
I work in algebraic combinatorics and am advised by Ed Swartz. Key words describing my research include: matroids, polymatroids, error-correcting codes, representation theory, and finite groups! 

Current Interests

At the moment, I am interested in problems which involve or have arisen from the study of polymatroids representable over finite groups. This includes classifying matroids and polymatroids representable over different classes of finite groups as well as a duality for error-correcting codes over nonabelian groups.


Undergraduate Physics Research

At Swarthmore, I worked in Amy Graves's lab for two years using simulations to investigate how the properties of a jammed solid were affected when the particles were jammed in the presence of a small square pin lattice. I wrote a senior honors thesis on this work - Structured Randomness: Jamming of Soft Disks within Lattices of Pinned Particles.


Structured Randomness: Jamming of Soft Disks and Pins, Soft Matter, 2020, 16, 5305 - 5313 (with S.A. Ridout, B. Jenike, A. Liloia, and A. Graves)
