Some reading recomendend

Ebook: How to Start Training with Power

the base of all modern training

Faster Better Stronger best book for begginers

Lance Amtrong is not a good example for cycling but has some good advices

The Rider is the best book on the experience of cycle racing ever written. Indeed, by any margin, it is a great book; and an exemplar to any who would set out to imortalise the guts of an experience in such a way that a reader might momentarily inhabit the soul of the protagonist.

First published in Dutch, the book is a fictionalised account of the Tour de Mont Aigoual. It draws heavily on Krabbe’s own career as an amateur cycle racer and is at its best describing the effort required to compete at this level. There is plenty of insight into the preparations that he makes for a race and the curious tactical melange that is mass-start racing.

The race narrative – set out kilometre by kilometre – draws readers along like a peleton with the wind on its back. It is interspersed with an account of the rider’s sporting career, and a more general discourse on professional cycle racing. For a reader unfamiliar with cycle racing, this provides useful context. Anyone immersed in the sport might find it slightly distracting.

Nonetheless, it is not surprising that since its English translation, the book, and its author, has become as lauded among British cyclists as it is on the continent. Indeed, some have even gone so far as to produce cycle jerseys in the colours of the fictional teams against whom Krabbe’s rider races. There can’t be many books whose fans feel so passionately about them that they create tribute t-shirts.

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The Rider

ContraReloj Eugenio Fuentes

En la cuarta etapa del Tour de Francia, Tobias Gros, el favorito e imbatible ganador de las cuatro últimas ediciones de esta carrera, muere asesinado mientras descansa en el hotel tras una jornada agotadora. La conmoción es enorme y pronto corren los rumores. Uno de los primeros sospechosos es Santi Mieses, corredor del equipo rival que habló con Gros poco antes de que éste fuera asesinado. Para atajar las habladurías, Luis Carrión, el director del equipo donde pedalea Mieses, contrata al detective Ricardo Cupido, mero espectador de una de las etapas reinas: el ascenso al Tourmalet. En su investigación, Cupido se adentra en el mundo de los ciclistas y conoce de primera mano los manejos entre equipos, los papeles que se reparten los corredores en cada etapa, las disputas y enemistades entre ciclistas o los escurridizos equipos médicos que proporcionan el dopaje en dosis exactas. Pero también el protagonismo callado, pero no menos crucial, de los «gregarios». Además de la novela más intensa y emotiva de Eugenio Fuentes, Contrarreloj es un homenaje fascinado a quienes entregan sus días y sus desvelos a un deporte durísimo y admirable.

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