Computer Integrated Manufacturing

In this class, we learn about many aspects of how engineering is an aspect of big businesses and just how much computer-aided machinery is used in modern-day businesses. Some of the aspects we learned about were Milling, FDM, automated coding, and robotics overall. In this class some of the biggest takeaways were learning to code on a basic level, creating a 3D puzzle, and finally CADing a factory in order to better understand the Industrial process.

The image on the right is the final product of our CNC code being put to use and my design was of a handicap parking tag and used it as a gift for one of my favorite teachers as a Christmas present as every time I had taken one of her classes up until this point she had been injured or some kind of surgery.

This link is to a YouTube video explanation of my CNC 3D project which was a Computer Aided Design of a parking puzzle where the person attempting to solve it needs to get each vehicle out of the puzzle one by one

This picture on the left is an example of one week of notes in our engineering notebook. The specific activity detailed on the left was from a class assignment we did with folding origami balloons and a reflection of the assignment. We also had notes from the week for our upcoming test.