The Pick ' Mix Diet

The Pick 'n Mix Diet is my new book about dieting for weight loss using a healthy, safe and effective multi-diet plan in combination with easy to do light to moderate intensity physical activities. It will be released 10 December 2020. A new revolution in dieting. No fad diets and no high intensity exercise regimens. Use up to 10 different diets, changing your diet every week to lose weight without boredom, with greater variety, flavours and textures than any other diet you have heard of.

The Pick ‘n Mix Diet is here!

My new book ‘The Pick ‘n Mix Diet’ is available now – It explains a brand new concept in dieting for weight loss which banishes the need to stick to one boring diet for weeks on end...

Often around this time of year people tend to overindulge a little in food and drink and put on some weight. With COVID-19 lockdowns, some of us also get less exercise and try to alleviate our depressed mood by snacking and eating comfort foods which are usually high in calories, a combination that also leads to weight gain – something that is associated with poor health outcomes if we do get infected with COVID-19.

The usual solution to weight gain is to go on a diet but many people find it difficult to stick to more than a few weeks because most diets restrict food choices and it is easy to get ‘fed up’ (pardon the pun) with eating the same limited food items. If you go on a keto diet you start to miss your carbs and if you go on a zero fat diet you miss many other items that you normally like to eat. And another downside is that because of their restrictions these sorts of extreme or fad diets are not good for your health because you can develop micronutrient deficiencies. But there is a solution: don’t stick to just one boring diet but change your diet every week. That is where the The Pick ‘n Mix Diet comes in and now is the time for you to take up this new revolution in dieting: Use multiple diets and add some easy physical activities to burn off that excess fat. By changing the diet weekly you don't get bored with it, you have fewer food cravings and are more likely to stick to your weight loss plan. Also, this approach ensures that your diet is more varied and healthier than any single diet plan.

“I decided that many people would benefit from trying a new concept in dieting to lose weight: switch to a different diet each week and you can lose 10 kilograms of body fat in only 10 weeks. No fad diets; only diets that have been scientifically proven to be effective for weight loss. Plus you have ten different diets to choose from, not just one diet!”

In this book I describe a novel and effective weight loss plan that anyone who is mobile can do. The diet uses sensible, varied, non-extreme dieting combined with enjoyable and exhilarating (but not exhausting) exercise that should see you lose around 10 kilograms (22 pounds) in 10 weeks. The great thing about the diet part of my weight loss plan is that it does not require sticking with the same boring diet for week after week. I utilize a variety of different, but equally effective diets that can be changed on a weekly basis. And none of the exercises I recommend should leave anyone with aching muscles or feeling sick or tired. I have also devoted a chapter to describing meal ideas and recipes for the dieting part of the weight loss plan so you don’t need to ‘learn’ about how the diets work (although that is all explained in the book); you can just follow the weekly meal plans. You can also pick and mix your diets and activities to personalize your weight loss plan to suit your own preferences.

“The great thing about the diet part of my weight loss plan is that it does not require sticking with the same boring diet for week after week. So you can wave goodbye to food cravings.”

Numerous scientific studies show that the most effective, safe and healthy way to lose excess weight is to both eat less and exercise more. There is no need for fad exercise regimens or fatiguing high intensity or interval exercise. Just light or moderate intensity aerobic exercise which is scientifically proven to maximize fat burning. This means you can combine multi-diet dieting with some easy physical activities to burn more fat without hunger, food cravings or tiredness. You can lose weight and get fitter and healthier at the same time.

‘The Pick ‘n Mix Diet’ is out now and is available through all good bookstores and online retailers.

The Pick 'n Mix Diet is now available. Order your copy as paperback or eBook from Amazon for delivery in December 2020: