Call for Tutorial

PRIMA 2024 will hold, in addition to its research program, a tutorial program focused on the areas of interest of the multi-agent systems community. The goal of tutorials is to provide an in-depth introduction to emerging or established research areas in the multi-agent community. Topics may include research fields, applications, and tools that support the research carried out in multi-agent systems. Ideally, tutorials should be attractive to a broad audience. Mainly, they should provide an introduction to the topic of interest, but they should also cover some in-depth details for more advanced audiences. We hereby invite you to submit a tutorial proposal on a topic relevant to the PRIMA 2024 audience.


Tutorial proposal submission deadline: September 15, 2024


Instructions and review criteria


Tutorial proposals should contain at least the following parts in a

document with a maximum of 3 pages:



Tutorials proposed for PRIMA 2024 should ideally satisfy:



Example Tutorial Descriptions:


The tutorial proposals will be reviewed by tutorial, program, and

conference chairs. The review will take into account:



Tutorials will be submitted to the conference CMT on the track of “Tutorial proposal”





Accepted tutorials will have special benefits in PRIMA 2024. More

specifically, they will be given one free full-registration voucher for the
