AI in the Academy

Below are the presentations that I have given on AI, Academic Integrity, and integrating AI in the curriculum. The first presentation covers what needs to be added to academic integrity policy statements. The second presentation (a continuing conversation with the first presentation) describes some practical ways to integrate AI in the writing curriculum. Both the first and second presentation were given to the faculty of Dominican University of River Forest, Il (Oct. 5, 2023). The third presentation focuses on what this "new" technology means for our Academic Integrity policies (presented in March 2023 as a webinar for Atla [formerly the American Theological Library Association]).  I rewrote that presentation and published it in Christian Academic Magazine (Sept. 18, 2023). 

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Presentation for a Brunch Talk with Christian High School Teachers at HIU (April 27, 2024)

24.2 AI in HS brunch talk.pptx

AI Practicalities and Practices for High Schools

A brief overview of warnings about AI, a look at a number of appropriate "uses" of AI in schools and 3 "misuses" of AI.

Presentation for SCATLA (Southern CAlifornia Theological Library Association) at Gateway Seminary (Dec. 8, 2023)

AI for SCATLA.pptx


A brief look at the current state of generative AI writing tools (chatbots) and ways to incorporate AI in a seminary (curriculum and in the library).

Presentation for the faculty of Dominican University of River Forest, Il (Oct.  5, 2023)

23.4 2 Academic Integrity in light of AI.pptx

Academic Integrity in Light of Artifical Intelligence

A brief look at Academic Integrity Policy statements and a few things that need to be added. A shorter version of the webinar given to Atla (Mar. 2023). The complete list is found at the bottom of this page.

23.4.3 Integrating AI into the Curriculum Writing focus.pptx

Integrating AI While Keeping Integrity in the Academy

Some practical ways to incorporate AI in the writing curriculum of the University. Also includes a list of possible uses of AI and one page for recommendations for the Arts.

Webinar given for Atla (Mar 2023) - Artificial Intelligence, Academic Integrity, and the Role of the Library - focus is on the Academic Integrity policy needs

AI AI and role of the library.pptx

AI, AI, and the Role of the Library

Here is the presentation given as an Atla Webinar.

Link to the recording found on Atla's website: (Video is in an iframe element, I could open it better in Firefox than Chrome. Feel free to use other browsers.)

Here are the four needed statements in every University's Academic Integrity Policy: