
Thank you for visiting my Reflections & Ponderings site.  What you'll find here, via links both below and in the contents panel to the left, are informal short essays and even shorter musings on the topics that interest me most, including: 

Consciousness, ontology, and metaphysics:

Objections to physicalism

A critique of Bernardo Kastrup's idealism

Some critical thoughts on reincarnation

Two naturalistic afterlife possibilities

The Big Bang of Now


Addicted to Seeking

The Collapse of Reflexive Self-Identity

Cognitive development vs. spiritual awakening

Intelligence and Psychology:

What the fear of death is really about

Cognitive complexity as an aspect of intelligence

Cognitive development vs. spiritual awakening

Intelligence Trap book review


The worst "arguments" against suicide

Suicide pros & cons (negotiations with one's conscience)

Wanting to not be

Suicide and Liberation

In addition, there are several book and movie reviews that have been posted elsewhere over the years, as well as links to my annotated seeker film list and a blogsite where, so far, there are just two pieces (both somewhat critical): one on astrology and another on NDEs.  (Note that those are both displayed vertically, one after the other, on the same page; the NDE piece is below the astrology one.)

I've also recently added a few pieces of my lighter writing:  Some playful old work emails and My old craigslist anti-personals personals ad.  And, while not particularly humorous, I can't think of a better place to introduce my piece Bidets are vastly overrated.

Finally, for those intrepid few whose curiosity has brought them here, and who may be curious to know a little more about me, there's My transformative encounters with suicide, which is more personal than any of the other pieces on this site, while also tying together a lot of the category themes listed above.

I welcome thoughtful correspondence at the email address linked in the copyright notice below.