Bill Clinton


Born: August 19, 1946

Age: 74 years old

From: Hope, Arkansas

President #: 42nd (1993-2001)

Party: Democratic

Spouse: Hillary Clinton

Children: Chelsea Clinton (F)

Major Events Background


Born in Hope, Arkansas on August 19th.


1972- Finished college, graduated from Georgetown,. Oxford, and Yale Law School.

1974- Almost got elected as US House of Representatives.

1977- Elected as Attorney General.

1979- Elected governor of Arkansas.


1993- Elected US President.

1997- Reelected as US President.


Built a foundation, oversaw the creation of his presidential library, and wrote memoirs.

Jeffery Epstein


The Clintons

The meme that swept the internet late 2019-early 2020 was “Epstein didn’t kill himself.” This conspiracy dates to sometime not so long ago. At first it was just a man who killed himself in jail due to mental reasons, later it turned into an America wide joke. Epstein was put into jail due to him being a sex offender, later people theorized that he was not only a sex offender but he later sex trafficked minors for President Bill Clinton, as well as many other celebrities. Epstein was also one of the main reasons why people believe in the “Pizza gate” conspiracy. There is a theory regarding Epstein that he did not kill himself in jail and that it was Bill Clinton who hired a hitman to kill him. Since Bill Clinton could be guilty towards these allegations it would make sense that he had him killed, but that is only a theory. It was made as a joke by many people on the internet, “Epstein didn’t kill himself.’ The phrase has been slapped on beer cans, printed on sweatshirts.” (Vox Article - Why the Jeffrey Epstein case inspires so many conspiracy theories. - By: Anna North) As you can tell it was a huge joke, but in a more serious tone, people believed it and dug as deep as getting two hashtags on twitter trending regarding the future president Donald Trump #TrumpBodyCount, and past president Bill Clinton #ClintonBodyCount. As you could guess, this is where everyone was talking about how Epstein never really killed himself, but was secretly killed in prison by someone that Bill Clinton hired.