Call for Papers

We invite you to submit your best work in the area of agents and multi-agent systems to PRIMA-2024, the 25th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems, to be held in Kyoto in November 2024.

Papers will be submitted to the conference CMT on the track of “Main track Submission" :

Scope and Background

Software systems are rapidly becoming more intelligent in the functionality they offer to users. They are also becoming more decentralized, with components that act autonomously and must communicate among themselves or with human users, to achieve their goals. Examples of such systems include those in healthcare, disaster management, e-business, and smart grids. A multi-agent perspective is crucial to the proper conceptualization, deployment, and governance of such systems. Rooted in solid computational and software engineering foundations, this perspective offers abstractions such as intelligent agents, protocols, norms, organizations, trust and incentives, among others. As a large, but still growing research field of Computer Science, multi-agent systems today remain a unique enabler of interdisciplinary research.

Areas of Interest

The conference areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

Logic and Reasoning 

Agent and Multi-Agent Learning

Engineering Multi-Agent Systems 

Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation 

Collaboration & Coordination 

Algorithmic Game Theory 

Computational Social Choice 

Human-Agent Interaction 

Decentralized Paradigms 

Ethics and Social Issues

Application Domains for Multi-Agent Systems 

Information for Authors 

PRIMA 2024 invites submissions of original, unpublished work strongly relevant to multi-agent systems. Apart from theoretical work, we encourage the submission of reports on the development of applications or prototypes of deployed agent systems, and of experiments that demonstrate novel agent system capabilities. In addition to this, we also encourage the submission of position and review papers that are of particular relevance to the multi-agent community.


The papers submitted can be up to 16 pages in length, including references, in the Springer LNCS format. Additionally, appendices can be included as long as their combined length is no more than 3 pages. All submitted papers must be in a form suitable for double-blind review. Specifically, in order to make blind reviewing possible, authors must omit their names and affiliations from the paper. Also, while the references should include all published literature relevant to the paper, including previous work of the authors, it should not include unpublished works. When referring to one's own work, use the third person rather than the first person. For example, say "Previously, Foo and Bar [2] have shown that…", rather than "In our previous work [2], we have shown that…". Such identifying information can be added back to the final camera-ready version of accepted papers.


All papers will be reviewed by at least 2-3 experts in the area following a detailed review form that will assess the paper based on the significance and novelty of the idea, the technical description of the proposal, clarity and organization, the evaluation methodology, and any ethical considerations.


All accepted papers for the main track will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series (LNCS/LNAI).