Processor Research Team



The Processor Research Teams explores the future of both classical high performance computing as well as fault tolerant quantum computing.


We would like to highlight the Kobe Quantum Error Correction Symposium (QuECS) which have organized. It has been held on January 23, 2024. Please see the symposium's website for details.


The Processor Research Team consists of two research parts; the Processor Research Team part (Proc-Team) and the Advanced AI Device Development Unit (AIdev-Unit). Processor Team focuses on the three research areas of Quantum Error Correction, CGRA and ESSPER. The main research topic of the AI Device Unit is advanced AI device development.


Quantum Error Correction as being actively researched on in our team.

Design Space Exploration of Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architecture (CGRA) for HPC and AI.

ESSPER is our developed prototype FPGA cluster for high-performance reconfigurable computing.


AI Research

Research topic of the AIdev-Unit.


Our office is located in the KCMI building, right next to the Keisan Kagaku Center station.