My Concept Of Optimal Health

What Is Optimal Health And How Can You Attain It?

Much of my career has involved research that aims to improve the health and performance of athletes who want to optimise the potential of their bodies in order to be successful in their sport. I am now employing this knowledge for the benefit of the general public to help people attain the best possible outcomes and live healthy for longer. By reading my new book "Eat Move Sleep Repeat”, a healthy lifestyle guidebook which will be published by Meyer and Meyer in January 2020 you will find out more about optimal health and how to attain it. Here is a short excerpt from my book to introduce the concept...

When I have asked different people the question “what do you think you need to do to be healthy?”, almost all mention “not overeating” and “not smoking” which is entirely correct, but not many will mention “eating well” or “eating healthy foods”. Some will include “doing some regular exercise” or “avoiding excess alcohol” in their reply. Very few will mention “not being overweight”, “not having too much abdominal fat”, or “getting sufficient sleep”. Yet all of the above are important to health. And by health I not only mean remaining free from illness, but guarding against the risks of chronic disease, reduced mobility, and dementia later in life.

Let’s think about what our everyday lives involve: At the most basic level we eat, we move, and we sleep. All these actions are needed for basic survival. Without appropriate foods supplying energy and essential nutrients we would waste away, become ill, and die. Without exercise, our immobilized muscles would wither away making us weak and unable to perform basic tasks needed for normal living. With insufficient sleep, we would feel tired, lethargic, and irritable, and life would become a chore. So, we must satisfy the body’s needs for nutrition, physical activity, and sleep, but why stop there. Let’s rephrase the original question. We should really be asking “what do we need to do to achieve and maintain optimal health throughout the lifespan?” because this is what can give us the best quality of life. Optimal health should be considered as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of illness, disease or infirmity. The key word here is “optimal”; it is not just what we need to survive, but what we can do to attain the best possible health outcomes and enable us to improve our quality of life, not only in the present but also in the future. You will realise and appreciate the importance of this as you get older, just as I have! By being healthier, fitter, stronger, and more robust, we can lead more fulfilling and enjoyable lives, live independently for longer, and actually live longer.

Eat, Move, Sleep, Repeat January 2020, Meyer and Meyer Sport, Paperback

360 pages, 40 illustrations and 40 photos, ISBN 97817822222551874

Order your copy now from Amazon, WH Smith or Waterstones

Now Find Out How To Attain Your Own Optimal Health... ...By Reading Eat, Move Sleep, Repeat!

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