Portrait of a Seeker

by David Weimer

A book review first posted to Amazon in 2014

Epic, intimate and challenging

A sprawling and unkempt jigsaw puzzle of biographical narrative, email correspondence, poetry, fiction and scrapbook photos, this book is pretty much what its cover image and title suggest: a vividly impressionistic sketch of one fellow's search for an ultimate answer beyond mere conviction or belief. That those puzzle pieces are presented largely unassembled can be either a pro or a con, depending on whether you prefer things nice and structured or loosey-goosey. Either way, there is a rewarding journey to be found here. Outwardly, it's a journey that covers residence in the US and abroad and back again, an impressive range of vocations and avocations, and a most touching intercontinental love story spanning well over half the author's life. But for the discerning reader, the deepest value that may emerge here is the portrait of how an exacting and relentless pursuit of capital-t truth can guide one through the labyrinth of one's "story" and find genuine resolution beyond it.