu were the only ones who would answer him, although half-heartedly at times, while Taein and Chan both had attitudes saying ‘what can you even do even if you knew?’

The only reason why Yugeon was barely holding out here was because he was used to a life being exploited constantly. If it had been a person who had common sense and lived an ordinary life, they would have already lost their mind and body, or run out of this place on their own feet.

When will the contract with Shinje end? How long does he have to stay in Erewhon? It was dreadful to keep feeling like he was being eroded by the twisted emotions born out from deep inside him, and above all, he was terrified of himself who was getting used to the days without his older brother by his side.

Yugeon quietly prepared to go out, biting his lips with a dark face. In any case, Chan was also someone he had to obey. He didn't know what bizzare and difficult things the man would force him to do this time, but Yugeon didn't have a right to refuse.

He took a quick shower, changed his clothes and went down to the lobby. Even though he wasn't in a hurry on purpose, he still had about five minutes left of the time he was told to meet with Chan. Yugeon hesitated a little, then went to a corner of the spacious lobby and stood there. He decided to play with his phone to kill the time, not that he had a lot to play with, except bow his head and look up a few things on the internet.

"Excuse me."

He heard an unfamiliar voice overhead. Yugeon did not respond. There was no reason for a stranger to talk to him anyway.

"Excuse me."

Someone tapped Yugeon on the shoulder. It was a nervous touch. At least it was clear that the person didn't harbor a good feeling for him. Only then did he lift his head and look ahead. Several strangers stood surrounding him. There were five or six people among them wearing Erewhon uniforms, and one or two people who did not.

Everyone was wearing only one badge on them. Badges worn by Erewhon members, and badges worn by guides. The fact the guide in front of him was only wearing one badge meant....... it was a guide who didn't belong here. Since they were openly in the Erewhon headquarters building standing together with the Hunters, they were probably hired on a one-off basis.

"Team 1 Guide, right?"


"He really is! I wasn't sure, but I can tell from your face."

"I know he's all over the place in the company messenger. But how do you know about him from the outside?"

"Any guide who's dying to join Erewhon knows about him. He's pretty popular."

It was a rude conversation right in front of the person concerned and not even thinking about quieting down their voice. Yugeon just stared at them and said nothing. As to how he interpreted the reaction, the unfamiliar guide raised his eyebrows, crossed his arms and gave him a bitter smile. Either pitying or just a plain mockery.

"There doesn't seem to be much to see. Looking like that and taking over the spot....... Aren't you ashamed?"

Despite the arduous work, and rumors of abusing the guides circulating in secret, there were still many guides who wanted to get into Erewhon. In the case of low rank Orders, not only do they tend to hold off the guides' salaries, but also sometimes serve as a pimp and send out their contracted guides to the outside to make money. It was all done openly because unlike the Awakened who had the option of beating up everyone and running wild if they were wronged, they knew that the guides had no physical power to fight back or even complain.

In that sense, Erewhon was a good choice. No matter what the actual treatment was, the Order gave them a quick salary with an overflowing amount. In addition, all kinds of luxurious welfare came together with the contract, including the headquarters building located in the heart of Seoul, sophisticated uniforms, and business vehicles. While the Hunters belonging to Erewhon were famous in many ways, the ever changing guide position also had a scarcity value. The only guide who could control a number of hungry, ferocious, and powerful Awakened. It was a wish that any guide had dreamed of at least once in their life.

For this very reason, Yugeon was an eyesore for many. Yugeon wasn't even a well-known guide before he showed up here. When he saw a nobody standing next to Shinje in Erewhon uniform, it pissed him off. No matter how many times he put aside his pride and tried several times, he still couldn't get the Erewhon badge. He barely managed to enter this building only as a temporary worker.

"I know almost all the popular guides, but I've never heard your name. Isn't it natural to think it's weird? Why would Leader Woo, who kicked out all the guides specialized in dealing with only S- and A-classes, suddenly choose a nobody like you?"

Yugeon, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth.

"What does it have to do with me that you think I'm weird?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Why are you asking me to explain something the Leader decided? If you're that curious, why don't you go ask him directly?"

Yugeon raised his hand and pointed up. There was no way that a person who wasn't an official member could enter the top floor where Shinje was located. Yugeon was actually taunting him back. The other person's face quickly turned red at that.

"Look at him. What kind of guide is so cocky?"

"He doesn't seem to think we might actually do something to him."

As if protecting the guide, the Hunters who were standing around him like walls pitched in one after another. Yugeon belonged to Team 1 while they were at the far end, so they were originally in a position where they couldn't say a word. However, as it was a one-vs-many situation, they seemed to have gained groundless confidence. What could a mere guide do without a partner to protect them?

"What? Since you and the Leader are meant to be together, did you break through the huge odds and even get a 100 percent fit rate? ......No way."

The guide changed his strategy and subtly lowered his voice.

"What sort of skills do you possess to make Team 1 fall for you? Hm? Please share with us your ways. Shouldn't guides like us help each other?"


Yugeon ignored his words with a look on his face like he was wondering where a dog was barking. Guides depend on guides, and if there were naïve and good people like Seulbi, there would also be people who were of such a bad quality.

"Did you do a strip show in front of Team 1? Or what, did you put on a bunny boy suit? What kind of things do they like? Or hate?"

When Yugeon did not show any reaction, the vulgarity of his words gradually increased. However, he remained calm and indifferent, as if he had become a stone Buddha throughout. If he blushed at a few obscene words and felt ashamed, he wouldn't have been able to stand in the midst of F-class Hunters in the first place.

"Something I hate? There is one."

A shadow fell from behind. A terrifyingly low voice suddenly interrupted the one-sided conversation.

"A talkative nuisance like you."

It was Chan. He was a half a span bigger than the others. When a large man with a ferocious attitude was looking down at them with a hash, stiff face, anyone would be naturally intimidated.


"Hun... Hunter Yoon Chan."

"Ah, hello....."

The Hunters recognized him immediately. There was no one in this building who didn't know Chan and other members of Team 1, so it was natural.

"Uh-huh, yeah. Hello, you bastards."

Chan returned the greeting, standing crookedly with his hand in his pocket. Everyone's faces quickly turned blue when the sour curses followed. He stretched out his hand into the crowd. Even while ridiculed surrounded by many, Yugeon, who had shown no agitation, flinched. Chan placed his big hand on top of Yugeon's head, who was stuck in the corner like a cornered game, and messed it up.

"If you're already here, you should've called me. What are you spacing out? You are not even an eight-year-old kid, are you just going to wait here until I find you?"

Yugeon kept his mouth shut with an uncomfortable look even when his hair was being messed up. His barely calmed hair, thanks to washing and drying, became a magpie house again.

"As I was saying, shit, is there nothing you can't say? What, a strip show? Bunny boy? Do you guys really think this bastard can come up with cute ideas like that? For fuck's sake, I wish I could see something like that too. Huh?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were listening."

"I don't give a shit. And say that to my guide, not to me. You idiots."


"Looks like Team J. Before you leave, stop by HR and return your badges. That is if you don't want to croak in my hands."

Everyone froze in place. There were hundreds of members in Erewhon. They didn't know that he, the top of the top, would remember everything and everyone. Looking at their dumbfounded faces, Chan chuckled.

"Why? Because I frequent around looking like a beast, did you think my memory will also be like a beast?"

"We made a mistake. We will take disciplinary action or whatever. Please, just this once......"

"Forget it and get lost. I don't know anything about that. And if you're going to beg, beg the guide yourself. Or go beg Woo Shinje."

"Hunter Yoon Chan, please."

"Fuck, why don't you guys just piss off?"

Chan, who had an infamous short temper, glared at the whole group. A growl of a wild beast was mixed with the end of his words. The Hunters glanced at Yugeon with their eyes full of animosity and retreated.

"How did the recruitment team pick these sloppy guys? Anyway, let's go. I don't have time for this."

"...your number."

Yugeon showed him the cell phone that he was holding in his hand.

"I couldn't contact you because I don't know your number."

After a moment of silence, Chan let out an irritated laughter.

"All right. The only number you know is Woo Shinje's, right?


The guide, who kept his calm without a frown even in the midst of the pouring insults, was very annoying. If Chan hadn't found him, he would have kept listening to that damn noise. Chan strode over and hoisted Yugeon up on his shoulder.

"Please drop me off. I can walk!"

"Shut up. Don't make me more angry, huh?"

Chan crossed the lobby with big strides and said with gritted teeth. Everyone's attention had been focused on the commotion in the lobby. Yugeon, at first, struggled on top of Chan's shoulder. He soon gave up and became limp. He didn't want to think of the countless eyes that would undoubtedly be sticking to his back and shoulders.

They headed towards the car parked in front of the main gate. Considering his usual image, he had thought Chan's private car would be a wild sports car like Taein, but his car was a surprisingly rough and dull SUV. With Yugeon on his shoulder, Chan rummaged through his pockets with one hand, took out the car key, and pressed the unlock button. Then he opened the passenger's door, and threw Yugeon in. Yugeon, who was suddenly thrown down like a load on his seat, glared at him with an incredulous look on his face.

"What are you looking at, you punk. Fasten your seat belt."

Chan plopped into the driver's seat and snapped at him. It contrasted strangely with Shinje, who had leaned over and manually fastened the seat belt by hand. Yugeon kept his mouth shut and fastened his belt.

They exited the headquarters building and joined the waves of vehicles that filled the boulevard. Until then, the two were silent. In the first place, Chan and Yugeon only had a few words exchanged between them. Most of those words were either insults or sarcastic remarks. There wasn't really much to say.

"Hey, guide."

Holding the steering wheel and looking only forward, Chan suddenly opened his mouth. Instead of answering, Yugeon just glanced back at him. Chan's forehead immediately wrinkled.

"Not even answering now, are you?"

Only then did Yugeon respond briefly with an unwilling look.

"Why are you calling me?"

"Are you dating Woo Shinje?"


Yugeon was silent for a long time. The car stopped at a signal at the intersection while waiting for his answer. Chan looked to his side. Yugeon was looking at him with his mouth twisted and an incredulous look in his eyes. He looked as if he had never heard of such a shitty question before in his life.

"I'd rather die."

"So which one? Is that yes or no?"

"I'll pretend I didn't hear it."

"Oh, my."

He was surprised. Don't you know how much special treatment you're getting from Woo Shinje? Are you pretending not to know, or do you just have poor eyes? Yugeon was also displeased in his own way. He was upset because he felt uncomfortable. Dating? With him? Even as a joke, it wasn't funny.

From time to time, he felt the urge to strangle Shinje and stab him in his arteries. Perhaps the same was true of Shinje. Every time they kissed and made close eye contact, every time they held each other so close that they could hear the sound of their heart beats, he could read the heartbreaking killing intent in Shinje's eyes. The intent was overshadowed by other emotions, but the essence was still murder.

The idea of romance he picked up over his shoulder and saw in the media was far from this. Aren't romantic feelings supposed to be a collection of fresh, light, and sweet things? In a word, a collection of things that had nothing to do with his life. It was rather an insult to paint over his despair with such an awkward word.

"Do you want me to tell you to fuck off, too?"

"Do you hate Woo Shinje that much? What about the others? Do you hate them to death, too?"

"Are you messing with..."

Yugeon reflexively raised his voice. The reaction was startlingly violent that even he was surprised at himself. He bit his trembling lips and stared at Chan.

"He's the only one."

"Yes, I suppose so."

Unexpectedly, Chan was calm. He turned his head back to the front squarely. The traffic lights at the intersection where many cars were coming and going showed no signs of turning to green lights yet.

"If you're going to hate, don't be picky and hate everyone fairly. It's unfair if someone is less hated and someone else is more when everyone did the same shit."


"Anyway, you are saying ‘no’, right? What I asked you earlier."


"Then that's fine."

Finally, the traffic lights turned green. Cars that were filling the wide road began to move one by one. The car with Chan and Yugeon also joined the flow.

When Yugeon first set foot into Erewhon, among Shinje, Chan and Yugeon, the stranger was undoubtedly Yugeon. Although they appeared to not get along well on the surface, Chan and Shinje had a bond they have built up over the past decade. It was impossible for Yugeon, a complete stranger, to step in between. Together, they were excellent accomplices in breaking Yugeon apart.

But at some point, unbeknownst to them all, the composition changed. With Yugeon in between, eerie glances often came and went. Shinje began to lose his composure in anything concerned with Yugeon, while Chan, unlike back when he was hostile to him, was now more keen on Shinje rather than Yugeon. But why? The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. He wanted to try to ask Chan, but he didn't know what to ask. Actually, he didn't even want to ask.

The conversation between the two ended with Chan's short reply. A vague silence engulfed the car until they reached their destination.

The place where Chan pulled over was a very unexpected place. He thought there was an emergency raid scheduled to take Yugeon with him, since he was acting so seriously and resolutely.

They were currently in front of a large restaurant. It was not anywhere else, but even a franchise chicken restaurant. The time was close to evening, so the inside of the restaurant was bustling with customers ordering fried food or dried snacks in addition to chicken to serve with beer. He could smell the savory oily aroma even from the entrance.

"What on earth is this place?"

"There's a football game today."

"Football..... game."

"Football is the best when you watch it with many people. There's no one else to watch with me back there, except you. The guys from our Team have very noble tastes."

When he brought it up before, Shinje just smiled and said, ‘Our Chan-ie likes things that suit his level, right?’ He was obviously being sarcastic, no matter who heard it. Taein ignored him with a face that clearly said it was something not worth talking about. Heesu declared that he would rather watch porn on a paid channel than stare at the sweaty men running around on the grass with a ball for 90 minutes. For reference, porn was the genre he found most boring. Chan gave up trying to convince them. As he always felt, they truly were disillusioned humans. He thought Yugeon would be the best among those dogs.


Yugeon looked up at Chan with a puzzled face. The life of an S-class Awakened was full of thrills every day like a Hollywood action movie. No, not a healthy genre like Hollywood action. Rather, it was more like a slasher loaded with blood, guts, and flesh. He didn't think someone who lived like that would drive his way out to watch a sports game.

Chan became a little awkward. Yugeon lived among the general public for a long time so he thought he'd like it. No? Chan frowned and scratched the back of his head.

"It's a Korean-Japan match."


After contemplating for a moment, Yugeon quietly moved and entered the restaurant.

It wasn't even 6 o'clock yet, but there were many people in the restaurant. He could see many heads huddled over the tall partitions installed at each table. If they had arrived a little later, there would have been no seats for them.

"Order what you want to eat for now. We have some time until the game starts."

Chan pushed the menu in front of Yugeon. Were the two of them in a relationship to sit together peacefully and eat chicken or something? Yugeon turned the menu in a sour mood, and was flustered. The chaotic menu full of bright all-color photos and fancy letters almost made him light-headed. So chicken was not just fried chicken. Why are there so many varieties of fried chicken?

"Why are you not ordering anything?"

"I'm, I'm just."

Yugeon, who was only blankly staring at the menu for a while, lowered his gaze. Chan focused on his slightly trembling tiny lips.

"I'll eat anything. It doesn't matter."

Team 1 was a problem because they had very picky tastes. Taein and Shinje, who would politely put down their spoons and chopsticks if the food didn't suit their taste, at least acted like aristocrats. Heesu, on the other hand, would pretend to vomit and say, ‘it would be better than this if I made it with my feet’. It was not that they did it with malice or even brought the chef in front of them to berate over it. The higher the rank, the more terribly sensitive the palate became.

But the guy in front of him was so easygoing that it was also a problem. Doesn't he have a preference? This guy looked like he would even eat dog food without a complaint if someone brought it to him. Chan sighed and called the staff to order two different flavors of chicken and beer.

"Uh..... Excuse me, sir. Aren't you that famous Hunter by any chance? S-class."

The staff who took their order asked, a little hesitated.

"You're right."

"Ah! Really? Awesome! It's the first time I've seen an S-class in person."


Chan grinned like a mischievous teenager and put his index finger to his lips. His lips quirked up, revealing his fangs.


"Ah! Yes, yes. Please."

He scribbled his autograph on the order sheet that the staff hurriedly put out.

"I came here to rest, so I want to stay quiet for a while."

"I won't tell anyone."

The staff backed away with a look of disappointment. He kept glancing back at Chan until the very end, and then finally left after throwing a quick glance at Yugeon with a puzzled look on his face, wondering who this person could be.

Two glasses of draft beer were placed on the table after a few minutes. Crystal clear cold water droplets slowly dripped down the glass and onto the table. Chan grabbed his share of the mug and tapped it against Yugeon's. The beer glass looked as small as a glass of water in his hands when he lifted it.

"Hey. Let's make a toast."

"Can't we just drink on our own? What for?"

"What do you mean, you punk? If your hyung wants you to do it, you have to do it."


"Why? What? Don't like it? You want to be older than me?" [1]

Chan was still young, but the way he talked reminded him of the middle-aged, old-fashioned Hunters. Yugeon begrudgingly raised his glass and knocked it with Chan's.

"What about driving? You can't drive when you're drunk."

"You've never drank with a high ranking Awakened, have you?"

Chan smirked.

"Even if I drink 100 cups of this, nothing will come up on the breath test. We can easily regenerate our organs even if we drink hydrochloric acid, something like alcohol has no effect on us."


"Do you know why Woo Shinje and the deputy chief keep sucking on those strong drugs? It's because no matter how much alcohol they drink, it's just like water for them. They have to find another way to paralyze their brains by any means, or else they might go crazy."

He moistened his throat with beer in the middle of his speech. Yugeon also drank. Chan was worried that he might cough or grimace because it was his first time drinking, but it was surprisingly pleasant to see him empty his glass.

The more Chan looked at him, the funnier it got. How could this guy stand sitting face to face and empty his drink with the person who had been bullying him and even raped him? It was not that Yugeon was a saint on that matter. It might be that he had become dull after a life full of abuse and exploitation.

There seemed to be an even more fundamental reason than that. Yugeon didn't really seem to care about him, which was really unpleasant, but yes. He was just not interested. He simply dismissed the actions he suffered as ‘something he had to do even if he didn't like it because of the contract’ and the members of Team 1 as ‘people he should guide even if he didn't like it because of the contract’, and completely separated them from his ego. It might not be easy for him to win his hatred compared to love.

In that sense, Woo Shinje, who bought this guy's hatred, was better in many ways. What the hell happened between the two of them, causing Yugeon to lose his composure whenever he heard his name?

"I heard you awakened when you were 10 years old. During the Hwangan Bridge incident."


"Didn't you think it was weird?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just everything."

Chan rubbed the back of his head irritably when he couldn't think of a proper word.

"I became an Awakened when I was in my first year of high school, so I lived as a regular person for more years than you. Back then I'd only seen mutants or whatever on the Internet. The Awakened in the news were just people from a different world."


"After more than 10 years of this life, I'm obviously used to it now, but it was really weird at first. All the Awakened and guides had strange sense of ethics and all that discriminating people based on ranks and traits. And the Awakening Management Headquarters, I thought it was only a special government agency, but they even did fucking biological experiments there. Damn it. How come nothing is normal?"

He felt uncomfortable as soon as he first stepped foot into the Awakening Management Headquarters. Those who had been an Awakened since birth were used to this kind of environment so they were not aware of it, but Chan, who had spent most of his growth period in a normal environment, was too aware of the oddity. All that twisted things around him.

"That Woo Shinje, I don't agree with his crazy way of thinking. But I could relate to this one. A world like a third-rate fantasy novel, I think it's okay to fuck it up."

It was not something an S-class Hunter, a vested interest among vested interests, should say. As a powerful Awakened, he knew it was fraudulent to say this when he had enjoyed all kinds of favors. There were many times when he thought it would be quite easy to choose and take any guide he wanted for money, even if everyone was complaining, of morality or reason, and run wild without anyone stopping. But he also had a final goodness left inside him, a line he couldn't cross, that was conscientiously unacceptable for him. So he ran out of the center and built Erewhon with Shinje.

"Then Hunter-nim..."

"Hunter-nim, what hunter-nim? You are giving me goosebumps. Call me hyung. Kwon Heesu is quite good at chirping, hyung, hyung, in that part."

Chan waved his hand as if he was annoyed. Yugeon opened his mouth to say something. But before he could, the loud announcement of the start of the game rang out from the TV hanging on the wall of the hall. Chan and Yugeon, who were facing each other, turned their heads to it at once.

The players on the screen were running around non-stop with the loud cheering and whistles in the background. The interior of the restaurant, which was already noisy, grew even louder. They couldn't even hear the person next to them very well. The chicken they ordered came out soon. Yugeon bowed his head like a habit.

"Thank you for the food."

When freshly fried crispy chicken was dipped with a fork, the glossy fried crust crumbled. Yugeon lowered his head and started to diligently separate the bones without even watching the game. Then he put the separated meat in his mouth and focused on the game again. There seemed to be no option for him to eat chicken and watch the game at the same time. Chan, who kept watching what he was doing, laughed.

"Why are you eating it like that? Can't you multitask?"

He reached out his hand to help break apart the chicken wing that Yugeon was wrestling with. It was simply an unconscious act, forgetting for a moment that Yugeon and him had a difficult relationship. When their hands touched, Yugeon flinched so noticeably that even Chan felt it. The twinkle disappeared for a moment from his eyes that were focused only on chicken.

Chaeng-gang! The fork fell on the table with a sharp sound. The piece of chicken stuck on the fork also rolled over, leaving traces of seasoning along the way. There was silence for a few seconds, and soon Yugeon frowned and picked up his fork. Chan kept his mouth shut with a look of disbelief.

As the first half of the game passed the middle, the excitement in the restaurant gradually got stronger. Every time their team seized an opportunity to attack, or whenever the team was in crisis, everyone was screaming out of their throats. It was almost deafening.

It was an amazing experience. Everyone was pleasantly drunk. He could see strangers chattering over the partitions like they had known each other before today's game. The shouts, laughter and exhilarating excitement did not cease for a moment. In this place, there was no need to fight for your life or struggle in pain alone.

Yugeon was also swept away by the atmosphere and gradually immersed himself in it. The screen was half covered by the partition in his seat, so he had to stretch his neck to snoop around. Chan beckoned at him, who looked like he was about to jump out of the aisle, unable to stick his head out.

"Hey, hey. Come here."

He then tapped the seat right next to him. Yugeon unexpectedly came up to him and sat down. It was something he would never have done at any other time, but the heated atmosphere and moderately high alcohol level blurred the boundaries. Chan carefully placed his arm on Yugeon's shoulder, who was sitting next to him, and asked mischievously.

"Do you know what offside is?"


"You don't even know that? If you don't know offside, you can't say you're watching football. I'm sorry I know nothing, so let me just hit it right away. Like that?"

It was a rough voice filled with mischief. Yugeon was also less rigid than usual. He only gave back a lukewarm response and picked up the beer glass.

"If I punch you before you open your mouth, that's offside, isn't it?"

"That... haha, euhahaha!"

Chan grabbed his belly and burst out laughing. The loud laugh was instantly buried by the surrounding noise. The first half ended and went into the second half of the game. Tensions escalated as the tight confrontation with a tie was dragged out for a long time. Yugeon even forgot the presence of the heavy arm still hanging over his shoulder. And finally.

- Goal! It's a goal! A brilliant comeback goal that finally broke the 2-2 tie finally came to us!!

It was a score. The whole restaurant boiled up over the excitement like crazy. He wondered if there was an explosion somewhere.


Yugeon, who was stiffly sitting all this time, unconsciously swayed his body, swept away by the electrifying atmosphere. He was even clenching his fists as he watched the game with sweat in his hands. His expression was not much different from usual, but his cheeks were slightly flushed and his eyes sparkled.

He looked around, not knowing how to relieve his heart full of excitement. He then met his eyes with Chan, who was staring down at him right next to him. There was a strange look on his face. Yugeon thought he would also be thrilled with the comeback goal, but no, it wasn't about that. Since when the man had been watching him, and not the TV?

The lights from the TV screen scattering in the dark inside the shop with the lights sparsely turned on gathered again in Chan's yellow eyes. He looked like a beast looking for a chance to bite the nape of its prey without even blinking its eyes. Yugeon should be the only one affected by the beer, but his eyes were out of focus as if he was drunk.

Chan slowly narrowed the gap between them without taking off their entangled gaze. The tips of their nose were almost touching. Each other's warm breath spread through the nerves and rattled the spine.

"Baek Yugeon."

Chan murmured as if possessed. The strong arm muscles wrapped around his shoulders twitched and tightened his grip. It was a signal.

Chan knocked Yugeon down and roughly pressed him onto the sofa. His upper body was covered all over, so Yugeon couldn't even be seen from above. As soon as his back touched the sofa, Chan grabbed his chin and overlapped their lips. A thick tongue squeezed between his lips and sucked all the air inside, suffocating him with a throbbing pain from the throat and roof of the mouth. It was a savage kiss without an ounce of consideration. Yugeon felt like his lips might be torn and his chin fall out. A gasp of breath escaped from between his lips. Black hair of different textures rubbed against each other's foreheads.

There were a lot of people around them. Although there was a partition, it was only high enough that if someone stood up to go to the bathroom, they would easily see the other side. He wasn't bold enough to be this reckless. No matter how much Chan had rolled around with this guide and that guide, and morale sexually relaxed, he didn't want to put on a live sex show in front of ordinary people who didn't know anything. It was something only a perverted bastard like Kwon Heesu would enjoy. Not him.

"Fuck... really. I'm going crazy."

Chan muttered between his rough breaths. It might be hard to hold back if alcohol was gone, so he buried his nose in Yugeon's blushing nape and gulped down the body scent. Gnawing the tender skin with his fangs, he fixed his stone-like thighs between Yugeon's legs and grind them together. He could feel Yugeon lying underneath taking a sharp breath.

"Why are you holding back your moans?"


"Damn it, it's hard. Ugh. Why are you holding it in?"

He clenched his teeth, cursed, and grabbed Yugeon's pelvis close. Just when he was about to press their lower bodies together and try to rub the taunt front part over their pants.....

Beeeeep! A whistle blew on the TV announcing the end of the game.

He didn't know how they got to the car. His vision clouded by the influence of alcohol fluttered under the night sky. The rear seat door swung open, and he was then thrown inside. Chan had carried Yugeon in one arm dangling all the way here. He pushed his body into the car, and slammed the door shut.

Yugeon, who was thrown into the back seat, frowned. He still couldn't come to his senses. Lights lit in the city at night fell on him, filtered once by the heavily tinted window, and again by the shadow of a large man climbing on top of him. Now it was dark everywhere. Only a pair of yellowish eyes gleamed in the shadows.

Darkness was not an obstacle for Chan. In his view, Yugeon, who had helplessly collapsed under him and was at a loss, was very clearly visible. Perhaps, because of his weak alcohol tolerance, Yugeon had blush on top of his cheeks, and his eyes teary, from drinking just a couple of beers.


He gnashed his teeth. Now was the time to really admit it. He was in a rut. He was all worked up over a guy who didn't even have one sexy corner. He wanted to tear all of Yugeon's clothes. Yugeon didn't even have a full chest or plump thighs that he liked, but he wanted to bite, suck and chew the tender skin that smelled like clean soap.

Chan grabbed Yugeon by the collar and pressed their lips together. Their lips that had gone slightly cold from the outside air were interlocked once again. He stuck out his red tongue as much as he could to entwine with Yugeon's, and scour the softest skin in his mouth. Similar to cats and wild beasts licking prey with their sharp tongues.

Chan, who nearly plucked out Yugeon's tongue by the root and immersed himself as if he was drinking blood, finally raised his head. Yugeon burst out the breath he had been holding back all this while. His gasping breaths filled the quiet and cool interior.

"Heueug! Heog, haa."

"Already out of breath? You were running around fine even after you broke your ankle."

Chan grabbed his arm. He bit the edge of the sleeve with his front teeth, roughly rolled it up, and bit the tender flesh on the inside of the wrist. That had been begging for his attention since a while ago.


The dull pain spread from his wrist. For a moment, he thought his arm might be ripped off and eaten. Chan buried his head in Yugeon's wrist and nibbled the flesh in his mouth with the tip of his fangs. He had to keep suppressing the destructive impulse over and over again, to bite down hard and leave the tooth marks behind. But if he did that, Yugeon's wrist might be cut off and blood would splatter.

"I can still smell that bastard's perfume."

Was this the arm that Shinje grabbed earlier? Yugeon's drunken eyes followed Chan's movements blankly.

"I don't care if you're dating Woo Shinje or whatever, I have nothing to do with...."

"Something like that, ah... heug, I don't think that will ever happen."

"You shut up. What do you know? You're so fucking dense."

Even while his mind was clouded, Yugeon thought the man was being unreasonable. He was saying something ridiculous, so he just corrected him as the person involved, but he got cursed at for nothing.

"God damn it. Why did he bring you here as our guide? That Woo Shinje's tastes are just..... uh, right, fuck. I'm the biggest idiot."

Chan crumpled his face and murmured under his breath. What kind of heaven would you get taking this tactless, senseless and unresponsive brat? He had vowed never to give a glance to anything that Woo Shinje had his eyes on. No, he didn't think he'd ever had to make a lame fight with that crazy guy over something in his life. Because they had very different personalities, tastes and pursuits.

"I don't know anymore. And I used to live my life recklessly."

Holding onto Yugeon and complaining like this wouldn't do any good. As he said, what did he know? It was much better to try to get something out of this at least once more than agonizing over it. Chan threw away his anguish neatly. He grabbed Yugeon's wrist with red teeth marks and held it up, and pulled Yugeon's top up with his other hand. He had been dying to do this since they were watching the game earlier. Whether it was a Korea-Japan match or a comeback, he noticed not a single thing from the game starting from the second half.

Pale nipples stood out on his chest. Perhaps because of the excitement or the cold air, his tiny nipples were standing up slightly. Despite already losing his reason due to desire, Chan let out a chuckle. If you are going to be stiff like a wooden doll, you should make it look less enticing here.


Yugeon's chest moved up and down with his breaths. Chan took a deep breath and lowered his head again. He licked the nipples, deliberately making obscene noises with it. He tickled the tip with his tongue and sucked. The soft flesh was pulled up between his lips. He lightly chewed the tip in his mouth until it became quite firm. At the same time, he fondled his chest, which he had not much to grope except the thin muscles. He wondered if some sweet juice might come out of this.

Yugeon's wrist gripped in Chan's hand and his chest were pounding too fast. His throat kept making whines over and over again. This was a bit different from being sucked down there. He wasn't strong enough to twist his limbs and back, but something was wrong. He felt ticklish, no, it was different.

It didn't feel real. Chan with his head pressed to his chest, the smell of leather from the cool seat. He was watching a football game until a while ago, why was this happening? His head was blank.

Chan squeezed Yugeon's wrist and put his lower body between his open legs. Yugeon tried to move his thighs and close his legs, but it was in vain. Chan's growing crotch was pressed to his, and he was persistently rutting over the clothes. He gripped Yugeon's waist tight and moved him slightly up and down as if they were having sex. It didn't take long for Yugeon to get hard. His growing erection was pressed against the tough denim fabric and metal buckles.

"Ah, it hurts."

"So you do know what to say when it hurts."

Chan took off his lips slightly and noted. Hot breath spurted on the wet nipple.

"Eug! This, please, put it away."

"You're really cute when you are drunk. Drink often from now on. Deputy chief is a drinker, so ask that guy to share some."

"I don't like it. Why would I..."

"Still have bad manners, I see."

Drunk Yugeon was strangely warmer and softer than usual. Even though someone he didn't like was pressing him down and sucking on his nipples, he did not resist strongly, only panting with his half-closed eyes.

The hem of Yugeon's top that he put up kept coming back down again and again, getting in the way of him sucking on his chest. Annoyed, Chan pulled it up, and this time put the hem near Yugeon's lips. Yugeon obediently bit the cloth between his lips without a question. Chan couldn't help but bow his head and bit Yugeon's cheek once.

"How nice it would be if you normally act like this."

Even if a little alcohol was added, the essence of Yugeon did not change. He just went from a barking dog who didn't even know his place to a spoiled puppy. But how come he still looks cute? Is this the first time he got drunk? Then whether it was Woo Shinje, Joo Taein or Kwon Heesu, they wouldn't have seen Baek Yugeon like this. He was satisfied. It was a sense of superiority felt by those who gained an advantage in competition between males.

Thats how Yoon Chan was by nature. He wasn't interested in winning, but he hated losing. It was annoying to actively step up to gain power on his own, but he never tolerated trivial things to climb on top of him. It was the same in Yugeon's case. He didn't really want to cling to the guide, but he didn't want to fall behind others either.

Seeing that Yugeon was still biting the hem, Chan went further down. He unbuckled Yugeon's pants and pulled down his underwear. The contours of the tightened pelvis were revealed and Yugeon's erection popped out. Standing up briskly, the precum on the tip looked tempting. His canines itched and his mouth drooled. Chan smacked his lips and gulped the whole shaft down without warning.


A response came immediately. He sucked up what was in his mouth until his cheeks were hollowed. He tilted his head back and repeated it back and forth. He didn't use the little tricks like gently licking the glans or fondling his cock. Rather than caressing to please the other person, it was more like an aggressive act to extract semen. Obscene noises rang out in the car.

"Heog! Eung. Heug, heueub......."

Yugeon clenched his teeth and tilted his head back. A vein stood out on his furiously blushing neck. The hem he was biting gradually got soaked with saliva. His thighs and calves trembled uncontrollably, while his cock in Chan's mouth felt like it would melt in the wet heat. He pushed Chan's head and shoulders away as much as he could. Chan didn't budge even a bit. He thought he was pushing a boulder.

His hand slipped then, and accidentally touched Chan's chest. He could feel the well-trained pectoral muscles through his palms. He felt a slight jealousy rising from inside. He dropped his hand reflexively.

Chan caressed Yugeon's whole body with his large hands. His hand stopped at his flat stomach and grazed the skin with a feathery touch. Every time he sucked his dick hard, Yugeon's belly went up and down steeply. A guy who was slim enough that he could be held in one arm was still a man, so he had some abs. Well, last time, didn't he put his dick inside here? It was unbelievable. The fact that he managed to shove his dick into a hole that now seemed impossible to even put in his tip without seeing blood and even came inside.

He lowered his hand and kneaded Yugeon's buttocks. Saliva ran down the scrotum and wet the perineum. He spread his buttocks apart and brushed his fingertips across the hole hidden in between.


Yugeon was startled, and the hole tightened and loosened in an instant. If it was now, he might be able to fit at least one finger in it. He wet his middle finger and gently pressed it in.

"Heub, eugh..."

Only a joint was in when his bulging knuckle was stuck in the thick entrance. Yugeon groaned and tightened his buttocks. The hole closed even tighter.

Yugeon should have already taken everyone in Team 1's dick at least once, but he was still tight like this. How long would it take to soften this part, so that if they pushed it against the hole gently, it would loosen up easily and take it all? Does he have to gently loosen him up and suck him from head to toe for an hour or two? Anyway, he didn't have patience for that. He didn't know what the others were like, but it was not Chan's taste.

He should take a step back first. Chan swirled his tongue around Yugeon's dick and spurred his movement back and forth. He guessed Yugeon no longer knew how to make a sound anymore, since he had tensed his whole body and was trembling like he was struck by lightning. His back curved, and his thighs rose up in the air. His pale fingers rubbed the leather seats senselessly. More, more, a little more..... no, stop. Now, enough!


Yugeon came with a silent scream. It was a peak from being forcibly sucked out, and not at his own pace. His tightly closed eyes twitched finely. The corners of his mouth opened helplessly, and the hem of his top wet with saliva fell off. Chan graciously received all the semen that was shot into his mouth. His throat moved up and down as he swallowed it all. As he gulped down the semen accumulated in the back of his tongue, his throat tightened down the glans, the pressure unbearable.

Licking his lower lips, Chan let go of his cock and raised his upper body. Yugeon was covering his eyes with his wrists, where Chan's handprints and teeth marks were clearly visible. With the aftershocks still pinging through his body, it was satisfying to see Yugeon's drenched groin and thighs still spread open without him even being able to think of closing them. Chan, appreciating the scene, took out his ferociously engorged dick and pumped it a few times. Yugeon flinched when a heavy weight pressed his perineum.



"I can't. It won't go in."

"It went in fine last time. Don't you remember when I made you feel good?"


Yugeon shook his head under his arm half-covering his face. Chan roughly brushed his messy hair, irked. He had no gel or condoms on his car, as he had no hobbies of doing shit like car sex. However, it was an ambiguous time to check-in at a nearby hotel. Shinje told him to come back by midnight.

No, by the way, fuck. When he thought about him, he suddenly got pissed again. If it had been Woo Shinje, that guy would have ignored curfews or whatever, and rolled around with Yugeon as much as he liked. Contrary to what it looked like on the outside, Shinje was the reckless one while Chan was the one trying to take care of his last conscience. Eventually, Chan sighed and got up from top of Yugeon.

"Hey. Wait here. I'm gonna get something for a minute."

Running to the convenience store just to have car sex with a guide. All this trouble and he's not even a teenager trying to get laid for the first time. This outing tonight was laughingly pathetic.

"Don't go to sleep, huh?"

He roughly fixed Yugeon's clothes, patted his forehead with the back of his hand and got out of the car. Soon the door was closed. Despite Chan's request, Yugeon fell into a light sleep shortly after. When alcohol, fatigue, and post-ejaculation drowsiness were mixed together, he could no longer endure it.

How long had it been? He heard a knock on the backseat window. He got up in a daze. A dark shadow flickered outside the tinted window. Why was he knocking on his own car? Didn't he take the keys with him? Yugeon opened the door without much thought, blinking the sleepiness away with his heavy eyelids.


Unfamiliar hands grabbed the back of his neck. Cold hands in white gloves. It wasn't Chan. His spine cooled down. When he came to his senses, it was too late. A damp handkerchief covered Yugeon's nose and mouth. His vision quickly darkened. This time, it was by the drugs, not sleep.

"Are you certain this is the target?"

"Yes, he matches the description."

"I didn't expect him to open the door right away. He's not on guard at all."

"I just checked. No sign of anyone within a 30-meter radius. It seems Yoon Chan hasn't come back to the car yet."

"All right. I'll report it right away. We've secured the ‘crocodile bird’."

It was the last thing Yugeon heard before he lost consciousness.

Several people sat in a lavish spacious conference room. It was a gathering of the heads of the nation's highest ranking Hunting Orders. The National Hunter Union. While it was given a grand name like that, in the end, it was unofficially an interest group of top-ranked Hunters.

All of these people here were the heads of each of their own Orders, and their ranks only ranged from S- to A-classes. Individuality and ego were all second to none. As such, only a few people were chatting among themselves about work, while the rest listened to other people's affairs. It would be a successful meeting if it didn't end with the conference room being destroyed to an unrecognizable state after a brawl.

Rocking the cocktail glass between the joints of his fingers half-heartedly, Shinje sat leaning back on his chair, staring blankly into the air. It wasn't proper table manners, nor was it good manners for a professional meeting, but for him it didn't matter whether or not.

Although they did not outwardly express it, everyone in this space was conscious of him to some extent. After all, Erewhon was the most frequently mentioned name if asked for the position of ‘the strongest’. They had no choice but to keep him in check, whether with a good intent or not. Some were bold enough to approach and speak to him. But even responding to them was cumbersome.

"Hunter Woo Shinje."


Shinje only slightly raised his chin as a response without even looking at the side where the voice was heard. The Hunter sitting opposite to him frowned.

"It is only polite to look at people when they speak."

"How many people would dare to raise their eyes and look at you with their eyes open?"

Only then did Shinje put down the glass he was rocking and laughed. The opponent let out a small sigh. In fact, they were not exactly on good terms to talk about manners. She wasn't even the type to nitpick about things like that.

Leader of the Hunting Order ‘Yehan’, Lee Dohae. She was in her late 40s and the oldest among the Hunters gathered here.

Died fighting mutants, died trapped in gates, died swept away by abilities, died without guiding, died from madness induced suicides, the Awakened, whose life expectancy was too short, were said to have lived a long life if they managed to reach their 50th birthday. People like Lieutenant General Bae Cheolseong, who was still active at 60, were as scarce as hen's teeth. That was why, despite the massive failure of project SALIGIA, he was able to rise to the position of the Director of the Awakening Management Headquarters.

"Please don't exaggerate. Even if you look into my eyes for days, you'll still be fine."

Dohae clicked her tongue. She had wheat skin and dark brown hair neatly tucked with pomade. It was a typical Asian appearance. However, her irises were green. Not the comfortable green of nature, but a dangerous green reminiscent of fluorescent substance or venom, with vertically pointed pupils like a reptile. Any object that those eyes see, whether they be living organisms or not, all hardened to stones. Simply put, it was the ability to petrify.

The black sunglasses hung on her shirt were made from special materials obtained from mutants, and while they were not perfect, they blocked her abilities to some extent. She had to wear it all the time as there was a risk of harming the lower-rank Awakened and the general public. But she had taken it off now that she was among high-ranks. The meetings between the Order Leaders were always burdensome and cumbersome, but in this respect it was quite convenient.

"By the way, Hunter Woo. Did you quit smoking?"

Since the meeting began, Shinje had only drunk a few cocktails and hadn't touched a cigarette. There was no one here who would cough or complain if he smoked here, but Munyeong, who was sitting crookedly with her head down and fiddling with her cell phone under the table, cut in with a loud voice.

"Leader Woo, you've been acting weird lately. You keep doing things you've never done before. It doesn't sound too good..... Should I read some fortune for you?"

"Come on, kid. What's the point of reading fortune for that guy? The answer's too obvious."

"Your words are too harsh."

It sounded like he was complaining, but he had a cheeky smile on his face. Shinje relaxed his upper body leaning on the backrest.

"My guide hates cigarette smoke. I'm going to cut it off and get some love from him."



Responses came from both sides immediately as if they heard something absurd. Shinje smiled and tilted his head slightly.

"Is there a problem?"

"The problem is that there are too many problems. Your guide? You mean that boy? I saw it with my own eyes how you made him run around like hell in that dungeon."

Munyeong snapped back. Her eyes were still on the phone under the table. The movement of her fingers tapping the screen became even faster. It was obvious without checking who she was exchanging messages with so passionately.

"I'm always serious about my guide. Just like last time, it's really sad that Leader Seok doesn't seem to believe me."

"Speaking of which, Hunter Woo Shinje. Last time, one of my kids......."

"When do you mean last time?"

"Kh, hm. During Wild Hunt."


"Anyway, one of our members went to Erewhon's area and got into a very rough situation."

"Is that so?"

"He was found in a horrible shape with twisted joints all over his body. He still hasn't regained consciousness. He was a valuable illusionist, so the damage was quite huge."

"Ah, poor thing."

"Any idea what happened to him?"

"I apologize, I have no idea. Was the gate difficulty too high for him? Leader Lee should have already known how to use the right people in the right place."

Dohae slowly closed her eyes and took a deep breath, swallowing down the anger that was slowly rising up from the inside. But she knew that if she got angry here, she would only be played by Shinje.

"The joints in his fingers and toes were all perfectly turned and twisted. That kind of thing, only you can do that."

"Why would I do such a terrible thing in the middle of a raid? I was busy catching mutants."

"Then who else could it be?"

"Ah. Now I remember."


"I don't know about any Hunter from Yehan, but I do remember a bug that tried to trap my guide. It must have followed the sweet scent and came to eat, so I smashed it before it could. Could it have been that?"


Dohae just let out an empty laugh.

"Hunter Woo Shinje. Crazy. I thought you were crazy. But were you really crazy?"

"I wonder if anyone here is normal."

Munyeong flipped him off. Her remaining hand was still working, busy sending cute emoticons to the other side.

These days, strange rumors were once again circulating among high-ranking Hunters. That Shinje and Erewhon Team 1 members were completely enthralled by the newest guide, and it was not enough that they brought in someone who used to be an F-class' back-up and made him an exclusive guide, they were even taking him along to the raids.

Some people, on the other hand, wondered if that was because the guide had some special ability. It was an assessment that came from knowing that Team 1 was extremely efficient and cold-hearted when it came to battles no matter how rampant it seemed, as if there was no tomorrow. The reason why she attended this meeting even while she was overworked was to ask about him. While at it, she also had questions about her illusionist who was attacked.

The conversation so far had made her fully aware of the situation. Woo Shinje was far more crazy about the guide than expected. She forced herself to calm down. The illusion ability was indeed precious, but not precious enough to rouse the ire of that madman. Still, it hurt her pride to back out like this. She'd got years of experience dealing with people like him.

"I don't know if the guide is aware that Hunter Woo Shinje is so devoted. What's the point of trying to be loved then? It's all in vain if the other person doesn't want to love. But you have to clap your hands to make a sound, and load the gun to fire. Try pulling the trigger on an empty gun repeatedly, it will only break."

How will he react? Will he be offended by her being presumptuous and meddlesome, or will he just let it go as always? Just then, Shinje's cell phone vibrated. He broke the tense eye contact with her, and only gave her a smile.

"Excuse me."

He turned his head slightly and answered the phone.

"Yes, Taein-ssi. You may speak."

As the call continued, all the expressions on his face were gradually wiped clean. It looked like a call from Erewhon's Deputy Chief, did something happen back there?

Shinje hung up the phone without saying a single word, and stood up from his seat. The usual smile that was always plastered on his face, even if it was a pretense, was nowhere to be found, and instead only the eerie expressionlessness of elaborately made mannequins or sculptures was left behind.

"If you pull the trigger on an empty gun, the gun will break."

"Hunter Woo Shinje? What...."

"It's better to keep holding it in your hand than lose it while you are out finding a bullet."

After those words, Shinje left the room without hesitation. Before he disappeared, they all noticed how his jaw was tightly tense as he clenched his teeth. It wasn't like him at all. Unexplained anxiety remained like a reverberation among those left behind.

Kwaang! Chan's body was slammed against the marble wall with a roar that shook all directions. Shinje was holding him up by his collar alone.


Chan gritted his teeth, grabbed Shinje's arm and twisted it. It was the same for him not to let things slide. The arm joint was twisted with an ominous sound.

"When did you start being genuinely funny?"

Shinje asked him with a faint smile on his face. His shoulders were slightly trembling with laughter. Marble powder and drops of blood were smeared on his fair cheeks. Anyone could sense the madness bubbling under that angelic face.

"Your jokes were just grossly boring, yes. This time, though, it's kinda funny. What did you say..... You lost the guide when you were out to play?"

"Hey, I made a mistake. I told you it was my fault! But now is not the time......"

Before he could finish, a large picture frame hanging on the opposite wall flew straight at Chan's face. Chan raised an arm and blocked it by a narrow margin. Glass shards and frame splinters splattered into the air.

"I told you to keep the guide safe."

Chan's fingers that were clutching Shinje's arm, were peeled off one by one. As if there was an invisible hand forcibly breaking the knuckles one after another. Ppudeug, ttug, ttudug. Gruesome noises broke out in a row.

"You crazy bastard!"

"You can't even follow that simple order... Why do I have to keep you alive?"

Shinje asked him gently. It was neither a threat or sarcasm, but utmost sincerity. Not an ounce of affection for a friend who he had been with for the last 13 years. Chan gritted his teeth.

"Fuck, that's it."

So far, he had been holding back because he clearly had done something wrong. He thought he had no right to complain even if he had to take a few dozen blows. It was an indisputable blunder on his part for not taking Yugeon's protection seriously.

But this was not it. Shinje wasn't angry just because Chan ditched his duty. His anger was rooted in darker, vulgar emotions. He didn't look like a leader reprimanding his subordinates for their mistakes..... but more like a male, who had been robbed off what was his.

At last all his guesses were confirmed. The conflict that had been neatly sidestepped thus far because he knew it would be troublesome had materialized in the worst way possible.

"If it's so precious, you should have hid it from the beginning."

Chan retorted, wiping his lips with the back of his blood stained hand.

"If you're so upset that I lost Baek Yugeon, you shouldn't have given me a chance in the first place. You shouldn't have let us see even a single strand of that kid's hair."


Shinje rolled his eyes with a bored face and smiled. The focus suddenly disappeared from his gray eyes with pupils wide open. At the same time, all the objects in the room started to shake in unison.

"Leader. For now, we should focus on urgent matters....."

Taein, who was standing a little further away from the two, tried to stop Shinje. However, Chan's counterattack was faster than that. A large black tiger rushed out and rammed himself against Shinje with all his strength. One of the walls of the luxurious high ceiling penthouse was destroyed at once. The cold wind blew in through the open wall.

"Wow. This fucking sucks."

Heesu muttered under his breath watching the fight from the sidelines.

"Should I go ask for help from another team?"

Taein shook his head quietly. After all, this fight could never be stopped by anyone from the other team. Both of them might actually blow up the entire building and bury all the people inside alive at this rate.

The black tiger let out a loud roar, biting and crushing the marble fragments flying towards him. There was intangible pressure pressing down on his whole body, sure to dislocate his entire spine if the fight was dragged out. Nevertheless, he kicked the floor and rushed straight ahead. Kwaang! A cabinet flew over to where Taein and Heesu were standing. It would have injured their shoulders if they hadn't moved their torso and ducked. But since they sidestepped it, the wall behind them was smashed.


With the way things were going, either Shinje or Chan, or both, might end up in a near-death state before Yugeon could even be rescued. Taein sighed quietly, and walked into the middle of the battle without hesitation. As soon as he stepped foot within the range of Shinje's ability, it felt like the gravity pressing down on him was increased tens times stronger. Formless pressure mercilessly crushed down on his whole body. As if commanding him to immediately get down on his knees and bow his head.

The low-rank psychokinesis was all about lifting or moving objects. Shinje, however, dealt not with specific objects, but with the whole space. The range was extensive and the control was horrifyingly sophisticated. Although psychokinesis itself was a rather common ability, there was the reason why he was an S-rank.

"Please stop. You both know now's not the time for this."

Sharp claws brushed right in front of Taein's eyes. Some of his hair that was neatly pulled back were slashed off. The black tiger, drenched in blood, roared at him with all his fangs exposed. It was a warning that clearly said, ‘fuck off if you don't want to get caught up’.


Taein's mouth twisted with contempt. Shinje too seemed to regard him as an annoying hindrance. Who is really in the way of getting Yugeon back, and do they think they are the only ones going crazy with Yugeon gone? Do they think they are the only competitors, and the rest folding screens that don't need to be checked? No, this whole fiasco was doomed from the beginning.

Taein cut in between the attacks like a blade and approached the eye of the typhoon. Chan's claws and objects Shinje threw around cut all over his body, and blood splattered.

"Stop it, this instant...!"

He grabbed Shinje's forearm from behind and twisted it with all his strength. Shinje took a deep breath and turned around. His eyes were glistening with unbecoming ferocity. Taein met his gaze head on without taking his hands off. Black smoke then rose from under his gloved palms. The leather, the cloth and the flesh stuck together and burned.

"Another one...... Is it not just him?"

Shinje muttered under his breath. It was a small whisper, but there was no problem understanding. He showed no signs of pain even though his arm was slowly rotting from deadly poison. He shook off Taein's arm. A mixture of blood and ooze gushed out from the place the hand had grabbed. Chan, who didn't miss a moment's break, rushed in. A fight broke out once again. This time it was among the three people instead of two.

Heesu watched the fight from a few steps away. All of his surroundings kept being destroyed one after another. He felt like something had gone awry.

Erewhon Team 1 was never interested in each other. If one of them crossed the unacceptable line, they would be thoroughly punished, and even if bones broke or organs were torn, the others would stand on the sidelines no matter what happened. Even if one of them died, they would just laugh for a moment at what a stupid mistake they made and move on.

So was the act of bringing the guides in and playing with them. If it didn't suit their taste, they just ignored it, and if it appealed to them, they would enjoy it together. No one treated the guides as a person. They would suck out the sweet honey and then throw it away if it was broken beyond repair. For them, guides were just snacks to eat when bored. No one treats candy or chocolate like something with a soul.

Shinje usually let anything go unless it challenged his authority, and while Chan seemed to have a temper in everything, in reality, he'd never really held grudges over them, and Taein would remain silent even if there was something he didn't like. That was how the team was able to keep its peace so far. But now, suddenly, he could see cracks forming all over such a relationship.

Whether Yugeon disappeared or died, there was no reason for Shinje to be this angry, abandoning his reason. Chan, who was provoking Shinje more than necessary, was also strange. The same was also true for Taein. Cutting in the fight between the two S-classes, risking his own life. As if he had always wanted to fight.

Their relationship was like a gear, where cogwheels of wrong sizes and of different materials were stuck in a narrow space and forced to keep the balance. One day, a foreign object fell and got in between them. A tiny screw, extremely small compared to the cogwheels.

The tiny screw, that seemed harmless at first, twisted the entire structure. One twist, and another. The cogs then couldn't overcome the force they exert on each other and were torn apart. Kkig, kkigigig! The loud shriek of machinery breaking down rang out.

He wondered what awaited them at the end of this? At least it didn't seem like a moderate and peaceful ending. Some, or all of them, might face ruin. Of course, that included Heesu himself.

With his gaze still fixed on the bloody fight, Heesu smiled a little without him realizing it.

"Really..... that sounds fun."

The hard walls and floors rattled. He rolled about half a turn and hit his head with something hard, not being able to control his body. The shock immediately brought him to his senses.

"Eu, eub!"

No sound came out of his mouth. He found himself gagged with a cloth. Yugeon groaned at a splitting headache and barely opened his eyes. He was lying in a rectangular container. Every now and then, the floor shook slightly. It looked like the luggage compartment of a big truck running on the road.

He tried to get up, but his body wouldn't budge. His hands and feet were also tightly bound. Hard cable ties dug into his flesh with every move. How did he end up here? He tried to trace his memory.

He watched a football game with Chan at a chicken restaurant, and as soon as the game was over, he was led by his hand and they both got into the car. Chan then left in the middle of the deed, and Yugeon fell asleep for a while, and he remembered someone knocking on the door and he opened it......

"Have you come to your senses?"

He quickly turned his head to where the voice came from. A man in uniform was sitting in the corner of the container. Unlike Yugeon, who was rolling around on the floor with his mouth gagged, and limbs restrained, he looked tidy and clean.

"Guide Baek Yugeon, it's not the first time we've met."

Deolkeong! The car rattled heavily as if running on a bumpy road. Yugeon had to clench his teeth so as not to groan out loud. With one cheek touching the cold floor, Yugeon glared at him with bloodshot eyes.

"Please excuse the suddenness of this. I couldn't help it because it was ordered by the Director."

He approached and stretched out his hand. Yugeon could do nothing but watch the man's shadow fall on him and his hand getting closer to his stomach. He felt like his head was about to split apart with the drugs forced on him when he was kidnapped still in his system. Yugeon closed his eyes tightly and struggled like crazy.

"Heueub, heug, eub!"

A hand in white gloves took out the gag. The cloth that was covering Yugeon's mouth fell off. His jaw hurt and lips were left bruised with his mouth forced open for a long time.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Do you remember who I am?"

"Major Jeong Changhyeok."

Yugeon muttered out the answer. They met only once, and it was when Yugeon was in an unstable state, but he remembered his face and name. It was beyond expectations. If he had known that he would crawl into Erewhon as soon as he was released from the hospital, he wouldn't have let him go.

"Is the center using Espers to kidnap people these days? This country is really running very well."

Yugeon spat out in a cracked voice. His hands and feet were tied up and couldn't even get up, so all he had left was his tongue. The major responded to the provocation with cold, sunken eyes.

"The hospital where Hunter Baek Heeseong is hospitalized is in the palm of our Awakening Management Headquarters. Keep in mind that his life or death depends on every command."

"Hyung again....."

Yugeon let out a dry laugh. Of course. His life was never going to run smoothly. It was already a luxury for him to hang out with other people, watch sports games and drink beer. Hadn't he learned enough from many experiences?

"Don't you have any more creative threats? I've already heard the repertoire from other places."

The major couldn't believe a person who immediately lost his reason and rushed at an Esper at a word about Baek Heeseong had changed like that in less than a year. He wondered what happened to him in Erewhon. Well, he could guess even if he didn't hear it from him. Major Jeong Changhyeok enlisted around the time Shinje was discharged from the military, so their time together at the center barely overlapped. But even he had heard of his notoriety.

"The Director ordered you to kidnap me?"

The face of the old general who had looked at him with eyes like he was checking the quality of a piece of meat flashed in his eyes. Together with Shinje's words, jokingly warning him not to follow even if that person bought him candy.

"You people wanted to make me and my brother criminals last time, but this time it's kidnapping. A person as high as the Director of the center didn't seem like it but he sure does love to do dishonorable stuff......"

Puck! A boot flew in before he could finish speaking. Yugeon's body curled up. The shock that accurately dug into the center of his stomach took his breath away for a moment.

"It looks like you still don't understand the situation. I don't think it's time for clumsy bluffs like this."

"Cough! Eueuk......"

The major bent over, grabbed the gag that was still hanging around Yugeon's neck and pulled it up tight. Like handling the leash of a disobedient beast.

"Do you know where this car is headed?"

Yugeon's bloodshot and wet eyes met the major's dull eyes. The corner of Yugeon's eyes were trembling at the pain that shook his intestines, but he did not avert his gaze for a second.

"Now that this has nothing to do with manipulating public opinion, I'll be straightforward. Project SALIGIA. ......You probably wouldn't know about this project. No, did Woo Shinje already tell you? It doesn't matter, so I'll skip it. That project failed. It was a miscalculation by our Awakening Management Headquarters. It was impossible to create an ‘Awakened that never rampage’ to stand against Almuten."


"After Woo Shinje, the result of its failure, was sent out to society, the project was temporarily suspended for 13 years. Now, the Director who took office this time has suggested a new project. If it's impossible to keep the Awakened from rampaging, why not put the guides in the gate and stop it?"

Yugeon focused on his body's senses. Of course, the cell phone that he had in his pants pocket was gone. What about the necklace? The necklace with location tracking function that Shinje semi-forcibly put on him to ensure Yugeon's safety......

He looked up and down with miniscule movements. Chalgeulag. He could feel the cold surface of the small metal chip attached to the thin silver cord underneath his jacket. The necklace was still hung around his neck. Did they not find it? Even if they did, they must have overlooked it since it was small and had no offensive defense function. After all, most electronic devices could easily be neutralized by the Awakened with electromagnetic wave ability users, and Espers tended to look down on the homemade weapons and equipment used by Hunters.

A piece of metal that was the size of a thumb and as thin as a piece of paper that looked like it could break so easily with a snap. Neither the kidnappers nor even Yugeon himself knew that this small piece was loaded with rarest mutant by-products and was priced in billions of wons due to the concentration of various cutting edge technologies.

"Guide Baek Yugeon. Are you listening?"

The major was staring intently at him. Yugeon stopped breathing in panic. A cold sweat ran down his spine.

The major's suspicious eyes scanned Yugeon up and down. The car shook again. If the necklace that was barely covered by the jacket popped out, the situation would be really irreversible. Yugeon shrank his neck without realizing it.

"You're not thinking of doing something stupid, are you?"

His boots came closer to Yugeon's nose.

"Is there anything you want to hide on your neck?"

The major shoved his foot under Yugeon's chin and lifted it up. The nose of the boot pressed down on his breath. He looked like he was pondering about whether he could press his foot down or not. The head was then forced back down.


Yugeon bit his lip and glared at him. Even after going through this humiliation, he still didn't seem to have lost his spirit. Hostility overflowed in his cold black eyes.

At that moment the major understood Shinje. If there was a guide like this, he also would have wanted to possess it by any means or method. Those eyes were meant to provoke people. Anyone would want to ruin him, break him down and reduce him to tears. Even if it was dirty stiff like a piece of wood, and the fit rate was somewhat poor, it would still be worth getting your hands on it with that one look alone.

He struggled to quench his greed. They were in the middle of an operation. Before coveting Erewhon's guide, he had to carry out orders first.

"Was it because of this?"

The major murmured, his gaze on his exposed nape. Yugeon closed his eyes tightly. He felt a hand reaching out to him from beyond the dark field of vision.

"Are you trying to cover this up?"

The major's hand did not fall on the necklace hidden under his clothes....... but on the soft flesh of his neck.

"Was it Woo Shinje?"

A hand cladded in white gloves prodded the scruff of his neck with a sneer.

"Or Hunter Yoon Chan? The car smelled like semen. How many people did you deal with in Erewhon? Well..... it's understandable enough to see something like this around your neck. They are savages anyway. All they know is how to roll around in groups like animals."

He could care less about the insults at this level. Yugeon only breathed out a sigh of relief so quietly that it was barely noticeable. His madly pounding heart calmed down little by little.

"Let's continue with what I was saying. Did I mention taking the guides to the gate?"


"Isn't that a pretty good idea? Back then, creating an S-class specimen costed an astronomical amount and the probability was also terribly low, but procuring guides should be a whole lot easier than that. And even if they die inside the gates, they can be easily replaced."

The contents of the contract proposed by Shinje was quite similar to this. Was it because they were pursuing the same goal? However, the difference was that Shinje was prepared to die together with Yugeon at the bottom of the abyss, while these people were thinking of pushing the guides into the gate and offering them as sacrificial lambs.

"Guide Baek Yugeon. You'll have the honor to be one of the first guides to set foot in Mazzaroth."

" of the guides?"

Yugeon asked after a moment of silence.

"Are you saying there are more than me? The guides who were dragged out here."

The major did not answer. The silent response meant his guess was true. Yugeon's face slowly contorted. His hands lying on the floor began to tremble.

"Are you out of your mind? How could you do such a crazy thing....."

Baek Yugeon, who had been enduring all the rough treatment and insults until this very moment, finally lost his composure. He saw this coming. No matter how strong he made himself out to be, in the end, he was nothing more than a weak and foolish crocodile bird. But he didn't feel sorry for him. All of this was for a greater cause. Right now, all he could think might be for his own safety, but Yugeon would find out someday. That the Awakening Management Headquarters was right.

"Almuten is the most powerful mutant species ever discovered. If we catch him, we'll make an achievement that will go down in history. Perhaps for the first time, we'll see an Awakened become the head of state."

The last sentence was Lieutenant General Bae Cheolseong's aspiration. Eliminate Almuten, and the Awakening Management Headquarters and Lieutenant General himself would gain enormous fame and power. Then, becoming the head of state wouldn't be just an empty wish.

It was indeed reckless to kidnap Erewhon's guide out of the blue. They were famous for being a bunch of crazy people. But, by the time they come and protest, Yugeon would have already been thrown inside Mazzaroth and it would be too late to do anything. No matter how attached he was to the guide, he would give up because his life was more precious. Woo Shinje knew better than anyone else what Mazzaroth was like inside after all.

The truck finally came to a stop. A few seconds after the sound of the driver's door opening was heard, the container doors were swung open. It seemed to be midnight outside. It was between late evening and night when Yugeon was kidnapped from Chan's car, so he could only guess how much time had passed.

Lights poured in. Yugeon, who was trapped in the dimly lit container for a few good hours, frowned. Seconds later, the surrounding landscape slowly became visible. A seemingly endless asphalt site, outdoor lights installed everywhere, cargo warehouses and unidentifiable facilities. It was the international airport. Once carrying millions of people across the sky and the sea.

There was no sign of a thing that would indicate that it was an airport in this wide spacious area. Not only the staff, but also the parked vehicles or aircrafts could be found. The hangars were all tightly locked. It wasn't that the airport was temporarily closed because it was late at night, but it seemed to have been left unattended for at least several decades.

It was a long time ago when the government decided to close some areas of the airport. He had heard this story by chance while the other Hunters were chatting. At that time, it had nothing to do with him, so he just let it go in one ear and out the other.

After the Outbreak, the number of airport passengers dropped significantly. The population itself had also undeniably declined, but the biggest reason was due to the fear of the attack by mutants. In fact, if you looked at it, you could be either indoors or outdoors, but the chances of being attacked by mutant species while you were on a car, a boat or an airplane were about the same. However, the fear of being trapped in an enclosed space up in the sky, and dying without even being able to make an attempt to escape must have been greater for everyone.

Therefore, despite the government's sudden announcement at the time, the public's backlash was not surprisingly huge. Since the number of users had decreased, it was reasonable for the decision to close unused areas to save money. But what if it wasn't for such a simple reason? What if the government had been hiding a bigger secret from the people for a long time?

"Guide Baek Yugeon. Get off."

The major cut off the cable ties that bound Yugeon's hands and feet and forced him to stand up. Yugeon was dragged out of the container like a criminal being escorted to jail. Outside, Espers in the same uniform as the major were standing in a line. Soon, several vans also came and parked next to the truck that Yugeon rode in. The doors slid open and a bunch of people got off of it. They looked sluggish and a bit disheveled like they had been traveling on a cramped bus for a few hours.

"Where are we?"

"They didn't tell us where we were going, and even covered all the windows, so I thought I was being trafficked again."

"Why would the government do human trafficking?"

"Ugh, this motion sickness is kicking my ass."

They were all speaking carefreely with no sense of crisis at first, then looked around where they were at in bewilderment.

"Isn't this the airport?"

"Are they really trying to sell us overseas?"

"Hey, hey. Shh. Don't make a joke like that. They will hear."

One of them seemed to have recognized Yugeon. Doubts at the beginning slowly turned into certainty. The other person's eyes were gradually colored with astonishment.

"Uh..... huh?"

It was the guide who picked a fight with Yugeon in the lobby of the Erewhon headquarters building. It was someone he met just a few hours ago, so there was no way he would mistake him for someone else. Neither the guide nor Yugeon could grasp the situation. The guide murmured with a puzzled face.

"What's this....... Erewhon Team 1's guide? Why is he here? I'm here because they said they'll give the guides a good job, but he......."

Yugeon racked his head. They all seemed to be guides with no fixed affiliation. The center must have put out a job advertisement with a savory reward. And since it was a state-run mission, everyone must have trusted and followed them here without any doubt. Especially that guide who lost his job when Chan fired his partner. He must have applied as if holding onto the straws like a drawing person.

The major came up behind Yugeon's back. He grabbed his red bruised wrists, and whispered as he twisted them painfully.

"You better not say anything useless to them. But even if you tell them, you wouldn't be able to run away, since you've come all the way here anyway."


Yugeon looked around. Dozens of Espers were keeping guard of the area without a single gap to be seen. There would undoubtedly be severe consequences if Yugeon did anything nonsense, or if any of the guides tried to escape. He lowered his head with a dark face.

Most of the guides have never participated in combat, let alone entered the gate. They didn't seem to feel a sense of crisis even when they were taken to a strange place. Half nervous and half excited, they only chatted about what kind of people they would be guiding. Only Yugeon and that guide looked out of place. Yugeon clenched his fist in the arm held by the major and gritted his teeth. The guide seemed to have decided to ignore Yugeon for now, but couldn't hide his confused expression as he kept glancing at him from time to time.

They followed the Espers and headed for one of the hangars. Several Espers stuck together and untangled the thick chains wrapped around the door. Each time the chains loosened one after another and fell to the ground, the floor shook as if it could be hollowed out with the weight of them. The chains also gleamed with strange colors as they moved depending on the angle they received light from. It didn't look like an ordinary metal chain. Possibly a by-product of a mutant species. In addition, dozens of locks with special technology were covering the entire door. The central bank's safe wouldn't even be locked this thoroughly.

The strangest thing about it was..... a lump of black could be seen sticking to the edges of the thick metal doors. It looked like moss or mold. Mixed with the fresh night air, there was a faint fishy smell like that of rotting fish. Even those who were oblivious at first could now feel that the situation was unusual.

"What is......"

"I don't want to do this anymore. Please send me back."

The guides backed away one by one. But it was already too late.

"I'm afraid not. You've already signed your contracts, remember? There must have been a clause like this. ‘Impossible to back out from a simple change of heart’."

"This is a whole different thing!"

"That's right. We thought we were going to the center to guide the seriously injured Espers."

"I didn't know this was gonna happen. Let us go back!"

Major Jeong Changhyeok then faced the frightened group of guides.

"What if I don't?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"What are you going to do if we don't let you go? What can you possibly do?"

He, who had remained expressionless all this time, twisted his lips and let out a bitter laugh. After that, they were all thrown into chaos. There was a scuffle between the fear-stricken guides trying to flee, and the Espers trying to force them into the hangar. But the resistance did not last long. There was no way that guides, who were no different from ordinary people in terms of combat power, could stand against the Awakened's strength.

"I, I have a partner. My partner won't stand still. Just one call for me and they'll be right here!"

Someone screamed out while being dragged away. But the major didn't budge.

"A phone call? Do it. Call for help, call the cops, whatever. Why don't you beg them to come to your rescue?"


"If there's a signal inside that is."

Kwaang. The door slammed close with a heavy sound.

The door swung open with a bang. The silhouette of a person blackened by the lights from the hallway appeared. The lieutenant general put down his sipping glass. Even before the lieutenant general could react, low-ranked Espers were alerted first. Dozens of pairs of guns pointed towards the entrance.


"We'll shoot if you move any further."

"Ask for backup right now!"

The intruder walked in, ignoring the warnings as if he hadn't heard a thing. Contrary to the popular belief, the Espers could not easily pull the trigger. With their guns still aimed at the target, they only moved slowly according to the movement of the intruder.

As they strode across the spacious interior, the intruder's figure was revealed little by little under the fluorescent lights. His whole body was dyed red and reek of blood. Some Espers with sensitive senses frowned at the disturbing scent.

There was also a large heavy load dragged inside by him along the way. It looked like a prey that was captured and carried by a huntsman. Jiig, jeueueug. With every step he took, dark red blood stains were drawn on the floor. The Espers, who finally recognized the traces of their familiar comrade in a ghastly shape that was closer to a piece of meat than a human, choked up.

Regardless, the intruder sauntered into the room at a leisurely pace, as if the temporary guard post at the airport entrance was a runway. He stopped before the lieutenant general. His shoulders and chest rose and fell along with unstable breaths.

"Espers. Always hard at work dedicated to the victory of mankind."

He swept his gray hair with his bare hands. There was a strange glint in his murky eyes. Contrary to his butcher-like appearance, his voice was eerily soft and smooth. He looked nonchalant, as if he could neither see nor hear a good number of guns aimed at him and the clicking noises of safeties being removed.

"Ah..... this is a gift. I used to work here so I didn't want to come empty-handed."

He threw the man he had been dragging along in front of the lieutenant general as if he was reminded of it only then. The lieutenant general looked down at his subordinate who had met a fate worse than death, and met his gaze with a smile. Now that the guy who was guarding the entrance ended up like this, it seemed like he didn't even need to check the situation outside.

He could faintly hear a spine chilling roar of a tiger from the outside. Yes, Yoon Chan must have come too. The guide was taken away under his nose in the blink of an eye, he was sure that guy must be fuming. Then there was a very high probability that other Erewhon Team 1 members were here as well. Makes sense. It was not an unexpected situation at all. However, the timing was too fast. He didn't think they were the kind of people who would rush all the way here throwing everything away just because a guide was missing. Where the hell did the calculations go wrong?

"What brings you here? Leader Woo Shinje."

Shinje flashed him a broad smile, feigning to dust off his blood-soaked hands.

"I'm here to find my lost item."

"Well. Unfortunately, our Awakening Management Headquarters is not an agency that picks up lost items or collects them."

"The trail of my guide was cut off here. I do hope it's not what I think it is."

"I'm not sure what you are implying here."

"Did you send him to Mazzaroth?"

"I don't think it's not fair if that side is the only one asking questions. Let me ask one too."

"What is it?"

"It's about Guide Baek Yugeon."

After bringing up Yugeon's name casually, the lieutenant general observed Shinje's face as if looking for his reactions. He had a cunning glint in his eyes.

"The reason why you are so desperate to keep that child at your side...... is because he's the bait and the key to catch Almuten, isn't he?"


Instead of answering immediately, Shinje tilted his head slightly and smiled. He should have appeared flawless with such a dazzling smile on his face, but with the bloodstains smeared on his cheeks, he looked deeply unsettling.

"I thought it was a bit strange. You love that guide terribly? Are you and I the kind of people who act like we can't live without a guide?"

"I don't know why you thought so. I fell in love with Guide Baek Yugeon at first sight. I'm even courting him enthusiastically. But so far, I've only been cruelly rejected every time."

"Don't make me laugh. What a load of nonsense!"

"What doesn't make sense? Is it too funny for you when a test subject talks about love?"

Shinje casually laughed at his own self-deprecating remarks. In contrast, the lieutenant general's face became even more twisted. He repressed his displeasure and changed the subject.

"Guide Baek Yugeon said this after the Seonram-dong industrial complex gate incident. A gigantic and powerful mutant he'd never seen before appeared and it drove his brother to rampage. You of all people know what it means. I don't even need to spell it out for you. And it was right after the incident when Erewhon scouted him. The timing was too perfect, don't you think?"


"I wasn't really sure, but I realized it when I saw you pampering him at the hospital the other day. There's something special about Guide Baek Yugeon. To the extent that you have to keep him by your side at all costs."

Shinje readily acknowledged it.

"The Lieutenant General is right. He is special. You won't find a guide like him anywhere else in the world."

"In what way is he special?"

"There are many, but if I have to pick just one....."


"He's very cute?"

The lieutenant general almost spat out curses that did not suit the dignity of the head of the Awakening Management Headquarters. He didn't know how Shinje got such a thick face. He thought he wouldn't even bleed if someone stabbed it.

"Yes. I put him in Mazzaroth. You'll find out soon enough anyway."

"So you really did."

The false smile quickly disappeared from Shinje's lips. The whole building shook after. This building was specifically installed at the entrance so that one must pass through this place to enter the airport. There was no way it could shake easily like this. A large horizontal crack appeared on the entire wall, and the ceiling sank halfway down. Low-ranked Espers were in a daze.


"Get out of the way!"

"Back– back up. Ask for back up!"

Since when did Erewhon Team 1 have explosive abilities? No, it was the work of the man in front of him, not someone new with explosive powers. He must have condensed the force to its fullest so that the entire space was crushed as if it had exploded, so from the outside it must have looked as if an explosion had occurred.

A few dozens of meters in radius immediately became a mess. There was nothing unscathed left behind. Only the small area around the lieutenant general was covered with a transparent, round membrane. Shield. It was Lieutenant General Bae Cheolseong's ability. An ability where you can block any kind of physical damage. He must have quickly put a shield around his body while his subordinates were left to be injured under a collapsing building.

"Since you seem to have no intention of returning the lost item, I'll have to go inside and retrieve it."

Shinje said, dusting off the concrete powder that had fallen on his shoulder carelessly. Then, he turned around without hesitation and walked towards the exit that was nearly reduced to mere ashes. The lieutenant general gritted his teeth. If his rank was a little higher, or if only he had offensive powers rather than defense, he could have made that guy kneel in front of him.

"Did you know? Mazzaroth is getting bigger and bigger."

Shinje's footsteps came to a halt. So, even the flying fish wasn't aware of the state of Mazzaroth under the strict surveillance of the Awakening Management Headquarters. The lieutenant general felt a small victory.

"There are too many cases where the guards posted around the hangar go crazy or die. The size of the existing hangar can no longer handle the ever-growing gate, so we keep having to build and expand it over and over again. There is no longer a point adding a few more layers of protection and security."


"Did you think we really wanted to do the dirty work like kidnapping someone else's guide? No matter what we did, it was all futile in the end! Leader Woo, you see nothing other than the fact that you want to kill Almuten."

The tiger's roars could no longer be heard. Either Yoon Chan had knocked everyone down and returned to his human form, or the Espers had overpowered him and rendered him incapacitated. He didn't expect it to be the latter.

"Do whatever you want. What can you do when you get in there? You will all die together inside!"

The lieutenant general yelled at Shinje's back when he resumed his footsteps. The glass on the table must have shattered due to the shock earlier, and at some point, the whiskey had been dripping onto the floor, wetting the tip of his boots. Shinje only left a few words before he disappeared from his sight.

"At least I won't be running away leaving him behind."

Yugeon barely forced himself to get back to his senses. He remembered being pushed into between the hangar doors by Major Jeong Changhyeok. The pleas and panicked screams of terrified guides filled the darkness when the door slammed close on their faces. The major then stode forward without hesitation, with Yugeon's arm firmly in his grasp. No matter how hard he tried and resisted, it was all useless. When the sudden overwhelming pressure of the gate was added to the leftover dizziness from alcohol and drugs, he blacked out once again.

The abyss swaying far above his head. It was the very first thing Yugeon saw when he opened his eyes.

Their surroundings were all pitch-black as if it were the darkest night. The bottomless, cold sea was gently rocking back and forth in the sky. If you listened to it carefully, you could even hear the waves crashing against each other. It looked as if so much of that icy water was about to pour down at any moment. But that didn't happen. Not a single drop of water fell, and the dark sea leisurely remained in its place. Considering the laws of physics, it should be impossible. However, the impossible was taken for granted in this space.

Columns so huge that even if dozens of people circled it with their arms outstretched would not be able to cover its whole circumference soared at intervals. Eerie lights flashed from time to time from within the muddy darkness. Like stars embedded in the night sky. He had never been able to see the starry sky as it had been decades since stars became invisible due to air pollution and fine dust. Seeing the twinkling lights illuminating the darkness did not put him at ease, but only made his terror grew even stronger.

It was a strange landscape beyond words. It was ugly and beautiful, auspicious and ominous at the same time, and neither reverent nor profane. Mazzaroth. The crown of stars circling the Earth, constellations. Yugeon wouldn't know, but the name of the gate had such a meaning.

"This place....."

He murmured, unguarded. The pit of his stomach ached. It was as if someone had put his lungs in their hands and wrung them out. He tried to calm his breaths down little by little.

More than half of the people still hadn't regained consciousness. Those who had seemed to be in a panic. Awakened people who were accustomed to going in and out of the Pit might not know, but it was reasonable to react like this if someone living in an ordinary world was suddenly thrown into this environment. When Yugeon entered the Pit for the very first time in Heesu's arms during Wild Hunt, he remembered how he couldn't come to his senses for a while.

"You sobered up much quicker than I thought. While all the other guides are still like that."

At Major Jeong Changhyeok's words, Yugeon just held back his tongue and took a deep breath. He didn't want to say that it was thanks to Shinje's ‘field trips’.

"I want to leave. Why, why should we have to be here?"

The guides tried to rush towards the gate. The Espers stopped them. But the guides were also desperate. They couldn't even breathe properly in the oppressive air of the Pit, so they looked for the exit, trembling and panting. They had to leave this place even if they had to crawl on the floor.

"You stupid bastards. Do you think you can survive even if you leave?"

Eventually one of Espers exploded. A soldier's knife-like tone had disappeared.

"Did you think we also wanted to come here? What kind of crazy bastard would willingly crawl into the sealed gate? This fucking gate has already killed too many S-classes and A-classes. I'm only an E-class!"

The Esper angrily gulped down a breath and grabbed the guide's collar in front of him. Tears welled up in his bloodshot eyes.

"I have a family back home. Why would I be here when it's fucking obvious I'm going to die. But, god damn it. If I don't, they will get rid of me for disobeying orders. What am I supposed to do? The hanger doors? It's already re-sealed immediately after we stepped inside. That shitty door will never open from the inside. And even if it miraculously did, you'll be shot dead as soon as you get out."

"Uug, eugh....."

"Ah, yeah. If you're going to die anyway, why don't I kill you right now?"

The guide's toes floated in the air. He struggled, trying to push his opponent's wrist down. Even that movement gradually weakened.

"Stop it. It's not the time for this."

Someone stepped in and grabbed the Esper's tense arm. The Esper turned around huffing and puffing. His eyes met with a young man with black hair. His complexion was slightly pale, but he was remarkably calm compared to the others.

"Who are you again?"


Yugeon glanced at the person who was grabbed by the collar. It happened to be that guide again. The one he ran into at the headquarters building. He no longer knew if it was an ill-fated relationship or not. Yugeon let out a soft sigh.

"This person is an acquaintance."

"Huh? What crazy....."

Peog! Before he could finish speaking, a boot flew into his shin. It was Major Jeong Changhyeok.

"Second Lieutenant Park. Get down on your stomach."

"Ma, Major."

"I said get down, you bastard. You really want to die, huh?"


The Esper, called Second Lieutenant Park, gritted his teeth and got down on his stomach. He wondered what this all had to do with the current situation, but the body accustomed to obeying orders responded first.

"The service creed."

When no quick reply came, the major kicked him straight in the ribs.


"Don't you know the service creed? What are you? A mutant?"

"We, we..... cough. dedicate ourselves to the victory of mankind..... the Republic of Korea, the Awakening..... Management headquarters....."

The most powerful mutant should be lurking in parts unknown shrouded in darkness, when a sudden service creed was recited out of nowhere. It was like a scene from a black comedy. But surprisingly, it worked. Second Lieutenant Park's stuttering recital of service creed was to memorize it day and night by anyone from the center. Hearing that, the Espers gradually regained their reason. Not missing the opportunity, Yugeon raised the guide's arm, who had fallen on the floor, around his shoulder.

"Ah, fuc... Let go. Why are you acting nice all of a sudden? Did you also seduce Team 1 like this?"


Without saying a word, Yugeon let go of his arm and dropped him. The guide, who was suddenly dropped back onto the floor, yelled.

"Ah! Do you really have to let go just because I told you to?"

What exactly do you want me to do? Yugeon looked down at him with a tiny frown. The guide stood up, grumbling.

"I'm Kim Min."




"What the. Say something! You don't even know how to introduce yourself? If someone says their name first, you have to return your name!"

"It's Baek Yugeon."

He was sarcastic at Yugeon until the end.

".....I really have no luck."

In the meantime, the Esper managed to straighten up their ranks. Those who were unconscious also woke up one after another. There was no other option. They made up their minds and started walking. Towards the temple of stars before them.

The stone pillars that rose like Stonehenge gradually edged closer. Contrary to how it looked from afar, the structure was not as simple as they thought. The stone walls were labyrinthine and everything was unusually gigantic. It could never be the work of humankind. It was clear that something beyond human imagination had made it. From the high sky to the roaring sea.

So far nothing happened. No one died or got hurt, not to mention not a single mutant was sighted. The absurdly gigantic structures remained silent just as they were found in the beginning. The guides were a little relieved. They had thought they would be immediately ambushed and horribly slaughtered by the monsters. On the other hand, the Esper's expressions became more serious.

"It's strange."


"Did anyone see a mutant on the way here?"

The Espers shook their heads at Major Jeong Changhyeok's words.


"I didn't see it."

The reason why the major chose to advance was simple. Even if they kept whining, ‘I'm scared, I don't want to die’ in front of the gate, all they had left were two options– starve to death or be attacked by mutants. Rather, he decided that it would be better to go inside and get something.

"Major Jeong, I don't expect you to successfully clear Mazzaroth. Even Project SALIGIA failed to do so. You just have to find everything you can about how to attack the gate, no matter how trivial. Figure out how to use Guide Baek Yugeon to target Almuten, and I promise I'll bring you out of the gate."

He recalled what Lieutenant General Bae Cheolseong had said before he came here.

"I don't care if the people you brought die inside. They can be replaced anyway. But Major Jeong, aren't you on a different level from those? This one operation can change your whole life. A colonel is the highest rank you can get in your career since you are only a C-class. But if you do your best, you might be able to rise to a higher position. Like me."

What the lieutenant general said was true. No matter how resourceful he was, no matter how loyal he was, he had limitations. Because his awakening rank was not high. He was promoted to the captain's rank barely at age 30, which Woo Shinje had when he was only a teenager. It was fortunate that he was discharged from duty at 18, but if he had remained at the center, the gap would have widened over time. Even though he was working much harder for the safety of the nation and the people than a monster like him.

"Major Jeong is one of my subordinates I observe with great interest. It's like I'm looking back at my younger days. Think carefully. How to act in a way that will benefit you in the future."

The major glanced back at Yugeon, who was walking behind him. The guides, as well as some of the low-ranked Espers were terrified, but he had remained calm all this way. He seemed used to the battlefields, no wonder he was coveted. The thought of stealing Woo Shinje's guide was thrilling just thinking about it, to the point where he wanted to steal him away, falsely claiming that he died inside the gate.

"For now, let's keep moving forward. There might be a safe zone inside, or other exits that we are unaware of."


"Don't let your guard down just because the enemy doesn't show up, and if you find something strange, report it immediately."


They walked for a long time between the huge columns. The space was so wide that the distance did not seem to have narrowed much no matter how much they walked. There was not a single wind, but the starlights swayed ominously from time to time. Like beckoning to come. One of the people walking along following the lights suddenly began screaming hysterically as if possessed. It was one of the guides.

"How long do we have to keep walking like this? Damn it. How are you people so sure we'll find an exit like this? No, is there even an exit? I have to go and see."

He pushed his way out of the crowd. It happened so suddenly that most of them were easily pushed away, taken aback. His eyes gleaming with madness.

"What, what are you looking at?"

"What's wrong with you all of a sudden?!"

"Whether there's an exit or not! Stay here if you want to die, because I'm going to go out alone."

"Didn't you hear the Espers? Mutants might come out suddenly!"

"Do you still trust those soldiers?"

He asked back hoarsely with a biting tone mixed in. Then he threw a fist at the face of the person holding him from the side. The other party collapsed with a pained shriek.

"Let's get out of here right now. Before they kill you all."


The Espers came to subdue him. He struggled frantically and screamed like he had gone insane. His eyes were bloodshot, and his mouth foaming.

"Get, get out of my way! I said get out of my way! You fucking bastards, I'll tear you apart. Aaaag!"

He then suddenly stopped swearing, turned around and ran in the direction of the maze. His staggering back quickly faded away, eventually obscured by a wall.

"Stop there!"

"I said stop!"

Some of the Espers exchanged glances and followed. He could catch the enemy's attention if it went on like this, so they had to catch him as soon as possible.


Yugeon, who was looking at the commotion with no expression, let out a short exclamation.


Next to him, Min shakily asked him with a sharp voice.



"It's a bit...."

"What is it? Just say it if you have something to say. Don't string people along."

Yugeon pondered whether or not to say. The longer he did that, the sharper Min was, and in the end, he couldn't resist Min's sharp eyes and confessed with a short sigh.

"The headcount. I think it decreased."

Min startled at his words. The major who was standing behind them also had a frown on his face.

"Some people went after that guy, so of course, it's less than before...... but the rest are the same?"


"There are four guides. Six soldiers. Ten in total. Right? Two soldiers left to catch that guy earlier, so now there are only seven."

"Is that so?"

Yugeon was a little confused, but he agreed. When he thought about it, it was still the same number. The major also did not raise any objection to his words. Min, who looked relieved, huffed and puffed.

"Ah, come on! Don't say scary shit like that. Do you think we're here for some kind of horror adventure? Ah shit. I thought my heart was going to fall out."

The fact that the number of guides at the beginning was large enough to arrive at the airport in a full van, and that the number of subordinates led by the major could easily fill a room...... none of them seemed to be able to recall it at all.

They wandered through the maze without a way to know how long it had been since they first entered the Pit. There was no way to know the time, as all the devices, including watches, radios, and mobile phones immediately went out of service the moment they crossed the gate. Wandering the maze, it was either they returned to the place they first started, or found another exit, or reached a dead end. But none of those three happened. The starlight never went closer or farther away, and stayed in place. At this rate, even if mutants didn't come out, they would soon go crazy.

Then a second unexpected event occurred.

"Ma, Major."

The Esper, who was following at the very end, staggered back. Swinging around her limbs uncharacteristically unlike a soldier who had undergone rigorous training. She looked up into the air where there was nothing but eerie bright starlight. Her eyes were wide open as if about to pop out.

"What's going on?"

Everyone looked up at where the Esper was looking, but there was nothing. Not even a single ant was seen, let alone a mutant.

"I can't...... please, please, heug, Major...... keoheog!"

The Esper fell down in place muttering incomprehensible words. Then spasmed all over and spewed up red blood out of her mouth. The major's face turned blue as if realizing something.


He looked back urgently.

"One of you. Guide her. Hurry!"

But the Guides were already terrified out of their wits. No one was willing to come forward, all backing away to save themselves. The back of the fallen Esper wriggled ominously. She then stood right back up with a start, a mixture of saliva and blood dripping from her mouth. Her eyes were murky like those of dead fish.


The Esper blindly jumped at her colleagues who were by her side trying to help her. It was too late to stop the offense that came out of nowhere. Chaleuleug! A thick plant vine shot out and pierced the chest of her comrade. Red blood splattered, and a body with a hole in the middle of the chest fell lifelessly to the floor.

Unable to bear the pain, the Esper scratched and tore her own flesh apart. The long vines swung freely in the air like a whip, finding its next target. It wasn't long before the whole area became a bloody massacre.



With all sorts of screams, people fled to different directions. The major was also heard shouting. Yugeon just stood there watching the scene. All he felt was spine chilling dread. A breeze brushed past his cheek. He was in the Pit, and standing in the middle of a maze with walls on all sides, how could there be a breeze?

It was him. Almuten. He was here from the beginning. As always, he never showed himself, just watching from afar. The sight of people dying, suffering, and crying in despair must have been twisted entertainment for him.

Rage engulfed fear for a moment. His heart was beating too fast as if it was about to explode out of his chest. Blood circulating all over his body sprang up, hot under his flesh, and then immediately cooled down as cold as ice.

"Like this....."

He gritted his teeth and muttered. In the dark eyes glistening under the twinkling starlight, old hatred flared up.

"Do you think you can play with people like this?"

He really wanted to kill that damn monster that would be somewhere out there. As long as he could kill that horrible, hateful thing, he could do anything. Even if he had to give up his life doing so.

"Let's run! Hurry!"

Min pulled him. Bloody bodies, not sure if they were still breathing or not, were scattered all over the passage, and Major Jeong and the others were nowhere to be seen.

"If, if you are not coming, then fine! I'll..... I'll go alone....."

When Yugeon did not follow him immediately, Min let go of his arm and turned around. However, he couldn't take a few steps before his wobbling legs gave in and fell flat on his face.

"Keuhuek..... uh, eug, heuheuk."

He curled up his trembling body and cried. He was 100 percent sure he was going to die here. His life so far flashed before his eyes. He shouldn't have agreed to come to this strange place. No, he shouldn't have picked a fight with Yugeon in the first place. Then he wouldn't have been fired, and he wouldn't have been in a hurry to find another job.

He was weeping with tears and a runny nose all over his face when his body was suddenly pulled up. It was Yugeon. Yugeon couldn't be compared with the Awakened in terms of physical strength, but he still could easily lift a skinny boy who was only about 170 centimeters tall.

"Do I have to drag you or will you walk on your own feet?"

Yugeon quietly asked him. He was as frank and expressionless as ever. He didn't understand how such a blunt guy, who he cursed at a lot a few hours ago, managed to seduce Woo Shinje, but he really was reliable in the current situation where everything was going crazy.

Their bare skin touched each other, but none of their abilities activated. It was just a simple person-to-person contact, without having to worry about guiding compatibility or inappropriate sexual behaviour. Strangely, his heart calmed down at the touch. Min rubbed his face clean with his sleeve and shook Yugeon off.

"I can walk, sniff. I can walk. And you? .....Mr. Pretending-to-be-nice."

The two guides began to walk past the scene of the slaughter. A labyrinth that continued endlessly, gigantic colonnade blurring their sense of direction. Everywhere they looked, all they could see was the same landscape as if they were surrounded by identical photographs. Now, even if they wanted to go back to the starting point, they could no longer do that. They have come too far.


As they turned a corner, Min collapsed with a shriek. Even Yugeon, who no longer budged at most things, flinched. There was a body leaning against the wall. No doubt it was a corpse. It looked like it had been dead for a long time, his flesh already turned black and rotten, some places even melted.

"Uuk...... uwaeek."

Min hid behind Yugeon and vomited out of his guts. The liquid from the decomposed body had soaked into their clothes, giving off a foul stench. The dark red fabric and the hem of the shirt were visible on the less damaged sleeves. It was the uniform of the Awakening Management Headquarters. He couldn't read the nametag in the end. He didn't even want to go through the trouble of wiping the filth off to know the name of the corpse. Yugeon only bowed his head lightly as a courtesy to the dead, and went back on his way. Min scrambled up and followed him.

"Ah, let's go together! How can you not wait even a little? You're so cold-hearted."

It was then. Someone ran across the road in front of them. Min saw it and started to run after it hurriedly.

"Ah? Hey. Wait. Wait a minute!"

But there was no one beyond the corner. It was only 10 seconds, no, 5 seconds ago that two or three people passed by here. Unless it was someone with teleportation ability, they couldn't just disappear like smoke in that short period of time. Yugeon turned around. Min, who was right behind him, panting and catching his breath, flinched. However, Yugeon was looking at something behind his back, not him.

"What, what is it?"

"It's gone."


"It's gone. That corpse we just saw."

There was nothing behind them. They could only see a wide, empty, and clear road, just like any other place in the maze.

"It doesn't make sense. But, but it was there just a few minutes ago, how....."

Strange things had been constantly happening to the party for a while. It all started from the guide who suddenly got angry and ran into the maze. Even if they say anyone could lose their reason in extreme situations, one wouldn't suddenly change to such an extreme. It was as if that person was under the influence of something. He had to pull himself together. He shouldn't have thought that the same laws as the outside world would apply here.

"When we enter the Pit, that is, inside the gate, it's going to be unimaginably harder than you can imagine."

He remembered what Shinje had warned him about the Pit. During the Wild Hunt, he realized the true meaning of his words. But, at that time, he was more distracted by his own wounded body than his mind.

"There, I can't afford to make sure that Guide Baek Yugeon is following me well and is safe and sound. And, to be honest... it's scary. I'm afraid I'll lose my Guide Baek Yugeon in there."

When he first heard it, he had wondered why the S-class, who had nothing to fear in the world, was talking so weakly. But he felt like he understood it all now. Why he said that.

By now Erewhon must have already noticed Yugeon's absence. They must have also realized that he had disappeared involuntarily, and not on purpose. Even so, would those people come to rescue him? What if Shinje decided to give up on him? It would have been a waste of money and time invested in Yugeon, but it was likely that he would seek another opportunity rather than hastily entering Mazzaroth without being ready just to find a guide.

In fact, it might be a good thing if Shinje gave up on him. But...... why was he so scared of being abandoned like this? He had lived his whole life without anyone's help, how come he naturally thought of him as soon as he fell into a crisis? How long had it been since he came to Erewhon, that he became accustomed to a life of dependence on others? Like Almuten, wasn't he also one of the people who pushed his life into the abyss? He felt pathetic at his own unreasonable expectations.


Yugeon pressed the necklace tightly over his clothes. The cold, flat metal chip touched his skin. Even the nervousness and anxiety that Yugeon felt now might have been injected by this space. Maybe not. Everything was confusing.

The two started walking again. There was nothing else they could do other than that. Not only Yugeon but also Min, who had been talking non-stop, gradually became less talkative. Despair shadowed every step they took. After walking the identical path for hours, their senses became dull with time. It had been a long time since he gave up trying to draw a map of this place in his head. The Awakened were said to be fine even if they ran around for days and days without a break, but it was not the same for Min and Yugeon. They were getting dehydrated, and their legs stiff and sore.

When they turned a corner, they could see the silhouette of a dead body leaning against the wall. After walking for such a long time, they ended up circling the maze and came back to this place? Min's spirit dropped at the sight of it.

"That's..... that's the corpse from before, right?"


"We only walked forward. But, what the hell..... how did we get back to this place?"

No, something was wrong. Yugeon left Min behind and strode closer. The moment he confirmed the strangeness of it, his heart dropped to the bottom. The corpse in front of him was the corpse they saw earlier, but at the same time, it was not.

The man in uniform was dead, but less than a day old. The blood soaking his body and uniform were barely dry. With the exception of his bluish skin and stiff body, he could have been mistaken for a living person from a distance.

Did time rewind? It was a phenomenon that could not be explained otherwise. How likely was it that in the maze deep in the Pit, two Espers with the same outfit and physique were dead in the same posture?

A silver star was attached to the man's insignia. And the name on the nametag... Woo Sungyeon.


It was a name he'd heard of before. The officer who died in Mazzaroth 13 years ago, the researcher who created Shinje after numerous experiments, and the man Shinje called ‘father’ with dry mockery in his voice. Yugeon's mind went blank. A cold shiver ran up the tip of his toes and down his spine.

"Cra, crazy."

Min covered his mouth.

"Crazy...... it's crazy."

"Kim Min-ssi."

"You know that. We will never get out of here. If I'm going to die anyway, I'm just going to give up now! I'd rather be killed by a mutant!"

"That's what Almuten wants. He is happier the more we despair. That's why......."

"Excuse me, Baek Yugeon-ssi. Why do you keep pretending to be nice? Who do you think is going to come and save us?"

Yugeon wordlessly looked at him with a blank face. Min, who thought he had hit the nail in the head, shouted even louder.

"Ah. I'm sorry. Were you waiting for the prince charming on the white horse? Leader Woo? Or Hunter Yoon Chan? Deputy Chief? That must be nice. Having someone to believe in. I lost my job because of a certain someone. And unlike someone else, I have no one coming to save me!"

In an instant, he was roughly grabbed by the collar. Min's heels were half floating in the air.

"Heu, ak!"

"No, you're wrong."

Yugeon muttered. His voice, which had been low and calm throughout, slowly boiled over. Min sensed that he might have touched Yugeon's sore spot, and that Yugeon's patience had reached its limit.

"Woo Shinje, or whatever, anyone can break me, but no one can save me. Kim Min, the same goes for you. You are the only one who can save you. If you want to save yourself, struggle until the end. Don't make excuses."

"Eug, don't be ridiculous. You look unsightly......"

"Unsightly? So what?"


"At least it's better than someone who only knows how to blabber their mouth."

With his teeth clenched, he chewed each and every word out. Yugeon then shook off the hand grabbing Min by the collar. Min stumbled and fell on the corpse.

"Ag! Aaag! Heuag!"

Min struggled like crazy when he ended up making contact with the corpse. Clank. The knife that Brigadier General Woo Sungyeon had fastened on his belt fell to the floor. The Awakened were much more efficient at fighting with their bare body rather than with ordinary guns and knives. The knife was, of course, only for accessory and decorative purposes. It looked like it had never been used before.

When they first stumbled across the body, he didn't find the knife. Even if he had found it, he wouldn't have been able to take it out of the sheath since it would have been covered with dust and rust. Yugeon picked up the knife, calming down his rough breaths. He could care less about how Min was looking at him with astonished eyes. It was too weak a weapon to deal with Almuten, but it was better than nothing.

He felt a movement in front of them. Major Jeong Changhyeok and another Esper. What happened in the maze might not be the same for everyone. At the beginning of this raid, they were kidnappers and victims. But now they couldn't be happier to see them. In this extreme situation, each and every survivor was precious. The moment they shouted loudly to announce their existence, what Shinje had warned him before crossed his mind.

"Keep your head straight. No matter what happens in the Pit, it's not weird. Don't settle for common sense, don't believe anything you see or hear."

Don't believe anything you see or hear, the last sentence echoed in his ears. He felt uneasy for some reason. Of course, there was no clear basis. It was just a hunch. He had to warn Min. Yugeon quickly turned to him. But it was too late.

"Here! We are here!"

With no hesitation, Min jumped up and raised his hands. The Espers who noticed them turned and began to approach this way. As the distance narrowed, their figures became more detailed. The Espers were muttering to themselves, looking exhausted. With every step, blood dripped down from their eyes, nose and mouth.

"Again? This damn hallucination....."

Something was wrong. Yugeon grabbed the knife tightly, and Min lowered his waving arms. The next moment, the two Espers rushed in all at once.


Min's screams were heard from his side. But Yugeon didn't have time to look over there. He was also busy blocking Major Jeong Changhyeok, who was attacking him.


The major's shadow overlapped with Yugeon's who had fallen onto the floor. The major raised his arm in the air and feigned to clench his fist. The shadow followed his movements. Yugeon quickly dodged, moving his head to the side. Kwaang! A loud noise exploded just a few inches away from his face. Had he been a little late, his head would have already been blown up.

"Wake up!"

"Shut up. You are just a fake."

It was no use trying to explain that he was not an illusion. They must have been deceived several times already. For now, he had to get out of the sphere of influence of that ability. However, the major stomped down on Yugeon's arm with his boots.

"Eu, heug!"

The major's body was covered in horrific wounds, his blood dripping down on him one drop after another. His shadow crawled up to Yugeon's neck and wound itself around.



The invisible force pressed down on his throat. A beep rang in his ear and his vision dimmed down. He desperately tried to wrestle out of the shadow's grip, his limbs thrashing around, but it was of no use. It was then the major's hand entered his blurred sight. The Esper's white gloves had long become ragged, revealing his bloodied bare hands. Yugeon squeezed out all his last remaining strength and grabbed that hand.

A warm sensation spread from the place of contact. It was a little itchy and tingling under his skin. As if a frozen hand was suddenly put into a bathtub full of warm water, light returned to the murky eyes. The major was startled and quickly withdrew his powers. The shadow that was strangling Yugeon fell away. Horrible looking red handprints were left on his neck.

Yugeon painfully raised his head and looked to the side. He then froze in place. Even for him, who had seen all kinds of terrible things in his life, the sight in front of him was too excessively gruesome.

There was blood everywhere. An unrealistic amount of blood formed a huge puddle on the ground. It looked like a large can of red paint was spilled all over. And in the middle of it, Min was lying down like a broken doll. Blood was constantly gushing out of his open abdomen, and all the organs in it were sticking out hanging down to the floor. His eyes had long since lost the light of life. The Esper kneeling in front of Min's body had a bewildered look on his face. He was also covered in blood from head to toe.


He was muttering incomprehensible words, then started to stab himself in the stomach repeatedly with his long, clawed hands. Puk, puk, puk, puk. Blood spewed out with each stab. The horrific movements gradually died down as the Esper succumbed to the self-harm wounds. Time went still, and all he could hear were his own trembling breaths.

"Guide Baek Yugeon."

A hand holding a knife grabbed his chin. Yugeon looked up blankly. Major Jeong Changhyeok was staring at him.

"Urgent guiding is required."


"Holding hands wasn't enough. If you want to live, cooperate."

Instinctive repulsion rose up before he could weigh gains and losses. Right now, here, with you? With corpses scattered all over right next to them? Yugeon pushed him away with a fit.

"I don't want to."

"Did you just say no?"

The major's tone changed drastically. His brows wrinkled and his lips drooped. The small change in his expression made him look surprisingly fragile.

"How can you say no to me? Who else am I supposed to get guiding from? Am I supposed to just die?"


"How can you do this to your one and only brother? Baek Yugeon, you're so mean."

At those words, Yugeon forgot to even breathe. The blood flowing through his body froze. It was as if there was a large, sharp piece of ice stuck in the middle of his chest instead of a heart.

"You're so mean. If I die, it's all your fault."


"It's all your fault. It's all your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault."

After repeating the same words like a broken machine, the major's upper body suddenly wriggled. He tilted his head back, then slammed forward again, and threw up something out of his body. Cheolpeog! A tentacle the length of a human's forearm popped out, piercing through the esophagus and ripping his mouth sideways. Fishy warm mucus was sprayed on Yugeon underneath. The tentacles wriggled constantly, rubbing Yugeon's neck and chest, and wrapping them around his waist.

It was a horribly disgusting feeling. However, Yugeon was uncharacteristically calm. Yes, that thing earlier wasn't my brother. There was no way it could be him. This, too, was just Almuten's, that heinous monster's trick. The major's hand that was clenching his wrists tight enough to form bruises loosened a little. Not missing the chance, Yugeon pulled out his arm. Now was the only chance to attack. If he missed this opportunity, Yugeon would end up like Major Jeong or Min.

Yugeon fixed his knife, closed his eyes tightly and aimed at the major's left chest. Kwajig! The sensation of the sharp blade piercing through the fabric, skin, and muscles, felt strangely good at his fingertips. He couldn't relax his grip immediately after. After a while, he opened his eyes that he didn't even know when he had closed them. The tentacles might have already been gone, since there was no sound or movement at all. What came in sight, however.

The blade in his hand was stuck in a black dress shirt, and more than half of it had lodged inside of the person in front. He was wearing a too familiar Hunter uniform, exclusive to those of Erewhon. From there, blood gushed out.

"Ah, ahah....."

The moment he realized what he had done to whom, his body started to tremble uncontrollably. To what extent was it an illusion and to what extent was it reality? Yugeon gasped and looked up. Blood-stained white cheeks, long drooping eyelashes, and grayish brown eyes staring down at him.

"My cute lost and found. I was wondering where you went, so you were here?"

Shinje whispered. It was a bright tone. As if he couldn't see or feel the knife stuck deep in his left chest, narrowly missing the heart. Seeing Yugeon who had frozen white as if he had seen a ghost, Shinje eventually burst into a raspy laugh. He then gently placed his hand on the back of Yugeon's hand.

"I thought our Yugeon-ie was only good at receiving..... You're also quite good at hitting, hm?" [2]

He buried his lips in Yugeon's nape, who had started wheezing like a dying animal whose breath was running out, and took in a deep breath of his guide's scent. This was it. For this, for this one guide in his arms, he had entered Mazzaroth again, unprepared. Back then he had thought that the second time he set foot here was only when he was ready to give up his life. However, all his plans were thwarted by Yugeon's disappearance.

There had never been an exception in Shinje's life until he met Yugeon. He was created by carefully selecting the best genetic traits, and even his death was scheduled to be thrown into hell with Almuten. Yugeon was all his exceptions. He didn't know he would run into him when he was following Almuten's traces, anxious that the monster had already got his hands on him.

But it wasn't bad. No, on the contrary, he was extremely happy. Even if the cracks caused by this exception eventually twisted and destroyed his life, he could happily accept it. Just like when Yugeon put a knife in him.

Shinje looked down at the knife lodged in his chest. It was a familiar design. It was a ceremonial knife used by those who belonged to Awakening Management Headquarters. No longer used by the current officials, but a possession of someone from 10 years. It was obvious where Yugeon, who must have been unarmed when he was dragged here, obtained this knife. Even while drunk in hallucinations, Yugeon was able to slip the knife through the ribs and shoved it in with the intention to pierce the heart. He was certainly superior in his knife-wielding skills than most of the low-ranked Espers. As expected of his guide, Shinje would be ecstatic even if his heart was mangled into an unrecognizable state.

Shinje pulled out the knife with his hand. Blood spurted out even more from the punctured spot. It ran down his chest and stomach, even soaking up Yugeon's clothes.

"Leader, I, I... "

Yugeon let go of the knife that he had been holding onto like a lifeline. The knife smeared with Shinje blood dropped to the floor. This space in itself was driving people crazy. It was already fortunate enough for him to maintain his sanity until they arrived. Shinje embraced him gently.

"It's okay. I know it's not Guide Baek Yugeon's fault."

Yugeon's eyes burned. Emotions that had been suppressed by the desperation to live before rose up.

"Why are you here only now?!"

Words without reason splattered out. Shinje quietly lowered his eyes as if apologizing.

"I'm sorry I'm late."

........Ah. He came to his senses belatedly. It was only then that Yugeon realized what he had just said. Why are you here only now? Didn't it sound like he'd been waiting for Shinje all along? He even sounded like he was complaining. It was unsightly. It was only a few minutes ago when he was self-righteously yelling at Min that they were the only ones who can save themselves. But look at him now.

He knew he had been turning a blind eye to it. Because he didn't know what this emotion was, and he also didn't want to know. But what Yugeon missed was that emotions were like a trigger, and that the harder you suppressed them, the stronger they bounced out. So far, that emotion had only been missing a bullet named self-awareness. No matter how many times you pull the trigger of a gun without bullets, nothing will ever happen. The barrel will heat up, and the gun might break, that's all there is.

And now. Finally, the empty magazine was filled with bullets.

The weight of the emotions he finally realized were terribly heavy. Why now? Why do I have to....... Why does it have to be that person? A lukewarm killing intent towards the other person, love and hatred, rose from his heart and eroded his entire body. Yugeon pushed Shinje away with his wounded arm. But instead, it was him who collapsed on the floor.

"Guide Baek Yugeon."



Shinje reached out his hands, perhaps to pull him up. Just as his hands came into his view and reflected in his dark eyes, Yugeon felt something snapped in his mind.

"Heueug....... heog!"

Yugeon visibly flinced, and backed away, horror evident on his face. His eyes already out of focus.

"Stop. Don't..... don't touch my....... my body."

He tried to stand up on the blood-stained floor, but his arm slipped and fell back. After several futile attempts, he managed to stagger up onto his feet.

"Hey. Guide!"

It was Chan. He walked up to where both of them were standing, not even sparing a glance at the corpses scattered all over the maze. He looked like he had a lot to say, but he just skimmed Yugeon up and down and said only a word.

"Are you all right?"


Yugeon absentmindedly followed his gaze. It was only then he realized his hands were stained red with blood. It wasn't Shinje's blood but his own. Blood was dripping constantly from an ugly gash on his palm, slipping past his fingers, to the already tiny blood puddle on the floor. The flesh of the palm was torn long in the direction of his palm lines. Even though it was a big wound, he couldn't feel any pain.

He was able to push himself to keep his calm even in a situation full of madness, but Yugeon had also exhausted himself out of his mind at some point. To the extent that he didn't even register that the hand that was holding the handle of the knife had slipped and ended up grabbing the blade itself.

The logic of the world he lived in was simple. To survive, he had to be strong or useful. He was not an Awakened, so he could never be the former. So it had to be the latter. He had no supernatural ability, so he had to practice handling guns and knives and learn mechanical engineering. Only then, he was able to prove his usefulness, even taking over Heeseong's share aside his own.

This level of injury was nothing. He wouldn't die from this. He had to stay alert until he got out of here. Hadn't he seen so many Hunters who were killed by the enemy right in front of their nose just after saying the battle was over and letting down their guard too soon? He shouldn't be a burden for them. If he was, this time, they might really throw him away this time....... In the middle of this terrible maze.

Yugeon wiped off the blood with his trembling hands. However, the gash on his palm was not at all small to be wiped away clean like that. Rather, the wound was even widened when he rubbed the blood off. Yugeon muttered under his breath like a mad man, rubbing his blood-stained hands repeatedly.

"I'm okay, I'm fine...... this is nothing."

"Hey, you."

"I'm really all right. I can fight. I can fight again, I....."

"Baek Yugeon!"

Chan's face looked strangely blurry. Yugeon stared blankly at the two men in front of them, and bit his lips. Then, suddenly, he went limp. Taein came up from the back and supported Yugeon as he was about to collapse on the floor. He put his fingers on the side of his neck, pressing lightly to feel his pulse.

"He just fainted. There's some bleeding, but it's not life-threatening."


Chan angrily rubbed the back of his head. Looking back, he was largely to blame for why Yugeon was brought here. It would be a lie to say if he didn't feel guilty at all.

He had never entered Mazzaroth even while at the Awakening Management Headquarters. At that time, Chan had just awakened after living as an ordinary person throughout his childhood and most of his teenage years. He didn't know much about the gates or mutants, and he wasn't even good at handling his own abilities, so even as an S-class Awakened, he wasn't permitted to participate in such a core project right away.

At that time, 13 years ago, Shinje entered Mazzaroth with Brigadier General Woo and other special expedition members. Everyone on the mission died inside the gate, and only Shinje came back out alive, and was in a moribund state for too long. When asked what happened inside, he had kept his mouth shut until the end. It was an attitude that was closer to ‘I have nothing to say’ rather than ‘I can't even say it’.

Now that he was here, he finally understood to some extent what Shinje had meant. There was nothing here. There were no powerful mutants, no traps or devices. There was nothing in this empty space, except starlight, darkness and deep sea. But here all the madness and tragedy imaginable took place. That Almuten or something, that guy didn't even show his nose from beginning to end. All the people who stepped in this empty maze that seemed to be nothing at first glance were driven to madness, killing each other and screaming in pain and insanity.

They had only toed around the entrance of the maze to find Yugeon, but there seemed to be no answer. How are you supposed to attack this place anyway? Even for Chan who had experienced all kinds of dangerous and bizarre gates, this gate looked like a lost cause.

For now, getting out of here was an urgent priority. His head had been pounding since a while ago. His rank was far higher than that one Esper who had stabbed himself to death until his organs popped out, but he was also in danger. He didn't know what he might end up doing if he stayed here any longer.

"Leader, are you okay?"

"Guide Baek Yugeon was just a little bit upset with me, I thought he would only cry but he was quite good at using his claws. Well, it was really cute. ......and Taein-ssi."

Taein got up with Yugeon in his arms.

"The guide. Let's leave him to Heesu."


"There's nothing more stupid than believing in yourself in this place...... and I don't think you don't know that. Just hand him over."

Their eyes met at that. Shinje and Taein, both of them had pretty much calmed down unlike back when they almost flattened the Erewhon headquarters into ashes before coming here. After a brief standoff, Taein bluntly responded and turned his head.


Shinje had given up being a leader who moderately tolerated the indulgences of his subordinates as long as they didn't cross the line. The same was true of Taein. He had come too far pretending not to see a thing, not to hear a thing, not to care a thing. Since the thin masks all of them were wearing had started to come off one after another, there was no longer a need to put on airs.

Heesu was handed Yugeon from Taein. With Yugeon in one arm, he lifted his other arm and tore off the sleeve of his uniform with his front teeth. He then wrapped the torn fabric over Yugeon's eyes like an eye patch and murmured.

"Yugeon hyung. Why did you have to follow Chan hyung? Look where you ended up. He's so clumsy. I thought it was quite obvious. He must have lost you when he was distracted by something."

He ignored Chan's deadly glare in the distance. He didn't openly refute, however, as if he knew his mistake.

"So come to me. I'm not stupid like Chan hyung, I'm cute and I'm a good listener. Ah, with your eyes covered like this, hyung looks so soft and delicate. Still, being young is my biggest advantage. Plus I'm good at sex, I can make you see stars, and I can last a long time. How good is that?"

He chattered incessantly even though he knew that Yugeon couldn't hear. Every now and then he hummed to himself. Now it was time to go back the way they came. The smile on Heesu's lips slightly faded away.

"You have to stick with me. I have the highest mental resistance here. Don't trust any of the other hyungs, and ignore whatever you see or hear. I don't think anything will happen to me anyway, since I have a guide in my arms. But if I do anything strange, um......"

Heesu agonized for a moment, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Then, he lifted Yugeon and placed one of his hands around his neck.

"You can choke my neck. Or pull out my tongue, or dig an eyeball out if you can't. That will surely wake me up. Well, what else can you do?"

It was a totally irresponsible statement, but said in a too lively tone. Heesu smiled and kissed Yugeon's forehead, which was soaked in cold sweat and blood. Once the most suggestive eyes were covered, there was nothing good about taking a sweet time.

The party left the chaotic maze behind and moved on. The Espers and guides who met a terrible end were none of their business. Recovery of the dead bodies or whatever, they were not obligated to clean up the Awakening Management Headquarters' cheap shit.

It was then. Kkig. Kkigigig. An unpleasant sound from behind caught their nerves. A corpse that was leaning against the wall suddenly raised its head and turned this way. The rotting body looked like it had forgotten how to move humanly, as if dragged up with invisible strings from above, it started to move in the most bizarre way.


Shinje stared at the corpse with no expression on his face. The jaw with hanging flesh, and cracked bones, dropped open.

"Who are you? Running from eternal hell up the river underground?"

The corpse started to speak in a voice like a strangled child, or an old man on the verge of death, or all of them muttering at once.

"Who guided you? Illuminating your way out of the night profound, that ever black makes the infernal valley?" [3]

Breaking the suffocating silence, Shinje burst into laughter. He then turned around and approached the corpse. The body no longer moved. Sitting still in that position with its head bow as if it had never raised its head and spoke just now. Shinje stopped his steps only when he was right in front of the body, the stench coming from it immediately attacking all his senses. He bent down, adjusted their eye levels, and whispered softly.

"You seem to be quite greedy. Father, ah no..... should I call you the most powerful star? Almuten."

Shinje and Brigadier General Woo did not mix a drop of blood, but in any case, according to the family register, they were father and son. However, there was not a trace of emotion in Shinje's eyes as he looked at the body of the person he had called his father since birth. Not even anger or hatred.

It wasn't even the real Brigadier General Woo's body either. Brigadier General Woo died while trying to escape from Shinje just in front of the gate. It would have been chewed up and devoured by the darkness, leaving not a single strand of hair left. There was no way that such a person would be dead leaning against the wall with an intact appearance like the corpse in front of him. After all, this was also Almuten's trick. It was only a random rotting corpse dressed in Brigadier General Woo's clothes, but it must have been effective tricking those who didn't know his real appearance.

"If you want to take him away, start crawling out of your cozy den. Did you borrow a corpse's mouth just to chat? How long are you going to hide at the bottom of the deep sea and just watch the tides?"

After speaking, Shinje stretched out his hand towards the corpse. He was thinking of using his telekinesis ability. But he soon changed his mind. He put his hand away and raised his foot instead. Kwajig! The rotting head of the corpse exploded in one blow. Since it was already half dried out, only little brain matter and flesh splattered. Shinje stomped his feet a few more times, shook the dirt off his shoes, and turned around. He added more as if it just crossed his mind.

"Ah, that doesn't mean I'll just let you take him away easily."

It didn't take a long time for them to get out of Mazzaroth. The reason why it was quick to locate Yugeon was that while the original raiding party thought they had been at hours risking their lives wandering through the maze, it turned out they were only circling around the entrance.

In a sense, it was fortunate that the ranks of the Espers who kidnapped him were not high. If there was a high-ranking Awakened among them, they would have gone deeper inside without being deceived by the shallow illusions, and if they did, they would have had a more terrifying experience. Just like the members of SALIGIA corps 13 years ago.

This incident had completely broken apart the relationship between Erewhon and the Awakening Management Headquarters. The contentious relationship that had been cracking since Shinje disclosed the ‘gate anomaly’ at the press conference had finally exploded.

The Awakening Management Headquarters did not publicize the incident despite the fact that the guard post in front of the airport was completely destroyed and suffered numerous casualties. No, they couldn't exactly publicize it. In order to do so, they would have to disclose everything to the whole nation about what Mazzaroth and Almuten were, what the SALIGIA project was, and what happened to Yugeon and the guides. Unlike Erewhons who lived like they had no tomorrow, they had so much to lose.

When he arrived back at Erewhon headquarters in Heesu's arms, Yugeon was utterly exhausted. There was no serious physical trauma, but the mental shock was too heavy. Even after barely regaining consciousness, he continued to tremble with unfocused eyes. Despite being hooked up to an IV and given drugs to put him to sleep, they couldn't calm him down. Yugeon kept insisting to stay awake, mumbling, ‘there's still something I need to do’. No matter how many times Heesu coaxed him with pretty words, or with Chan's half-hearted threats, or even when Taein sternly nagged him, it was all useless.

"Leader, Guiding..... I'll do it for you."

Yugeon muttered with his head down, still couldn't face Shinje. The man wasn't sitting down elsewhere, but standing right in front of Yugeon in the middle of his room. Eyes with nowhere to go lingered on the tip of his toes.

He stabbed someone earlier. Not a mutant, but a person who came to save him. The impact of the blade digging through Shinje's flesh still could be felt on his fingertips. Just thinking about it made him sick to his stomach. Shinje looked down at him and smiled quietly.

"At this rate, I'm not going to die, but Guide Baek Yugeon is. Why don't you take a break?"

"Now..... I have to do it now."

"Why is our guide so stubborn? Hm? Do you think it'll be a breach of contract if you don't guide me now? I'm not that narrow-minded."


Instead of answering, Yugeon bit his lower lip. It seemed like he was still in shock at how he stabbed Shinje with a knife while under Mazzaroth's hallucinations. When dealing with mutants, Yugeon was someone who never hesitated to fire bullets at them as if he was born to shoot. Now desperately insisting on guiding even while in a condition where it wouldn't be a surprise if he collapsed right away, it was unexpected to witness this side of him that he never knew. Did he even recognize that the man in front of him was a monster who could reattach his own limbs even if they were severed? There was no need to panic for a single stab wound.

On the other hand, Shinje was very pleased with his guilt. The more Yugeon suffered, the better. It was as if a day old puppy the size of a fist was restless, worrying about a tiger. How cute. If he knew he could get cheap sympathy from him this easily, he could do more than just sticking a knife in his chest. Perhaps he could split open his rib cage and pull out his heart. What kind of expression would Yugeon make then, when he saw him bleeding out from a split chest. Yugeon, with his face turned white, rushing at him. Just imagining it was ecstatic.

"It's my job."

After hesitating, Yugeon finally gave an answer.

"Isn't this why I'm here? You are paying for my food, clothing and shelter, and salary, so I have to do this, in return for all that....."

Yugeon wasn't aware at all, at how the laughter was quickly wiped off from Shinje's lips after those words.


Shinje cut off his words dryly.

"I got the money, so I'm just working?"


Yugeon remained silent. He couldn't figure out which part of what he had said changed Shinje's mood. Before anything else, wasn't the exclusive guide contract proposed by Shinje himself first?

"Yes... all right. You want to work so badly, so I should let you do it."

Shinje raised his lips and coldly smiled at him. He tapped the collar of his blood-soaked shirt.

"Do it then. Guiding."

Yugeon's fingertips trembled slightly as he reached out to Shinje. His clothes, which had always smelled good, reeked of blood. He closed his eyes tightly as he unbuttoned the shirt.

"Guide Baek Yugeon."

Watching him open the front of his shirt with an inorganic gaze, Shinje suddenly called to him.

"Did you sleep with Yoon Chan before you were kidnapped?"


The hand that was unbuttoning the collar stopped abruptly. Even after throwing such words out, Shinje looked bored and expressionless as always.

"You two, did you have sex? Did you do it in the car? I guess both of you must have been in such a hurry that you couldn't even wait to bring it to a bed?"

Shinje's words became a shapeless weapon, stabbing Yugeon's chest repeatedly. If someone else had said that, he would have ignored it without thinking, but he didn't understand why what he had to hear from him was so strangely painful.

"I..... I didn't."


Yugeon clenched his teeth. His hands holding Shinje's shirt open were tense. The words that he had been swallowing down burst out on impulse.

"If I did, what does that matter to you?"

Yugeon looked up. Their eyes, both bloodshot and shaded with fatigue, met in the air.

"It doesn't matter how many people I sleep with, where and how I sleep. You're the one who ordered me to guide the whole team. You told me, if I want to save my brother, I have to do what I was told, so I'm just doing that. What's wrong with following orders? Don't you know who made me do this? Why are you asking me that now, why?!"


Shinje only looked down at Yugeon, silently listening to all those questions. After vomiting all the bitter words with Shinje's collar gripped in his hands, Yugeon suddenly felt lost. Yelling at the wall would be less frustrating than this. Yugeon opened the badly wrinkled shirt in his hands as if he was tearing it apart. Shinje's chest stained with blood came into view.

Fortunately, the wound didn't get infected. Rather, thanks to the body's terrifying resilience, the terribly opened flesh was already stitching itself back. But the long tear still remained. Was it what it would look like if a marble statue made by a master of the century was slashed by a rogue's chisel? Of course, that rogue would be Yugeon himself.

Yugeon placed his hand on Shinje's wound. He didn't seem to care if his hand might be stained with blood. Unlike the appearance that looked like he was carved from a pure white marble, Shinje's body was warm. Guiding began as soon as he felt a regular heartbeat. The wounded skin and muscles responded to the contact and devoured Yugeon's energy. It was like putting his hand in the drain on the bottom of the bathtub with the stopper off.

He was already in the worst condition, and not unexpectedly, after a few seconds of guiding, his head began spinning round and round. He staggered with dizziness, and rested his forehead on Shinje's shoulder. Shinje immediately reached out one arm and supported Yugeon's waist. At first glance, they looked like lovers holding each other affectionately.

At last the wound was completely healed. Before he tried guiding, Shinje's body itself had healed more than half of it, so this much was enough. With this, he paid off the debt for stabbing him with a knife. After confirming that there were no scars left on the well-knit muscles, Yugeon dropped his hand and tried to move away. But Shinje pulled him back, tightening his arms wrapped around Yugeon's waist.

"Eug. Leader."


Shinje's voice was felt echoed from his chest.

"Please let me go."

"Can't we hold each other a little longer?"

"I don't like it."


Shinje tilted his head. Something piping hot flared up from the pit of his stomach. Are you asking because you really don't know? How miserable he got whenever Shinje acted like this, how messed up he was left, and how.....

"Because guiding is over. Other than that, I don't think anything else was on the terms of the contract."

"If it's not for guiding, you don't want to touch me?"

Shinje asked him again with an unreadable face. Yugeon avoided his gaze.

"I'll be sure to do what I'm obliged to even if I collapse. So, if you don't have any more business, please leave. Please, I'm begging..... get out of here."

Shinje smiled sweetly and nodded his head. He turned around and strode away, not even bothering to tidy his loose open shirt. Something was strange. The other person gave in and moved away obediently, but instead of being relieved, alarm bells were ringing in his head.

Shinje stopped in front of a desk. After searching among the miscellaneous items such as stands, tissue cases, and teaspoons, he found the thing he was looking for and grabbed it. When he turned back to Yugeon again, he immediately recognized the identity of what was in his hand. A knife about a span in length. Erewhon headquarters had antique paper knives in every room, living up to its reputation as a once luxury hotel. Of course, Yugeon had never used it, because he didn't even know what it was for.

"If I have business....."

Shinje spoke gently and gripped the paper knife.

"I can stay longer, right?"


Yugeon froze in place. He could do nothing, but watch the thin blade burrow deep in his chest, the red lines drawn randomly and recklessly on his skin, and the drops of blood slowly dripping down along the lines, nothing.

Shinje then dropped the blood-stained knife and approached. He looked calm, as if he didn't feel any pain at all. Yugeon faltered back. He couldn't bear to see the blood trickling down all over his pale torso, so he forcibly fixed his gaze upward.

"Of course, it might not be the same for Guide Baek Yugeon, but for me, you are the only one I have. I've been living modestly."

Shinje laughed as he wiped his lips with the back of his hand. Long red mark spread along the corners of his mouth like a lipstick messily applied. WIth his black shirt open, and his blood-stained torso bare, exuding decadence all over, how could he say he had been living modestly? There was no such contradiction.

"But Guide Baek Yugeon doesn't even know my heart and is telling me not to care about who he sleeps with..... So, I'm a little, no, very sad."

As he kept backing away, they were by the window before he knew it. The while chiffon curtains and the cold glass behind touched his back. There was nowhere else to run.

"Didn't I tell you before? I won't let anyone touch you, so just hug me now."

Shinje leaned his head down, closing in. The distance gradually narrowed between them. The fishy scent of blood wafted towards him.

"Crazy... really, are you crazy?"

"You don't like me because I'm crazy?"

Shinje asked, blinking his eyes slowly. The rim of his eyes turned red, as if they were about to shed tears. It was both beautiful and abominable at the same time. Because Yugeon knew what was under that bewitching appearance. Yugeon tried to push Shinje away. Shinje clasped his hands and held them tightly. Yugeon struggled to take them back, pulling the curtains as he did.


Yugeon, cornered, shook off his arms as hard as he could. Ttug. Ttududug! The curtain cloth torn from the corner fluttered down on Shinje's head and shoulders. The chiffon was white and translucent, and thin like a butterfly's wings, so Shinje was still clearly visible even covered. The man was silent for a moment, and soon burst into laughter.

"Did you just put a veil on me?"

If it wasn't for his body covered in blood, with the smiling face under the gossamer-thin fabric, he looked like a person wearing a veil and making confessions. Yugeon desperately wondered why the curtains were chiffon, and not thick black velvet. That way, he didn't have to make eye contact with him.

"Take it off for me?"

"Don't you know how to take it off yourself?"

"Haven't we been living under the same roof, and spent hot nights together, but you won't take off my veil? So heartless."


"Hm? Hurry up."

It seemed like it was better to just do what he wanted and shut that mouth. Yugeon frowned and took those curtains off of his head. His hair was left disheveled by the inconsiderate touch. Not only that, but some of his hair was caught between Yugeon's fingers, and was pulled quite viciously. It was clearly intentional. However, Shinje did not frown once and just smiled quietly.

Guiding might heal wounds on the surface, but not the mind. In that sense, Shinje would never be ‘cured’ in his life. A body that healed anew each and every time with the ruined soul destroyed long ago left forgotten. Like a flower blooming brilliantly while sitting on a rotten stamen.

The curtains slipped from his hand and gently fell to the floor. The fabric was so light that it made no sound. There was, however, a sound that only Yugeon could hear. The sound of the trigger of a gun loaded with bullets being pulled. The sound of something piercing his heart.

He closed his eyes. He felt a soft pair of lips pressing his. Shinje's tongue gently licked Yugeon's lips. The tip of his tongue lightly pressed the small gap between Yugeon's tightly closed lips as if wanting to burrow in and kiss him thoroughly. But he didn't force himself in.

He took off his lips and pressed their foreheads together. Yugeon finally opened his eyes. Shinje was staring at him right in front of him. They were close enough to be reflected in each other's eyes and their breaths mixed. His eyes were uncharacteristically calm, unlike when he was cutting himself open with a paper knife a while ago. No, to be exact, he was still out of his mind, just calm. Yugeon stared blankly up at Shinje. He opened his mouth to say something.....


In the end, the words were blocked. All his thoughts went away. Shinje smiled and pressed their lips together again, as if he knew it would happen. This time, his tongue slipped in, and kissed him madly.

The curtains were torn off and Yugeon was held pressed against the windows. The cold glass felt on his back brought goose bumps to his skin. It was overwhelming just to stand leaning the window frames. In front of him, Shinje sat on his knees. He lifted up his one leg and hung it on his shoulder. Yugeon nearly stumbled, only able to support his weight with just one leg left standing.

Shinje put his face close between his spread open thighs. The tip of his nose and upper lip were almost touching the zipper of his pants. He looked overly obscene. A man with his shirt wide open and bleeding from his pale chest sitting nonchalantly under another man. He could see the front of pants were pulled tight. His disheveled gray hair was tickling Yugeon's thighs. Every time Shinje blinked, his long eyelashes seemed to flutter.



Shinje's breath pierced through several layers of cloth and was felt in the sensitive areas of his thighs. He grabbed Yugeon's thigh and pulled him close.


When the lower body suddenly fell forward, the upper body tilted back to the windows to balance. His shoulders pressed against the cold window ached. Looking up at him beautifully with an innocent face, Shinje bit the zipper with his front teeth. Yugeon's genitals wrapped in navy drawers were revealed.


Yugeon stood awkwardly and tried to twist his body around. However, Shinje had his legs caught and there was no way out. Swamped with the stimulus, blood rushed down south regardless of Yugeon's will.

It turned out, Yugeon's body checked off all his preferences. When he wore loose casual clothes, he looked young and slender on the outside, but when stripped off all his clothes, he was nicely built. There was a chest with muscles under his straight neck and shoulders, and while his waist and legs were stiff, his hips were soft and supple and pleasant to touch.

Even though Yugeon wasn't very tall, he had nice proportions where he could easily pull off whatever he wore. He was far from the frivolous and cunning image that was often imagined when others think of ‘the parachute guide who bewitched Team 1 with his body’, but even those who spoke ill of Yugeon couldn't comment much about his appearance.

Yugeon wouldn't know. How many insidious glances would always be attached to his back whenever he walked around the headquarters in his uniform, his beautiful waistline revealed by neatly tucking the hem of his shirt in his pants, and his hips wrapped in tailored pants. How Shinje handled those behind the scenes unbeknownst to Yugeon.

Still, his favorite thing would always be when he was stripped bare completely. Yugeon was also nicely hung down there despite always acting like a puppy who had never been in a rut and didn't know what mating was. There might even be a demand for those looking for a guide to be fucked to their heart's content, not a guide to press under them and enjoy.

Nothing could make any difference. Whatever it may be, he would have met with Yugeon, and dragged him and his whole life to the muddy waters.

Shinje pulled down his pants together with his underwear. Crumpled clothes were left hanging on Yugeon's calf. Yugeon's length, half-erected and still soft, popped out and touched his nose. Shinje wanted to take a full bite out of it and swallowed it all. He wanted to feel the sensation of bone fragments and flesh crushing and blood gushing out in his mouth. It was not just his genitals. He wanted to gobble down on every strand of Yugeon's hair, his limbs, his pretty fingers and toes, his eyes, nose and lips, one after another.

But Shinje persevered again. He slightly pushed Yugeon's leg draped over his shoulder to spread them wider. When he pulled open the soft buttocks, his smooth perineum and closed entrance was exposed. Yugeon shuddered when he felt a finger pressed against his rim.


"Looking at how you clamp down on my finger, I don't think he got to play with this place. Even if he did, it was only with his hands or his mouth..... Right?"

"Isn't this all you need for guiding? Why are you asking this?"

"I don't think it's weird to check the condition of what's mine?"

Shinje asked back indifferently, with his head hanging between Yugeon's legs. Whenever he spoke, hot air tickled the insides of his thighs, driving him crazy. His legs, barely standing on the floor, trembled.

"Relax and open up. Don't stress about it. It's already too tight to go in."

Shinje caressed his balls with one hand and worked him open with the other. When Yugeon looked down, he could see his legs spread out and Shinje's long fingers pumping in and out of his hole vividly. The back of his neck heated up, swept away by the excessive stimulation. Yugeon was standing while Shinje was sitting on his knees, but instead of feeling like being served, it was like being eaten whole by the other person.

"How many times have you done this so far? Who did you like best?"

"What are you going to do..... ah, asking that?"

"I'm going to kill all the people who know the taste of your lips until I'm the only one left."


Shinje chuckled softly when he glanced up at Yugeon and saw how he seemed to have lost his words.

"Just kidding."

After loosening the entrance a bit more, he then stuck his tongue to the hole. His head was completely buried in Yugeon's groin, pressed under his erection. The pointed tip of his tongue plunged in and stirred around, slicking up the hole.


His muscles relaxed without warning for a moment when the tongue was shoved in. Different from fingers and different from cocks, warm, squishy flesh filled the bottom. It felt like his guts were gently melted and sucked out of his body. It was unbearable. A warm sensation rose up sharp from his lower abdomen, and at the same time, all the strength in his legs went away with it. He grabbed Shinje's shoulder and hair, scratching and pulling, so that he wouldn't fall.

Imagination ran wild as his eyes flashed with pleasure. Perhaps if he tightened his entrance as much as he could, would Shinje's tongue be cut off? It would be nice if he could shut that hateful mouth that spewed only cruel words.

Not soon after, his erection quivered, and the transparent liquid collecting on the rounded tip fell on Shinje's eyelids. A thin line continued from the head and then cut off. The precum dripping down the corners of his eyes were like tears. How could there be tears so obscene like this?

After making a loud wet sound one last time sucking the entrance until the hole was all slicked up with saliva, Shinje raised his head. Then, he took out his tongue and smacked his lips.

"Our Yugeon-ie's hole, really..... it's sucking me up nonstop. You never suck my tongue this hard whenever we kiss."

The precum was sticking on his eyelashes of all things, blurring his vision. He couldn't clearly see how Yugeon's face quickly turned red with shame within seconds. The response was good, so Shinje deliberately blinked more slowly.

Shinje then slowly rose to his feet. Naturally, Yugeon got stuck between him and the wall. One leg was quickly lifted up and wrapped around Shinje's waist, Yugeon groin rubbing against the front of his pants. Now that their eye levels were roughly matched, Shinje's chest was visible. The cuts he made like drawing graffiti with a paper knife were already somewhat healed. It was thanks to the overlap between original resilience and guiding through skinship. He came to his senses a bit late.

"Now, can we stop?"


Shinje just unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them without a word. His underwear was taut and wet in one spot. The sense of crisis grew even bigger.



"I don't think we need to do any more..... aheug!"

"Hm. Guiding is over"

The feverishly hot dick brushed against his entrance. Yugeon flinched when he felt the warm heavy chunk of meat pressed to his perineum.

"......From now on, it's sex."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shinje grabbed his erection and buried himself inside the wet heat.


Yugeon nearly choked on his own breath, his vision flickering. He didn't know if it was because of the sudden insertion or fatigue that made it look like the floor and the ceiling in his view were flipping over.

"Yugeon-ah. Inside you, there's this little place that suddenly narrows down. I thought it was blocked at first..... But like this."

Shinje pulled out his dick just slightly and then slid in once again but this time changing the angle.

"Like this, gently pound it with the tip, uh. Loosen up a bit, and it will open up. Ah, now..... it went in. Can you feel it?"

"Ah, uh. Heueug..... eug."

Yugeon's head swung back. His feet, struggling to stand on the floor, convulsed as if struck by lightning with their heels slightly raised. He couldn't balance any longer. He needed to grab something. His arms flailing around in panic, his fingertips slapped the back of a chair by the window. Kudangtang! The sound of it collapsing was too loud. Still trying to balance somehow, he then tripped over the curtains that had fallen to the floor. His upper body swayed, tilting down to the table at the side. It also collapsed and the teacup placed on it rolled over. Thud. He bumped his shoulder against the window, but he didn't even seem to recognize the pain.

In the meantime, the cock slowly disappeared into his body. The thick glans was at first stuck at the entrance, but Shinje just jolted the head inside. The narrow walls clamped down on him as if sucking it in. Yugeon's reaction was rather good considering he ate out the rim only for a few minutes barely loosening him up.

Shinje persistently clung to Yugeon and wrapped his arms around his waist. Without warning, he then grabbed Yugeon's ass, wrapped his legs around his waist and hoisted him up. The movement was swift but ended up pushing Shinje's cock an inch deeper inside him.

"Ah, ah! Heueug, eug, ah!"

Shinje began to move his body as it was. Yugeon's body helplessly swaying every time Shinje thrusted up, as there was nothing to hold onto except for Shinje's arms, which were supporting his body. There was no other option. In the end, Yugeon hurriedly stretched out his arms to Shinje, hugged his neck and hung on. He felt like if he relaxed even a little, he would be immediately dropped to the floor.

Shinje barely balanced himself adjusting to Yugeon's anxious movements, and gripped Yugeon's waist tight. Slap! A light smack fell on Yugeon's buttocks. Yugeon flinched and hoisted his own body up, the cock nearly slipping out of him. Shinje then slightly loosened his hold on him, and his body dropped down according to gravity.

"Haeug... heog!"

The heavy dick cut through his narrow walls and penetrated deep inside. His guts were pushed up to the pit of his stomach. It was a kind of pressure he couldn't even imagine.


He felt nauseous. Cough. Haeung. Yugeon buried his forehead in Shinje's neck, and wrapped his arm around his lower abdomen, gasping out tiny breaths. Whenever his abdominal muscles contracted strongly due to nausea, Shinje's dick lodged inside was also squeezed together. Choking on his breaths, Yugeon couldn't even care less about his hole that had opened up to the limit. He could only feel the innumerable numbing pulse in his stomach. His now-fully erected dick was also swaying with their movements, occasionally rubbing against Shinje's stomach.

His joints kept slipping due to sweat and body fluids. Yugeon groaned, further tightening Shinje's waist with his legs. As if begging not to drop him, he pressed Shinje's hips and thighs with his heels.

"Heug..... eueung! Euh, heug, aheug....."

His sobbing moans trickled out one after another. It was unclear whether he wanted to do more or not. He just wanted to beg Shinje for something he didn't even know himself. He felt like crying for some reason. He wanted Shinje to do something more intense, more vulgar, uninhabited.

Shinje supported him with one hand and raised his chin with the other. Yugeon's trembling face covered in tears was so pitiful. He looked like he was about to run out of breath.

"Yugeon-ah... You need to breathe. Hm?"

He shoved his thumb between his wet lips. The molars, which had been tightly clenched enough for the veins to stand out on Yugeon's flushed neck, were squeezed apart with force, and Shinje pressed the root of his tongue down firmly to let out a breath. His damp black eyelashes trembled once, and then the blocked breath came out.

"Heug! Cough, cough!"


Yugeon looked up at Shinje with unfocused eyes, then closed his eyes tightly and nuzzled his face on his neck. He guessed those few minutes where he couldn't properly breathe was quite scary.

"You know what? Even my thighs. It's all wet. Eug..... And I've only put half of it in."

He shoved his hand under Yugeon's shirt. He groped his flat stomach, and then his chest, and the nipples were soon caught at his fingertips. He hadn't even touched it much here, but they hardened up quite fast.

"Ah, no, no don't..... eueung. Leader, ah!"

"I don't want to be called like that when we are doing this, honey." [4]

"I, I don't like it, uh, it's weird....."

"Don't like honey, huh? Then..... call me hyung."

He then pulled the nipples with his index finger and thumb, rolled it around, rubbing and pinching. He even flicked them as if checking how aroused he was. He didn't even have to pull his clothes off and look at them. By now his nipples must be pretty heated up and swollen in coral color.

"Say it, call me."

At the same time, he pushed up hard, driving his cock in deep.

"Ha eug!"

The inner wall wriggled and clamped down on it as if it had been waiting. He reflexively tightened up so much that the cock got stuck in the middle, neither about to go in or fall out. His heels pressed against Shinje's buttocks, then all his movements stopped abruptly.


Yugeon pursed his weakly open lips. His tongue was heavy and loose, and his pronunciation slurring. Tears trickled down from his eyes wide open in shock.

"ey, no..."

At the next moment, Yugeon peaked, convulsing and spurting out white liquid without stopping. Only then did the walls clamping down on his dick loosen up a little. Shinje pulled out a little and then slammed back in.

"Ahah, ah, ah!"

It was as if there was a switch somewhere in his guts, whenever he thrusted deep inside the spasming and contracting walls with his cock, Yugeon's dick was still spitting out semen. Shinje worked his hips, unceasingly fucking Yugeon in brutal pace alongside his long climax. Yugeon's still dripping length never died down, and Shinje pushed him against the window, hugging him tight. Yugeon shuddered when his feverish body touched the cool glass window.


Yugeon's insides tightened with brief shock. Shinje lowered his head slightly and chuckled. His bangs were disheveled, half-covering his eyes. His dick stuck inside Yugeon wriggled. He leaned in close and bucked his hips up driving his cock even deeper, which he had been only putting in and out half of it so far. They were pressed close enough to rub Yugeon's genitals on his abs wet with semen.

Sihinjae's cock cut through the narrowing inner wall and pounded inside hard. Yugeon took in a breath, bouncing his back and clamping down on the dick. Then, startled by his own unconscious movements, he tilted his head back hard. The back of his hair lightly rubbed against the window. Soon enough, the windows all steamed up from both of their body heat.

"Just now, ah, heug! I just came, ah, why, why do I keep...."

Even after a long climax, Yugeon's erection could not subside at all, due to constant stimulation from below. His usually light-colored glans were swollen red, and just brushing against Shinje's body stung.

"Now, ugh, I'm going to cum too. Huu..... Hang in there. Good boy."

Shinje gripped Yugeon's ass tight, muttering with his murky eyes. He pressed Yugeon against the window, fixed him in one place, and stuck close as if wanting to suffocate him. Puck, Puck, Puck. He began rutting up while slamming Yugeon's body down in merciless rhythm.

"Huh, kkog. Stop, now, I, I can't do it anymore. Wait, wait a minute..... ah! Please..... Please!"

‘Stop’ gradually became ‘wait a minute’, and Shinje didn't even stop at ‘please’. No beast could be more savage than this, drooling and devouring his prey ferociously. Like a stuffed butterfly in the middle of the window, Yugeon couldn't even squirm around, all he could do was to take the hungry erratic thrusts stuck in his place. He did say he was about to come, so he just had to hang in there a little longer.....

The sound of smacking flesh was deafening, and Yugeon began to feel like it was already long past his limit. He was painfully hard. An exhilarating pleasure spread from his bulging and swollen lower abdomen and pooled at the base of his genitals. The climax was undeniably approaching again. It was ridiculous. He had already come once before, while Shinje didn't even look like he would be coming anytime soon. He had to put up with it for his pride. No, No I can't. I can't do this. I can't put up with it anymore. I'm really going to die. Crossbreeding, in the first place, wasn't normal at all.

Yugeon struggled and scratched Shinje's back and shoulders. His short, trimmed nails did not leave any scars beyond red lines no matter how hard he put his strength in it. The lines drawn on his pale skin ended up looking more like flower stalks than scratch wounds. With his body in full bloom, Shinje was devouring Yugeon from head to toe.

"Heuag, ah, ahahah!"

I think I'm going to die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die. Fragments of meaningless sentences floated before his eyes. Shinje might really fuck him to death. After struggling like crazy, and in the end, Yugeon slumped down spasming finely and turned his head to the side. His vulnerable nape was laid bare in front of the beast as if asking to be devoured and torn apart.


His second climax came with Shinje's cock lodged deep inside. Shinje never stopped thrusting even while Yugeon's body was convulsing and twitching, spilling himself all over.

Shinje, observing all of Yugeon's tiniest reactions, pulled out more than half of his erection and slammed back in. Yugeon's back beautifully arching with successive peaks, his narrow walls spasming and contracting. His insides were melting hot, clenching down on his dick like vice. He deliberately grinded against a certain spot where Yugeon reacted the most, and as expected, Yugeon moans suddenly rose up to a tone he couldn't normally hear.

Even after the orgasm had subsided to some extent, Shinje was still pounding hard into Yugeon's pliant hole. Something was wrong. There was no slippery, sticky feeling that he would normally feel after someone came inside of him. The cock fucking him was still ferociously huge and hard.

"You..... said, heueug, you, haa, ha..... eug, would finish....."

Yugeon, already exhausted to his bones, muttered in a hoarse voice. He could barely speak at this point, as he was extremely out of breath.

"Yes, but I changed my mind."


At first he looked like he didn't understand what he said. His eyes half-closed, looking up at Shinje dazedly. He then startled when the words sank in. Shinje just gave him a lazy smile, his cheeks blushing.

"Why are you so cute?"

As soon as he was done speaking, Shinje thrusted into him hard, pulling out a shriek from Yugeon's wrecked throat. Thud. Immediately setting a rough, fast pace, he nearly slammed Yugeon pressed to the window fucking into him frantically. Shinje gritted his teeth and lifted Yugeon up his arms and hugged him tightly. His face, always smiling gracefully, was uncharacteristically distorted by the raw desires he had never seen before.

His vision dizzyingly turned upside down. Without a warning, Yugeon was thrown onto the bed. Before the shock of his body suddenly being buried in the soft duvet after an abrupt fall could sink in, Shinje immediately got on top of Yugeon and spread his thighs apart. Then pressed the horribly swollen tip against the puckering rim.

"Heug, ah!"

He had to tell him to stop now. This was his last chance. He knew it in his head, but no words came out of this throat. He was so exhausted that it was hard to even breathe. Yugeon's feet were held up gripped tight in Shinje's hands, his toes wrinkling the bedding meaninglessly. Puck. Before he could react, Shinje plunged in all of his length with one quick thrust. When he bottomed out, Shinje exhaled a breath as if finally sated. Yugeon's soft insides trembled, fluttering around his cock.

"Heu, eung..... heug..... ah, ah, ahah..... ah!"

Shinje noticed Yugeon's head being constantly being pushed up with his thrusts, and supported with his hand. He then grabbed his waist and pulled him down onto his dick, nudging deeper inside. Yugeon flailed around in his hands looking like he was about to faint at any moment, but he didn't let go, no, he couldn't let go, with how Yugeon's wet hole kept tightening around his throbbing length.

Unbearable stimuli were stacked one after another. Yugeon genuinely felt like an electric shocker was shoved inside him. It'd been a long time since his gaping hole was swollen and drenched in bodily fluids that he didn't even know whose it belonged to. Shinje's figure moving on top of him flickered with his tears. The man between his knees looked like an ivory white china, a rotting flower, no, a beast. He stretched out his trembling hands and scratched his nails down his fair back. Shinje let out a sweet moan without so much a flinch.

Shinje glanced down at where they were connected and pulled out his dick. The swollen rim attempted to clamp down on his withdrawing dick, puckering out slightly with it. Not only his entrance, but his perineum had also slightly swollen up. Yugeon felt like his organs might be gouged out at this rate. The inside and outside of his body might be turned upside down. Drunk with irrational and horrible delusions, Yugeon thrashed around, pushing Shinje's chest and thighs away. But all his exhausted limbs could do nothing, making it look like he was caressing him at best.

"Ah, no..... please, heug! Hon, ey. Stop..... I'm, eug, scared."

Heueu, heueu. Yugeon ended up begging, already desperate, gasping out heavy breaths. If it would stop this barbaric, sadistic sex, he could even call Shinje ‘honey’ as many times as he wished. Not just that, he felt like he could do anything to stop Shinje.

"Eueung..... honey? Did you call me?"

Whispering softly like a man soothing his spoiled lover, Shinje bucked his hips, nudging the remaining half of his dick inside. Yugeon's back arched, his hips stuttering. The winding inner walls tantalizingly clenched down all of him.


Yugeon came again, squirting all over his chest, his erection flapping along with Shinje's movements. Yugeon's groin was already a mess with his own cum from the two previous climaxes, and a few more drops of it were added to it this time again. It was noticeably lighter and thinner compared to the beginning. Black hair wet and disheveled, a slender neck, a slightly bulged lower belly with a cock shoved inside, and limbs weakly loose and sprawled on the bed were all exposed defenselessly before Shinje. It was a sight more arousing than anything he'd ever seen.

Yugeon was making him more unhappy and more miserable at every moment, breaking down everything that made him up one after another. The opposite was also true, of course. Shinje was also steadily and fiercely breaking Yugeon apart.

Shinje never learned how to share emotions normally. Like a plant born deformed and branching out only in abnormal directions. Only murder and suffering were his means. Pushing and forcing Yugeon to his limits, hurting himself in front of Yugeon, gripping his hair in his hand to receive his resentful gaze, only then he finally felt alive. Yugeon was also broken as well. Even before meeting Shinje, it was like that to some extent, and not to mention now.

A poorly made puzzle piece would never fit in with others. However, there were two defective items in one puzzle box by chance, and very accidently, the defective items fit together. It was a coincidence infinitely close to a miracle. They should have never met each other. There could be no such thing as a normal and happy ending like everyone else for them. If Shinje wanted such a life, he shouldn't have been born in the first place.

.....that's why I love him.

Shinje smiled softly. And he graciously accepted the ruin that would throw him into the abyss.


Shinje hugged Yugeon tight, pressing their bodies together and began to move again. Yugeon was still in the middle of his climax, and his teary eyes grew wide at the brutal thrusts below.

"Eueueung, wa, wait, heu, aeug!"

Yugeon thrashed around twisting his body and reached for the headboard. Still dripping from his cock, Yugeon blindly tried to pull himself up.

"Where are you trying to go?"

The body, which barely rose a few centimeters up, was pressed down back onto the bed. His desperate defiance was thwarted with ridiculous ease.

"Stop, I'm, beg...... eug, heug, ah..... please, heug!"

Shinje didn't even pretend to listen. Yugeon's bloodshot eyes distorted with resentment and hatred. If only he had a little more strength, he wanted to bite off the man's neck and tear his flesh spart. Stop, stop, all he could do now was to mumble endlessly, begging, and look around the empty room asking for help, while his pleas uselessly falling on deaf ears. No more voice came out of him shortly after. No matter how hard he tried to work his sore throat and pursed his dry lips, only raspy gasps escaped.

"Heug..... cough, hiig....."

"Yes, yes. I love you, too."

Shinje replied absentmindedly and gently pressed his lips on his forehead damp with sweat. Yugeon choked up at that, but he didn't even have the energy to answer that absurd remark. Even now, his cock was pounding with brutal precision on his abused prostate. Sucking in a sharp breath, his gut tightening, stars flickered before his blurred vision. The string of consciousness snapped.

"Yugeon-ah, I'll come inside... It's fine, right?"

At one point Shinje asked. With his vision dimmed and his ears deaf, he could barely make out even those brief words. Inside, outside, whatever, he just wanted this to end. Pitifully trembling in his arms, Yugeon squeezed out all his remaining strength and nodded desperately. Shinje huffed out a laugh as if he knew his thoughts.

Shinje rutted his dick in and out violently between Yugeon's wide open legs, hips snapping hard against his already numb pelvic muscles. The pressure was suffocating, and he felt like his stomach was about to burst. Yugeon writhed around trying to twist away from the iron grip with silent screams. Yugeon gasped for breath as Shinje bottomed out, the cock filling his insides leaving no gaps. It came in even deeper, dragging across his prostate. He wondered if this would really pierce his stomach.

He choked at the sudden feeling of cum shooting inside him, the heat of it burning his inner walls. The cock jerked around a few times inside, spilling all over, soaking his guts. He had thought before that he wouldn't get used to this feeling no matter how many times he went through, but in the current situation, he was so glad that he could cry.

At the same time, a tired climax came to Yugeon as well. Yugeon clenched his teeth and threw his head back. The toes were raised up and spread wide. But nothing came out. The pleasure spread painfully, passing through his thighs and calves, numbing even the tip of his toes. His cock was still throughout of it all.


Yugeon whimpered and panted, without even thinking about closing his open mouth. He raised his trembling hands and grabbed his own cock. No matter how many times he rubbed the tip and stroked his cock up and down, all he could feel was bitter pain. Eventually he ended up sobbing, exhausted, and left sprawled on the bed.

"Heug, eug, heueu....."

The pleasure that did not burst out properly stayed in his body for a long time. The dragged out climax climbed up and down for a long time as if it was never going to calm down, and it was to the point of distressing. Shinje swept away his damp bangs from his face and whispered.

"Our Yugeon-ie, did you come dry? So cute... good job."

Those were the last words he remembered.

The sound of water echoed in the silent chamber. Yugeon opened his eyes and tried to check his surroundings. But he couldn't hold his head up properly, and his blurry vision shifted to darkness. A hand reached out from behind and supported Yugeon's head as he fell unconscious once again.

Water dripped from his bangs touching the surface of the water. The sound cleared his mind a little. Yugeon barely managed to open his eyes. The first thing he saw was a transparent water surface. The bathroom lights smudged on it. His naked body was submerged in the water up to his chest. The water looked strangely purple, unlike ordinary tap water. When he focused on his senses, he smelled something similar to the delicate scent of flowers.

"Did you sleep well?"

Yugeon startled at the unexpected question from behind. Shinje's voice sounded a little lower than usual, probably because it had echoed off from the tiled walls.

"You needed to wash up, but I couldn't wake you up, so I brought you here."

Only then he was aware of Shinje's arm wrapped around his waist under the water. It looked like he had been hugging Yugeon from behind so that he didn't sink down under the water. His whole body felt like it had become a fully soaked sponge. He felt numb all over, as if under general anesthesia. It was not until he saw and heard with his eyes and ears that he was in a bathtub or Shinje sitting behind him.

The bathtub attached to Yugeon's room was large enough for two adult men to sit in. But he'd never used it before. For Yugeon, taking a bath was simply washing under a showerhead, and finishing in 10 minutes. Soaking in the bathtub for a long time was nothing but a luxury.

It gradually became uncomfortable. Was he and Shinje sitting in the same bathtub and hugging each other like lovers? Pressing their naked bodies together for the purpose of guiding was enough. He just wanted to shake off Shinje and get up. But his whole body felt like it was run over by a truck and he couldn't even lift a finger.

"Is the temperature okay? How about the scent?"

"The water..."

He opened his mouth without thought and was surprised at his own voice. His voice was terribly hoarse. He sounded like a patient with vocal cord nodules and had not drank water for three or four days.

"Water. Why is the color..."

"Ah. This?"

Since Yugeon couldn't move, Shinje reached out and touched the water surface. Ripples spread across the still water. Water droplets trickled down his elegant long fingers and the back of his hand. His fair fingertips were blushing pink. Shinje must have done it without much thought, but his movements looked mysterious yet graceful.

"It's a bath bomb. It has a nice color and scent, and it'll help relieve your fatigue."

He had never heard of something like this before. Soaping yourself properly and rinse should be enough for taking a bath. What was the need to wash with fragrant purple water? It was too luxurious. However, Yugeon did not express any dissatisfaction. He didn't even have the energy to do that exactly. It was already too much just clinging onto his fuzzy consciousness. He just sat still with his eyes half-closed.

Shinje looked at Yugeon in his arms, gently pouring water on his neck and shoulders. He could see a cute round head leaning back against his chest, his body swaying gently half-submerged in water. His whole body was covered in red marks, and a bluish bruise was already showing itself on his shoulder that hit the window. The initial purpose was to guide injured Shinje, but before he knew it, Yugeon became a patient.

Yugeon still couldn't come to his senses, and did not even react much when he brushed away his wet hair, revealing his lovely neck. His lips were slightly parted, a single water droplet slipping down his neat nose bridge, and his eyes blinking lazily as if trying to keep himself awake. His face looked thin and ashen since it was right after overly sadistic and savage sex, but the rim of his eyes were tinged with red and his cheeks were glowing softly under the lights. His breaths still sounded exhausted but had evened out a lot.

Perhaps because he was forced to use up all his energy until he was exhausted, Yugeon was strangely well-behaved. If it was any other time, he would have already left the tub a long time ago, or he might even kick Shinje out of his room, saying this was not in the terms of the contract. His face was gentle, with both vigilance and venom missing.

Neither Yugeon nor Shinje was the type to fill up the silence with empty words. There was only a peaceful silence except for the occasional sound of water trickling down to the tiles, or quiet splashes from ripples. Both of them wordlessly immersed in the afterglow in the midst of it.

Shinje raised his hand that wasn't holding Yugeon, a handful of light purple water on his palm. Some of it dripped back down, slipping between his fingers. Shinje lazily drew, what he assumed, a puppy shape on the wall with the remaining water, and asked him calmly.

"How about it? Do you..... finally want to kill me now?"

His spine chilled starting from the top of his head to the bottom of his back as if someone had poured ice water on him. His drowsy mind cleared up immediately.

"Last time, you said it wasn't worth killing me. I thought this might have changed your mind a bit."

Shinje added. The roughly drawn puppy trickled down the wall.

"Is that the question again?"

Yugeon stopped leaning back on Shinje and sat up straight. He had to ignore his screaming muscles doing just that.

It was always like this. Even if he tried to understand the human being called Woo Shinje, whenever he felt like he had reached him even a little bit, it turned out that he was always far away. Was it arrogance that he tried to understand him in the first place? It would be better if it was an emotion organized in such a single sentence like, ‘I want to kill you’.

Yugeon often imagined harming Shinje. He was an S-class Awakened, so even if Yugeon risked his life, he wouldn't be able to make a single scratch on him, but in his head, he had choked his neck countless times, put a knife in his heart, and shot dozens of bullets to his chest. But that didn't mean that he wanted Shinje to die a terrible death. Rather, it was the opposite. Shinje had to live. He had to live a very long life, a horrible one, an unhappy one. Until he paid back all the hurt and despair Yugeon had to receive from him.

"Fucking shit."

Yugeon lowered his head and rubbed his face with his wet palm. Even while submerged in the warm water, he felt strangely chilled. This chill was one that couldn't be driven away no matter how much hot water was added to it.

"Use pretty words."

Shinje gave him a shameless response. Even that felt like a mockery of himself.

"My answer is still the same. Rather, Leader...."

"What do you mean, Leader? Back to being polite again right after sex?"

"I don't know why Leader keeps asking me that question."

"I'm asking you in advance, just in case. If I'm still alive, after Almuten's death, and after everything is over..... if then."


"I want Guide Baek Yugeon to take my breath away."

Yugeon forgot to breathe at those words. Yugeon swiftly turned around, his eyes trembling with shock.

"Even if it's an S-class, the body is still basically that of a human. You just have to cut the head off to kill one. It will be even easier if one doesn't make any resistance."

Shinje moved his hand like he was cutting off his neck.

"I don't want to."

Yugeon gritted his teeth and replied. His fists clenched under the water. He wanted to sock that beautiful face if he could.

"Why do you ask me for something like that? If you really want to die, kill yourself. Wouldn't that be more efficient?"

"Rejecting my request on the spot. That's cruel."

"You are the one who's cruel!"

Yugeon snapped back at him in a fit of anger, his breaths stiff. Shinje sighed wistfully.

"I should have put this in the terms of the contract. Turns out our Yugeon-ie doesn't want to do anything unless it's written in the contract."

"If there was a clause like this in the contract, I wouldn't have accepted it in the first place."

The conversation was stagnating on the surface. Shinje was only throwing out useless, superficial jokes and didn't get to the point. His chest was getting more stuffy with passing seconds.

"Why..... why the hell are you doing this to me? If this is all because you don't like me and hate me, all you have to do is torment me to death. But why are you doing this?"

"I told you. I love Guide Baek Yugeon so much, that's why."

"You don't hate me?"

"Well, that's enough. Think whatever you want. I didn't expect you to believe me anyway."

He tried to end the conversation with that. If it weren't for what Yugeon said at the end.

"Don't try to escape with death."

He stared straight into Shinje's eyes without faltering even a bit, and made a promise as if hammering it into his head.

"I, as your guide, will never let you do that."

If Shinje was an artificial miracle created in a laboratory, Yugeon was a miracle that you suddenly encounter one day like a disaster. He would make you have feelings that you never wanted, and would tell you not to die. Could he be more cruel than this?

Shinje's cheeks blushed red like a flower blooming. Instead of replying, he smiled faintly and hugged Yugeon. His back pressed close to his chest and stomach. It was only then Yugeon felt something wiggle in his lower abdomen. It was too obvious to be a pulse.

"Wait... ah, wait a minute."

Something wasn't right. Yugeon hurriedly reached back and tried to push Shinje away. However, the man did not even budge.

"Inside, what now... What is this?"

"What do you mean?"

His body under the water was caressed with blatant intent.

"I'm just doing what my guide likes."

Was he saying it had been inside him this whole time? Even when he was unconscious? Yugeon's face turned white at his perverted act.


Yugeon tried to escape from his grip. The calm water surface was disrupted with his movements. The more desperately he flailed around, the bigger it got inside. The thick head rubbed against his abused inner walls swollen with friction. .

"If you don't like it, you should have stayed still. I'm getting hard again because you keep wiggling cutely."

Yugeon's body quickly became tense when he became conscious of his dick inside him. The inner walls that were relaxed just until a while ago started contracting around his cock, bringing him back to hardness. Why don't you know that this will only provoke the other person? Shinje sighed letting out a hot breath. A solid arm came from behind and wrapped around his waist. Yugeon looked down at it with terrified eyes. He was then yanked down, the throbbing length burrowing itself inside swiftly. What was only barely pressed inside near the entrance slid in deep.


After sitting Yugeon down firmly on his dick, Shinje grabbed his buttocks with one hand and spread them open. When he pulled his dick out slightly, what was left of the climax before leaked out of Yugeon's tight hole. He pulled out until the rounded tip was caught on the swollen rim, took a breath watching it twitching, and slammed him back down until Yugeon's hips were pressing against his thighs. Yugeon tried to shrink back to somehow block the insertion but it was all in vain. His head tilted back weakly as if given up, catching his breath.

"We were just doing this just a while ago, what's so scary about it?"

"If you do it again, it will really rip, ah, I don't know."

"It won't. Don't be scared. It will be harder if you're scared."

Yugeon grabbed Shinje's forearm and whimpered. All his senses have become terribly sensitive. He felt like he could feel each and every vein pulsating from the dick lodged inside of him.

"Ah, no I can't..."

"No? Really?"

Shinje leaned down and kissed his cheeks from behind. The smell of powdered milk from Yugeon was even thicker this time due to moisture in the bathroom. He looked up from gently brushing his lips all over Yugeon's face and smiled at him with a slight tilt of his head.

"Even though this pretty leader asks for it?"

"Please... shut the fuck up."

Even though he was cursed to his face, Shinje just laughed, his shoulders shaking. The tremors went straight to Yugeon. Normally, whenever he got angry, even if his expression became harsh, he kept his mouth shut and endured it. Seeing how the swear word burst out right away, he must have lost his composure.

"I won't be rough. You shouldn't faint again."

He gently coaxed and soothed Yugeon, fondling his erection to hardness. His movements were so gentle that the water didn't even spill out of the bathtub. Whispering sweet nothings to his ear, Shinje tried to make him loosen up in this hazy and gentle atmosphere. Yugeon, however, showed no signs of relaxing at all. The more he gently dragged his cock against his insides, the stiffer his body became. Moaning softly and twisting his back squirming in his arms, he was now busy rubbing his thighs together. His nape and ears seen from Shinje's seat were blushing red.

It was an odd reaction. Shinje observed all of Yugeon's reactions to the tiniest details. He was sure it was not because he was hurting him since he even dissolved a bath bomb and soaked him in hot water so that his whole body could relax. It wasn't once or twice that they have mixed their bodies together, and there was no reason for Yugeon to react this sensitively. Wait. Something flashed through his mind. He leaned back until his back was touching the wall and thrusted in hard all at once. His heavy glans cut through the fluttering inner walls and tucked in just below the navel. The purple water splashed and overflowed.

"Heug, eug, haag!"

A shrill scream broke out. The body trapped in Shinje's arms stiffened up to the point of pity, his insides clamping down on his dick viciously.


His warm and pliant walls squeezed around his dick as if messaging it thoroughly. It was dizzying. Shinje gulped down a breath. Something spread over the surface of the water seen over Yugeon's shoulder.

"Ah... ahah, ah!"

His chapped lips could only let out illegible muffled moans. It was hard to believe. He thought his scrotum had already been emptied out from before. How come he came just from this?

"You keep saying no, but how are you already coming from this? And just a while ago you couldn't come no matter how hard I fucked you. Were you holding back this whole time?"

Shinje's hand tapped his cock under the water.

"By the way, Yugeon-ah. It's too tight... haa, I can't move it the way I want if you are like this. Relax, okay?"

He kissed the rim of his ears, placed his hand on his stomach, and gently caressed the area where the head of his dick might be pressed up inside. Yugeon covered his face with both hands as he sat on top of Shinje's thighs. A stiff, wooden-like guy coming straight away just from a single thrust. Shame was eating him up from inside. And he was still aroused after all that.

Shinje wanted to take a closer look at the changes in Yugeon's expressions, but he couldn't properly see his face from the back. He hoisted Yugeon up, his dick pressed deep inside sliding out a bit, and turned him around so that they were sitting face to face.


Yugeon finally raised his head up startled at how he was suddenly turned around while half of Shinje's dick was still tucked inside, and the way it scraped past all his sensitive walls doing so. Finally their eyes met.

"My request, I hope you do it for me."

Shinje took Yugeon's hand, placed it on his cheek, and whispered. His feelings for Yugeon often alternated between the two extremes. Sometimes he wanted to drag him down to the abyss and kill him horribly, but at other times, he wanted to please him by any means possible. For now, it seemed to be the latter. The look on his face, confused and uncomfortable, was so cute that he couldn't stand it.

He called Yugeon his lost property. But in fact, he thought it might be the other way around. Yugeon had always been here, it was he himself who was lost, and how and why he found Yugeon was the same as how a ship wandering in the night sea finding the right path by following the light from the lighthouse.


Yugeon clenched his teeth and moved his fingers down Shinje's cheek. Gently brushing past his wet eyelashes, well-defined jawline, he then placed his hands on his neck. What if he choked him to death right now? Just in time, Shinje bucked his hips and pressed his dick in. His hand, which was about to be tightened around Shinje's neck, slid down. Something stung in his guts. Yugeon tilted his head up.


The bathroom lights looked dimmed, possibly due to the fog from the hot bath. He stared blankly at the ceiling like a man who could not feel the glare. The humidity that filled the room, the fragrance from the bath salts, and the fever from fervent lovemaking was making his mind hazier than ever.

Almuten, Awakening Management Headquarters, the other team members, and even his brother's safety. At this moment, it seemed like all those things had nothing to do with him. He was clearly out of his mind, forgetting his most important goal in his life. Guiding had ended a long time ago. He really had gone insane, if not, why would he still be face-to-face with Shinje until now.

Where he was, what he was doing, what happened before he came here, what Shinje meant by the request to kill him........ He couldn't make sense of anything. Everything was confusing.

What was clear, however, was that the first bullet loaded into the empty cartridge was fired, and with that one shot, everything had irreversibly turned upside down.

Volume III Ends.

[1] What do you mean, you punk? If your hyung wants you to do it, you have to do it. Why? What? Don't like it? You want to be older than me? – chan is older than yugeon, so he is the ‘hyung’ and basically saying yugeon has to do what he was asking of him. like respect for someone who is older than you, blah blah blah. yugeon has also mentioned multiple times how older hunters used to bully him when he was working with them. like your shitty college seniors (or workplace seniors).

[2] I thought our Yugeon-ie was only good at receiving..... You're also quite good at hitting, hm? – i hope you get the gist of this. If not then, well… because yugeon stabbed shinje, stabbing=fucking=hitting. idk. this came out weird, but it's because i just can't think of ways to make it sound smoother in english.

[3] Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy, Purgatory, Lee Siyeon, the Classic, 2015.

⤷ The original annotation from the ebook.

[4] ‘honey’ – jagiya ‘자기야’.

translator note: do not google decomposed corpse in the middle of the night. i have many regrets.