John Fitzgerald Kennedy


Born: May 29th, 1917

Death: November 22nd, 1963

From: Brookline, Massachusetts

President #: 35th (1961-1963)

Party: Democratic

Spouse: Jacqueline Onassis

Children: John Kennedy Jr. (M), Caroline Kennedy (F), Patrick Kennedy (M)

Famous Quote: "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."

Major Events Background


Born in Brookline, Massachusetts on May 29th.


1940- Graduated from Harvard.

1941- Joined the Navy.

1946- Became a US House of Representative from Boston and got reelected twice.


1952- Won a seat on the US Senate.

1956- Considered as a Vice President at the Democratic Convention.


1961- Became US president.

1963- Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.




As you may know JFK was shot by a man named Lee Harvey Oswald but it gets much deeper than just that. After Oswald killed JFK, he was later taken into custody, but shot by a man named Jack Ruby 2 days later. The odd part about this is that Oswald was shot and killed while being escorted in an armored car with many officers and weapons to stop it. There is a very big gap in the information provided regarding this so many people were left wondering and conspiracizing. It is also thought that the FBI gave Jack Ruby's defense lawyers a bunch of information, that they wouldn't have been able to get, if they didn't ask about Lee Harvey Oswald. Another odd part about this was the death of Dorothy Kilgallen. She wrote the original article about Ruby killing Oswald, the trial, and her suspicions, then she passed away the following year due to "undetermined reasons", which leads some people to think she was silenced. The lack of information revolving around JFKs assassination that is provided to the public makes many people wonder "Why hide all this information?"