Service & Outreach

Mathematics is done by people. In organizing seminars, the AWM, and as a mentor, I try to  create spaces that give others the support they need to succeed mathematically. I also enjoy participating in various outreach activities that give kids a chance to explore mathematical activities without the pressures of school. I hope that some of them come away with new perspectives on what math is and who can do math.

Graduate Online Combinatorics Colloquium (GOCC)

GOCC is a virtual combinatorics seminar organized by and for graduate students of all levels. I am co-organizing the seminar for the 2023-2024 academic year. I am particularly fond of the GOCC's guiding principles established by the founders: (1) We are all learning. (2) Everyone has something to contribute.  (3) No one has all the answers.

Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)

Cornell University

I have been involved in Cornell's Chapter of the AWM for several years in a variety of roles. I am most proud of the monthly Intro to Research seminar series I put together in Spring 2022. The seminar aimed to demystify math research for early undergrads and to provide female role models doing math research. The idea for this seminar came from Kate Meyer, then a post-doc at Cornell.  Kate and I first co-organized this seminar in Spring 2020, but it was cut short due to the pandemic. 

While no longer an officer, I remain involved in many AWM discussions and activities including the mentoring program & outreach activities described below. I was very excited that two of my former students were undergraduate officers for our AWM chapter in the 2022-2023 Academic Year!

Swarthmore College


First Year Graduate Student Mentoring

This program pairs incoming graduate students with grad students further along in their studies. Mentor-mentee pairs communicate over the summer and meet in the fall both individually and during group activities.

Women Mentoring Women in Mathematics ("ZigZag Mentoring")

This program pairs early undergraduate students with graduate student mentors. Mentor-mentee pairs meet several times individually each semester and attend group mentoring events.

Past Organizing

Olivetti Seminar

I co-organized, the Olivetti seminar, Cornell's math graduate student seminar, with Ellie Lauri in Fall 2020.

Other Outreach Activities

Expanding Your Horizons

Expanding Your Horizons is a one day conference held annually at Cornell. Our chapter of the AWM holds a workshop entitled Patterns and Puzzles attended by students in 7-8 grade each year. Workshop stations I have helped facilitate are listed below.

DiMEx (Discrete Mathematics Explorations)

Spring 2022: With Elena Hafner, I led a series of two hour workshops on catalan numbers, polytopes, graph theory, and other aspects of discrete math. We worked with 4 girls in grades 10-12 for 10 weeks.

Fall 2022: DiMEx was primarily led by Emily Dautenhahn and Alex Vidinas for 6-8 graders. Due to over enrollment, Elena and I ran a second section for the last three weeks of the program using materials that Emily and Alex developed.

DiMeX is overseen by Karola Mészáros and funded via her NSF grant.

Julia Robinson Math Festival

Activity Leader: March 2022, April 2021, February 2020

Cornell's AWM Chapter organized our first Julia Robinson Math Festival (JRMF) in February 2020. For 3 hours, 4-12 grade students came to Cornell's campus and participated in a variety of mathematical activities of their choosing. In Spring 2021 & Spring 2022 we held a smaller 1 hour virtual JRMF for 4-6 graders.

Ithaca Girls Math Circle

Fall 2018-Spring 2020: The Ithaca Girls Math Circle focuses on preparing girls in 4th-12th grades for math competitions such as the AMC 8, AMC 10, Mathcounts, and GIAM. Each group meets once a week for around 2 hours. I primarily worked with the groups of 6th-7th and 7th-9th graders, although I occasionally helped out with other cohorts as well. 

Math Explorer's Club

Fall 2019: I co-developed and ran a unit of the Math Explorer's Club with Emily Dautenhahn. We led a workshop on Infinity & Paradoxes for a group of 8th-12th graders over two consecutive Saturdays. Materials we created for our unit can be found on the Math Explorer's Club webpage.