IELTS Essay Topics.

IELTS essay topics can on different subjects

  1. Opinion 1: Agree/disagree

  2. . Opinion 2: ls this a positive or negative development

  3. Opinion 3: Are the advantages more than the disadvantages

· People should keep all the money they earn and should not pay tax to the state. Agree or disagree?

· cultural traditions destroyed when aimed at tourists. OR it is the only way to save traditions. Discuss & opinion

· Reading stories from a book Vs watching TV or playing computer games for children. Agree or disagree?

· Children have more freedom than in the past. ls this a positive or a negative development?

· many goods transported for a long distance. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

· The only' way to protect the environment is at an international level. Agree or disagree?

· Advertising has an increasing effect on our lives. Do the positive effects of this outweigh the negative effects?

· Today there is increase in anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. Causes and solutions.

· interview is not a reliable method of recruitment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

· Fast food restaurants’ and supermarkets funds schools to promote their products, is it a positive or negative development

· Young people know about international pop and movie stars but know less about famous historical people. Reasons and solutions.

· Environmental problems increasing. Governments steps at a global level got few solutions. Reasons and solution.

· A lot of people in college are doing academic study. We should encourage them to do vocational skill (like plumbers and electricians). Do you agree or disagree?

· ln most societies, the role of mother and father differs.? What will be the parental role in the future?

· if children behave badly should their parents take responsibly and also be punished? State your opinion.

· industrial growth is necessary to solve poverty. Or is it causing environmental problems. Discuss

· Distance-learning programs cannot bring the benefit as attending college or university. Agree or disagree?

· Government should fund sport and art for school students, rather than professional sports, arts events. Agree or disagree?

· Now the machine is very complex, a lot of work is automated. Machine automation pros and cons?

· Newspapers have influenced people's ideas and opinions. Reasons? ls this positive or negative situation?

· As economy develops, people in developing countries feel happier while people in developed countries feel less happy. Reasons? What Lessons can we learn from it?

· Get rid of old things to get the newest fashion and the latest technology. Do the disadvantages of a throwaway society outweigh advantages?

· once children start school, teachers have more influence than parents on their development. Agree or disagree?

· News media nowadays have influenced people's lives in negative ways. Agree or disagree?

· Differences are barely evident these days. Everyone is wearing the same and watching the same. Do you think it is a positive or a negative development?

· Air travel should be restricted because of pollution and uses up the world's fuel. Agree or disagree?

· Some students take one year off between school and university. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?

· Every human being can create art (e.9. painting), or only people born with the ability can create art. Discuss both

· ls economic development necessary to reduce poverty OR should economic growth be stopped as it is damaging the environment. Discuss both sides

· Good relationships between different countries are becoming more important to solve global problems. do you agree or disagree?

· Playing computer games is bad for children, whereas others say that it has positive effects. Discuss both sides

· Fewer people today write by hand. What are the reasons? ls this a positive or negative development?

· Students today get information online, so libraries are not necessary. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

· Teachers should teach students to judge right and wrong OR should they only teach academics. Discuss

· Celebrities should accept media publicizing their private lives as part of their fame. Do you agree or disagree?

· Governments should reduce environmental pollution and housing problems to prevent illness and disease. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

· Social skills are important in addition to good qualifications for job success. agree or disagree?

· Advancements in technology have made the TV screen so live that people don't need to go for any live performance. Do you agree or disagree?

· Some children find mathematics and philosophy too -difficult to learn, so those subjects should be optional rather than compulsory Do you agree or disagree?

· Teenagers should study all school subjects. OR should focus on the subjects they are good at or like. discuss.

· ln some cultures the old age is more valued, while in some cultures the youth is more valued. Discuss both.

· The best way to reduce crime is educate people in prison so they get a job when they leave, agree or disagree.

· Similar Discuss shops and products. Some consider it positive, whereas others negative. Discuss both and opine.

· It is becoming increasingly popular to find out about family history. Reasons. Is it a positive or negative development?

· Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat for healthy diet. Agree or disagree.

· Success in life depends on hard work and determination, OR on other factors like money and personal appearance. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

· international student exchange would benefit all school students. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?

· Students at schools and universities learn more from teachers than other sources. Do you agree or disagree?

· We should protect only those animals from extinction, which are useful to humans. Do you agree or disagree?

· People are afraid to leave their home because of crime. More action should be taken OR little can be done. Discuss and Opine.

· The best way to solve the world's environmental problem is to increase the price of fuel. Agree or disagree.

· Universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace or provide access to knowledge for its own sake. what do you think are the main functions of a university?

· Government should provide assistance to all kinds of artists OR is it a waste of money Discuss and opine.

· Government should not give international aid since they have disadvantaged people like unemployed and homeless in their own country. Agree or disagree?

· international travel makes people prejudiced rather than broad-minded. Causes and solutions.

· Rich countries should not give financial aid but give other types of help to the poor agree or disagree?.

· some people who have been in prison are the best to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime. Do you agree or disagree?

· It would be better if people only ate local food. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?

· The natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water Problem solution are consumed at an alarming rate. (Problems and solutions)

· The most important decision that young people have to follow is what career to choose. Agree or disagree?

· Some people say that a large part of the information we get is incorrect. Do you agree or disagree?

· As well as making money, businesses should also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree?

· People have to spend more and more time to travel from their homes for jobs and study. Reasons/solutions.

· The purpose of public libraries is to provide books and they shouldn't provide hi tech media. Agree/disagree.

· Should young people follow traditions, or be free to be Discuss individuals. Discuss both views.

· The government should give priority to health care OR Discuss other important priorities. Discuss both views and opine.

· Government should not spend much money for education but on free-time activities. Agree or disagree?

· It is unnecessary to teach children about the skills of handwriting. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

· Countries should invite foreign companies OR should invest in their own companies. Discuss both and opine.

· Advertising discourages people from being different individuals by making us all similar. Agree or disagree?

· All young adults should do a period of unpaid work in the community. Has it more benefits or drawbacks?

· There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do the problems outweigh the benefits?

· Old generations often hold some traditional ideas. however, it is not helpful for the young generations. Agree/disagree

· should government subsidize food and vegetables OR should tax be set on unhealthy food. Discuss and opine.

· People nowadays do not feel safe at home or out. What are the reasons and solutions?

· It is more important to Plant trees in towns and cities than to build more houses. Do you agree or disagree?

· Traditional foods being replaced by international fast foods having a negative effect. Agree or disagree?

· Crimes committed by teenagers are increasing. Discuss this issue. Give reasons and suggest some solutions.

· We must return to the older and more traditional values to create a better world to live in. Agree or disagree?

· University students should learn a range of other subjects and not just one subject. Agree or disagree?

· Governments are encouraging businesses to move to rural areas. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?

· students should pay their full university fees themselves Do you agree or disagree?

· Some students take a year off either to work or travel What is better - travelling or working? Discuss

· should charity organizations help people of their country or give aid to people wherever they live. Discuss?

· Companies and individuals, and not governments should pay the bill of pollution. Agree or disagree?

· Now, many people think there is no justification for attending lectures. Do you agree or disagree?

· Most countries believe that international tourism has harmful effects. Reasons and solutions.

· Some people think computer and internet are important in children's study, but others think schools and teachers are important. Discuss both sides.

· When a human astronaut first arrived on the moon it was a big step for mankind. But some people think it makes little difference to our daily life. agree/disagree?

· Men and women are having children late in life. What are the reasons and the effects on society and family?

· The number of people using bikes as main transport mode is decreasing. Why this is so? Solutions

· ls the radio the best way to get news, OR is W better for this purpose. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

· People watch foreign films much more than locally produced films. Why? Should government fund local film industries?

· Some people think students should evaluate and criticize teachers. Others believe it will result in a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss on both sides.

· Development in technology causes environmental problems. Some people believe the solution is that everyone accepts a simpler way of life, while others say that technology can solve these problems. Discuss both.

· Governments should focus their spending on public services rather than on arts such as Music and Painting, to what extent do you agree or disagree?

· The number of TV programs is growing. Some people say that it is good while others say it affects the quality of TV programs. Discuss both and give your opinion.

· Figures show that some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of the population who are aged 15 or younger. What do you think are the current and future effects of this trend for those countries?

· ln some countries, adults are living with their parents after graduating or even after finding a job. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages )