Graduate Online Combinatorics Colloquium
About the Graduate Online Combinatorics Colloquium (GOCC)
The Graduate Online Combinatorics Colloquium is an online combinatorics seminar organized for and run by graduate students. The current organizers are Dimitris Bogiokas, Mitsuki Hanada, Aditya Khanna, and Anastasia Nathanson.
We encourage everyone to attend and give a talk (even if you're not a graduate student!), but the goal is to support early-career mathematicians and provide a low-pressure combinatorics seminar. This seminar will consist of both research and expository talks.
We (mostly) meet on Wednesday 12 - 1 PM ET/ 16 - 17 UTC on Zoom – compare to your time zone here
You can join with Meeting ID: 951 5613 3706 or by clicking this link. The password is gocc2024
If you'd like to join the mailing list or are interested in speaking, send an email to GOCCcombinatorics [at] gmail [dot] com