George Walker Bush


Born: July 6th, 1946

Age: 75 years old

From: New Haven, Connecticut

President #: 43th (2001-2009)

Party: Republican

Spouse: Laura Welch

Children: Barbara Bush (F) & Jenna Hager (F)

Major Events Background


Born in New Haven, Connecticut on July 6th.


1968- Graduated from Yale.

1968-74- Was in the Texas Air National Guard.


1975- Graduated from Harvard Business School.

1975- Started working in the oil industry in Midland, Texas.

1978- Defeated in campaign for US House of Representatives.


1981-93- Served as an advisor during his fathers Presidency and Vice Presidency campaigns.


1994- Elected as Texas's Governor.


2000- Won Republican presidential nomination.

2001- Elected as 43rd US President.

2001- Horrific 9/11 terrorist attacks.

2005- Elected 2nd term.

2005-09- 2nd term had many issues.

  • Hurricane Katrina

  • Insensitive claims top civil liberties and American values in his response to terrorist attacks.

  • Went into a deep recession and stock market crashed.

George Bush



One of if not the most famous conspiracy theory is the theory that George Bush had something to do with 9/11. 9/11 is known as one of the most horrific attacks on America, ever, so people obviously started to wonder if everything they are being told was true. When mainstream media started selling it the theory really started to pick up speed. When people started theorizing about Bush being the man behind it, people would need someone to blame. People call it a terrorist attack, and as much as people want to believe it, they also believe that Bush was the man behind it. The source George Bush is the Real Falling Man by Lesley Hughes states, “Much was made this time around of the icon known as "The Falling Man," an unidentified jumper captured on film hurtling headfirst down 100 stories to the streets of New York City. But the real "falling man" of 9/11 is Bush himself.” (Lesley Hughes). When they say that Bush is falling man, there is only so much you can decipher and get out of it. Sadly, one of the worst parts of this time is the media. Lesley Hughes also states, “There's another word to describe the media coverage of 9/11 this time around: desperate.” (Lesley Hughes). When 9/11 happened all the media wanted to do was get sales for their newspaper, getting clicks on their blogs or websites. The media would desperately look for more answers, even if they were not true, they would still publish them showing the public and spreading rumors. Media even today likes to twist stories not only making them more believable or realistic but making them believable enough for people to come back and read more about it.