Call for Workshop

PRIMA 2024 will hold, in addition to the main conference program, a workshop program focused on the areas of interest of the multi-agent systems community. The conference organizers invite proposals for workshops in all areas of multi-agent systems. The workshop sessions can cover established topics in the multi-agent systems community, as well as emerging subfields.


Important Dates:


All deadlines are at the end of the day specified, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).


Proposal Submission

Workshops will be submitted to the conference CMT on the track of “Workshop proposal” :

Workshop Proposals should contain:

○  Workshop goals, the technical issues that it will address, and the relevance of the workshop to the main conference.

○  A discussion of why and to whom the workshop is of interest.

 A list of related workshops held within the last three years.

  The desired workshop length (full day or half day) and an estimate of the number of attendees.

  A preliminary workshop format, including how the program will be assembled and promoted (e.g., invited talks, panels, etc.).

  The names, email addresses and URLs of the organizers.

  The brief CVs of the organizers.

  A tentative list of the programme committee members.

  Proposals for workshops should be submitted as a single pdf file to the workshop chairs


For all accepted workshops, the conference organizers will be responsible for:

Workshop organizers will be responsible for: