Barack Hussain Obama


Born: August 4th, 1961

Age: 60 years old

From: Honolulu, Hawaii & Indonesia

President #: 44th (2009-2017)

Party: Democratic

Spouse: Michelle Robinson

Children: Malia Obama (F) & Sasha Obama (F)

Major Events Background


Born in Honolulu, Hawaii on May 29th.


1983- Graduated from Columbia University. He studied political science and international relationships.

1984- Worked as a community organizer in Chicago.

1988- Went to Harvard Law School, where he became Harvard Law Review's first African American president.

1989- Became a civil rights attorney.


1992- Taught constitutional law at University of Chicago Law School.

1996- Elected to Illinois Senate.


2004- Elected to the US Senate.

2008- Became US 44th president.

2009- Received a Nobel Peace Prize.


2012- Reelected as US president.

2017- Left office in 2017, but he continues to live in Washington D.C.




Obama's 8 year run as president from 2009-2017 almost never happened, due to conspiracy theories surrounding his birthplace. This theory was really brought into the light by Donald Trump, former US president. The issue was that theorists were saying he was not actually born in Hawaii and his birth certificates are fake and just a cover up. Trump went as far as to even send his own private team of investigators to go to Hawaii to see if they can prove their theory. He vowed to donate 5 million dollars to charity if someone could give him definitive proof he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. This would still be a big deal today, even though Obama is out of office, because not only will he lose the privilege's former presidents get, like secret service, but it will set a dangerous precedent for people that don't fit the criteria faking it to become president.