
Type 2 Diabetes

Find out what I have to say about my new book Beating Type 2 Diabetes here:

Here is a link to an article written by Nick Harris-Fry in Coach Mag (July 2020) about my new book Beating Type 2 Diabetes based on his interview with me:


Lifestyle Changes To Reverse Diabetes

Everything You Need To Know About Type 2 Diabetes Including How To Get Yourself Rid Of It

The huge and growing problem of type 2 diabetes already affects 10-20% of the population in many developed countries. Millions more are in the early stage of the disease (a condition called prediabetes) or are at high risk of developing it within 5 years. This book is designed to be a resource for such people as well as their relatives, friends or carers who want to help them cope with diabetes. This is a fully comprehensive and easy to understand book that provides evidence-based guidelines, advice and tips about coping with type 2 diabetes and guidance on how it can be reversed and put into remission. It is written with the vast majority of the prediabetic and type 2 diabetic adult populations in mind. The book describes the signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes, how diagnosis of the condition is confirmed, and how it is treated and managed. It explains the causes and serious health consequences of type 2 diabetes and how people with the condition can reduce their risk of complications. The key to curing type 2 diabetes is weight loss and the book provides guidance on methods of achieving this goal both safely and effectively by adopting a unique personalized weight loss plan that involves multiple diets in combination with enjoyable and exhilarating (but not exhausting) exercise. It does all the above by educating the reader about the basic underpinning science and giving suitable, understandable examples of the supporting evidence followed by clear recommendations and advice. It empowers and motivates the reader to modify their current lifestyle for the better and – if there is sufficient motivation to do so – how they can get rid of the condition for good, improve their quality of life and actually live longer.

Meyer & Meyer 256 pages ISBN 978-1-78255-199-7

April 2020 $18.95/£16.50/18.95 EUR

Beating Type 2 Diabetes is now available to purchase in paperback or Ebook from:

Beating Type 2 Diabetes is now available as a direct 5MB pdf eBook from payhip. Here is the link:

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Common Symptoms Of Type 2 Diabetes

The Key To Reducing Type 2 Diabetes Complications

Progression Of Type 2 Diabetes And Prevention Or Reversal Opportunities: Don't Leave It Too Late!